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Informal Debriefing

Posted on Sun May 3rd, 2020 @ 5:55am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

1,885 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Officer's Mess

With the Tokyo now back under its own power and progressing nicely at Warp Speed back towards Federation Space. Taiga could relax a little easy. Many of the ships systems were now back online, however a few of the secondary systems still needed to be brought repaired. The Virus had finally been defeated by the ships Engineering and Medical teams.

Taiga sat in the officer's mess. It was fairly empty as many of the crew had returned to their duty stations, but also many had visited sickbay for the 'all clear' from the medical staff. She hadn't touched her food as she stared out of the large windows at the stars zooming by.

"Not good enough for you?" Ryuuji asked as he approached her. Taiga looked up at her partners face and smiled. She had been too busy to think about Ryuuji, however she had missed him.

"Not at all" Taiga said. "I'm just trying to think about what occured, why would the Cardassians engineer such a virus. It was almost like it was specifically engineered for Federation Starships" she explained. She made a mental note to have the Intelligence department look into it, and no doubt that Starfleet Command will also be looking into the situation when they recieved her report.

"Mind if I join you?" Ryuuji asked. Taiga shook her head. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to her.

The swoosh of the door opening signaled a new arrival as Takeshi strode into the mess hall, having not eaten anything since his downtime, he was quite hungry.

"Tofu, fried." He ordered at the replicator. In a moment, a savory plate of tofu sat in the replicator chamber. He removed the plate and ordered a beverage to wash it down: "Tea, Darjeeling, hot."

After taking his beverage, Takeshi made his way over to a table across the mess hall and sat down. He pulled out his personal PADD, which acted as his personal library of books, music, and thanks to a subscription app, his favorite pre-wwiii anime. He began quietly streaming his classical dance music, which he referred to by its historical title of 'eurobeat' and resumed his current reading of the service manual for the Nissan Skyline GT-R R32.

For all intents and purposes, Takeshi was perfectly content ignoring Taiga and Ryuuji on the other side of the mess hall.

Alora finished moving back into her quarters after spending all her time on the Prowler with Alex. It was great having full power and computing, but it was nice to have some privacy. She walked into the lounge to see how it was faring and was surprised to see the captain and Ryuuji, and even moreso to see the new Air Boss--at least she assumed it was he. She nodded to them and went to get herself a salad.

Trigman entered in his Flight uniform; he had not been one for anything but the manditory meetings; he liked to trust more his people had their jobs down and keep his hand on the pulse of the Air Wing. The New Air Boss had arrived; Trigman knew the Dossier on him; having gotten the detail ahead of the arrivial, noticing him with the Captain it would be best to leave the man be for the moment; it is not like he and Trigman would be strangres. One Air Boss in charge of the Flight Line and the Command Officer of the Air Wing often become fast friends rather than enimies as any goodWing Commander respects the position regardless and the man is given respect as having earned it.

Lily was walking beside her husband; being the yeoman she is, she wore the Skirted uniform as did her Captain; the Trill spots showing on her lefgs and body. She was close to Nicolas; she so wished things had not gone badly after a mission and the time they had been apart; only now was Lily getting back to her 'normal' and despite her shy nature was with her husband for this debrief. Being that she is the yeoman to the Captain she could walk here with her beloved to the Officer's Mess, a rare thing but she did split off as she had to get the knot out of her and Halden to calm a bit, Tiaga's first encounter of the day set the mood often how Lily dealt with the Captain, it was best to get her morning greeting out of the way and see how her day might pan out? With a touch of the hands and a wink from Nicolas Lily moved to the Captain sitting at the table.

"Good Morning Captain." Lily said softly as is her nature. "It is good to see you Ma'am." SHe gave that shy smile with warmth she is known for.

"Morning" Taiga replied, she was in a pretty good mood considering what had happened. She indicated for both of them to join the table if they wished. "I trust you're both ok after all that crap that happened?" she asked her voice rather soft this morning.

"I-I mean wee are doing well." Lily wrung her hands as she took a seat.

"I think we survived relitively unscathed." Trigman said as he brought his own stack of pancakes with eggs and an Omelette she liked. "How are things going for you Captain?"

"Better than before" Taiga said simply. "It was a pretty crappy time to say the least".

Trigman did not look as Lily glanced his direction at the question and wrung her hands, he gently put his hand to her back casually showing affection.

"It did have a few bumps along the way. " If he could get away with it he would have taken her in his lap and let her snuggle; Trigman and Halden could sense when Lily was going down the nervous trail. "But time covers over a lot."

Taiga smiled. "We all did"

Takeshi briefly looked up from his personal PADD, curious as to the time zone the people on this ship used, for his body clock was telling him it was dinner time. However, he didn't bother to pose the question and returned to his reading.

Taiga looked over at Takeshi. "Hey, Nakazato. Are you going to join your fellow senior officers or are we not worth your time?" Taiga asked quite bluntly. She was known in the mess room for dropping the ranks a little, afterall this was her ship and she preferred to be seen as a member of the crew and not some high and mighty figure when she was around them off duty.

Takeshi looked back up from his personal PADD.

"Well, I suppose my reading can wait." He said.

Setting down his personal PADD, Takeshi proceeded to bring over his half drunk tea and half consumed tofu before pulling up his chair and bringing his personal PADD with him.

"Do you mind the music quietly?" He asked. "It helps me relax."

"An interesting choice" Taiga replied. "Old Earth music that's for sure and from Japan if I'm correct?" Taiga asked.

"Actually, it originates from Italy, though it was very popular in Japan for a time." Takeshi explained. "By the way, I couldn't help but notice you referring to the time as if it were morning."

Takeshi yawned and stretched.

"But to me, it's dinner time, and I'm probably ready to turn in for the night." He explained. "Any reason for the disparity?"

"Not particulary" Taiga said. "But stau a few more minutes, I have something to say that you need to hear..." she paused. "That we ALL need to hear" she stated making sure that others around could hear her.

Alora heard the comment and chuckled at the captain's comment about joining the senior staff. Apparently the captain was still upset with her for choosing to work with her husband on his shuttle rather than on the ship when power was out. She finished her salad and recycled it. She smiled at the senior officer's table as she walked out.

Kah'Leth strode into the place; he had a grumbling in his stomach before arriving, he was later than usual with hisexcersise routine and needed a hearty breakfast. Half dozen Earth style eggs, the half pound of replicated baccon with some flapjack things and the sweet liquid covering and his mug of Blackest coffee. It would get him through lunch at least.

The tray was prepared and he sought seating; he wanted to be more Social and needed a brave person as most saw a Two meter Klingon as intimidating, he went to a table and took a seat; not having a lot of time before shift as a Doctor's task is never done.

Taiga stood up with a glass in her hand. "Attention everyone" she said simply as she looked around the officers mess. "I know it's been a hard few days and we're all mentally and physically drained. I understand it's been difficult and stressful, but as the Captain of this ship. I want to thank you all for your hard work and dedication. We're en route to the nearest starbase where we will have some shoreleave" she explained to them. "As for now, please raise your glass or drink to those who are no longer with us" she said. She referred to the crew lost on The Cassadra and some of their own who had been lost on the first boarding team.

Kah'Leth raised his glass and toast in Klingon for their souls.

Takeshi hadn't been around for the early part of the mission, so he raised his cup of Darjeeling instead for the friends he had made over the past three years aboard the Myogi that he had lost when he transferred to the Tokyo, toasting in Japanese to their honor.

Soren walked into the mess, paused slightly at the gathering of officers, and continued. He walked to the replicator to get his food and went directly to a table far from everyone else. It was like being in prison, but not. Surrounded by people he didn't want to interact with and some he could careless about, save for a small few, all the while trying to his own business. He wasn't about to go out and make conversation. However, he wouldn't turn away company either.

Taiga sat back down after making her little speech. She had spotted Alora enter the room earlier. She couldn't help but wonder what was going through her XO's head. She didn't need an invitation to come and sit with them, Taiga always made it clear that she was always welcome even if they had had their disagreements.

"Maybe she just doesn't like me..." Taiga thought to herself as she toyed with her food. Anyone could tell that she was deep in thought about something that was weighing on her mind. All Taiga could think about was how the situation could have been much worse and how she was going to explain all this in a report to Starfleet Intelligence.

Posting By

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Air Boss

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Chief Intelligence Officer/Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Deck Crew Officer


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