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Pilot Chatter (Part 2)

Posted on Mon May 11th, 2020 @ 11:02pm by Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress'
Edited on on Mon May 11th, 2020 @ 11:05pm

1,241 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Pilots Lounge

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Simple" Rinka replied. "He wouldn't stand a chance against me, you're still a damn fine pilot Twintails. But you've got a long way before you hit the same lever myself or Trigger are at!" Rinka laughed.

Silica crossed her arms and pouted. "Fine..." she said. She looked at Takeshi. "So, want to do this? We'll use Shuttlecraft on our next training mission"

A smirk crossed Takeshi's face, as it had been a long time since he'd had a good challenge.

And now the continuation...

"I think you girls are getting in way over your head." He said. "They didn't call me the Black Lightning for nothing. I'm down for a battle if that's what you so desire. I don't ever walk away from a challenge, and when I leave you licking your tracks, I'll wipe that smug grin off your face!"

Rinka crossed her arms and leant back slightly. "Well, you should be know that Twintails here isn't what you'd expect. In the air she's a deadly little thing, what else would you expect straight out of Academy's Red Squad"

"Rinka..." Silica said getting slightly embarrassed. "Stop making it bigger than it already is.."

"Maybe so," Takeshi admitted, having never been a part of Red Squad in the academy. "But I bet neither of you ladies was a notorious pass racer in Japan before Starfleet. You'd be surprised at how much of a formidable threat Myogi's grip king and former NightKids Leader is in the air. And I mean Mount Myogi in Gunma, by the way, not the Federation Starship named after it."

Rinka simply laughed. "I think we're going to get along just fine. Welcome to pilots country, you should get around to meeting Trigger. He's the lead man on the airwing" she explained.

Bobbie Sue heard the conversation in the lounge and was curious, so she walked in. She went to the replicator to grab a glass of vegetable juice. Listening to the three talk gave her more insight into the new Air Boss.

Trigman entered the area as he did every morning; he had his Cup of the Stronest Tea one could put in a cup without it melting; a perminant stain on the inside that no amount of scrubbing could get clean; and his wife Lily had tried at length before resigning herself his cup would remain 'stained' and he would not accept a new one. Pilots had traditions and this place was like all the others, a place to ease the hours of waiting.

He noticed his Second Officer who also was the respected position of Air Boss talking to two of the pilots; the Girls Twin Tails and Sharpshooter; two of Trigman's 'Stand Out pilots that he knew and interacted with regularly. Then he noticed the Lady of all Pilots and moved his way towards Bobbie Sue. He liked her as she was a breath of Fresh air, a good person to talk with. He stopped at her table with a grin.

"Good Day Bobbie Sue, mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Not at all. Have a seat," she said. Bobbie Sure nodded to the others. "The new Air Boss. Have you met him?"

"Nah, he is getting settle with his Big Job first and now to know the pilots he will be issuing the Parking Slots." He took the seat. "I figure we will cross paths eventually as he gets settled. Beside having those two in close proximity is enough for one man to handle." He joked as he over heard his name being used and a challenge from an Air Boss shuttle Jockey calling himself Black Lightning. "Bobbie Sue you ever hear of a shuttle acting like a fighter?"

"Sure. When it blows up," she joked.

Trigman could not control the laugh that followed.

"It wasn't that funny," Bobbie Sue said. "Besides, we don't know how he modified it." Although she did think he was exaggerating a bit.

Unknown to Trigman and Bobbie Sue, Takeshi had overheard bits and pieces of their conversation while he was talking to Hayami and Silica, and his street racer pride instinct had kicked in.

"Excuse me for one second." He told the two pilots he had been chatting with.

Takeshi got up and walked over to the table where Bobbie Sue and Trigman were sitting.

"Is there a problem over here?" He asked sternly.

"Not at all," Bobbie Sue replied calmly. "Just sharing a joke. Why do you ask?"

Rinka held back as she watched the events unfold. "You know..." she said to him crossing her arms. "You're in pilot country right now. You might be the Air Boss, but we pilots report to Trigger..." she stated simply. "Not meaning to be rude or anything, but he is our Wing Commander" she told him with a slight smile. "Plus, pilots remember everything"

Trigman offered a handshake. "By the way I am Nicolas Trigman, but they call me Trigger, the Wing Commander in question."

"Takeshi Nakazato." Takeshi replied, accepting the handshake. "But my friends call me Zack."

Takeshi then turned to Bobbie Sue.

"Bobcat, I was hoping that, as a fellow racer, you'd be able to put one and two together, but allow me to spell it out for you:" He said. "When a racer hears somebody talking smack about him behind his back, its considered a jab at his pride, and its his obligation to defend that pride. Perhaps if you two are unconvinced at my skill, maybe you'd feel better riding along with me when we go out. As far as I'm aware, shuttlecraft have room for more than just the pilot."

Rinka smirked at the comment to Bobcat. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Air Boss. She'll show you up so bad you'll ground yourself in the TIC for a month. Plus, a shuttle can't handle like a fighter or a ground vehicle"

"It's not your flying ability I question," Bobbie Sue replied, a twinkle in her eye. "It's the boast that you can fly a shuttle like a fighter. They aren't built the same and they don't have the same power and maneuverability, regardless of your abilities. And that's from a fellow racer." A Type 10 came close, though.

A smirk crossed Takeshi's face.

"You know, I used to think like-minded with ground cars." He said. "More specifically that no ground car could match the power and maneuverability of my AWD GT-R, especially not the AE86 I wound up losing to. But since that race, I've learned to never take anything at face value, and that insight has carried over to air vehicles. You may think that a shuttlecraft is like an AE86 and that they don't stack up to a fighter as if its some high and mighty GT-R, but when the jack-of-all-trades shows up your god machine, perhaps you'll be humbled in a similar way I was back in Haruna."

"Saying you can fly a shuttle like a fighter is like teaching a turtle to dance ballet. Turtles have neither the grace nor agility. Or, using racing, it's like riding a BMX in a motocross. You can be the best BMX racer, but your bike is simply no match."

Takeshi sighed.

"Well, this is clearly going nowhere." He muttered.

To Bobbie Sue, it said a lot about Takeshi as a pilot and a person, but she wasn't going to respond.

To be continued...


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