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Curing the ship (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Mar 28th, 2020 @ 2:35pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Sakura Kano & Commander Alora Knight & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Edited on on Sat Mar 28th, 2020 @ 2:36pm

1,467 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark

The sudden appearance of Lieutenant Nakazato had taken several people, including Taiga off guard. Engineering however was where the ship was being run from since the Bridge had lost power.

Luckily a few systems had been repaired including ship communications. Taiga paced Engineering, they had a plan to essentially heat up the ship to kill off the virus that Alora and Alex had determined had infected the ships systems. Now it was all a matter of getting it done

Alora walked into engineering. She, Alex, and Kah'Leth had at least identified what had infected the crew and the gel packs. The solution wasn't quite so simple. "Hello," she said.

Taiga turned to her officers. She wasn't too impressed at how Alora had walked off the bridge earlier without a word, but she would deal with that later.

"It seems as if you three have a solution?" she asked simply. She looked over to Lieutenant Nakazato. "This is Lieutenant Nakazato. He was sent by Starfleet in a shuttle with supplies and equipment to help us. It seems that someone picked up our distress calls" she explained introducing the lieutenant. She passed the Lieutenant's PADD to Alora. "Here's the shuttle inventory of supplies, can we make use of any of these?"

"Hi," Alora said to the new arrival. She took the PADD and looked through it. "Yes. We can definitely use these. Thanks."

"It's a pleasure to not be greeted at the end of a phaser." Takeshi responded. "I'm sorry it's not more: Nobody else volunteered, and we were constrained to a single shuttlecraft because I was the only one."

Taiga looked over at the new Lieutenant, trus she had held a phaser at him on his first arrival; however in her defense she didn't know who he was and for all she knew he may have been an imposter.

"So, what have you got?" she asked cutting straight to the point.

"We've isolated the problem. The doctor can better explain the details," Alora replied.

"The analyzer has taken the samples at present and cross referencing the base line samples."Kah'Leth stated firmly. "From the initial readings I can conclude it is a viral strain that add a chemical agent adding hyrogens to the blood stream of the affected crew and the biochemical bonding of the gel-pack causing a chemical reaction of higher temperatures through negative chemical reaction." He explained and looked around for a second. "It is causing a fever in the crew and fever like symptoms in the Gel packs." He added . "Due to the accelerated fever symptoms from the infections have sparked hallucinations in the people. The severity of the infection has affected the Primitive Brain in the medulla oblongata which controls aggression in varios levels. And the viral aspects of this was somehow introduced to the bio-chemical agents of the Gel pack... " He look to the people around him. "They caught a cold."

Taiga stared at the doctor for a few moments after his explanation. She wasn't by any means a doctor or science officer, so most of that made no sense to her. "So..." she said. "You're saying that my ship has basically got a cold which is causing all these problems, and this virus had basically made us all see strange things that aren't there. My next question doctor, how do we cure this? Give the damn ship some warm milk with honey and tell it to rest for a few days? Because I don't think that's going to work"

"I think a simple regiment of anti-viral dugs for the crew with a light saline solution to help even the chemical reaction in the brain will cool the fevers and anti-inflammatory solution to lower the swelling from the fever and guide primal brain back towards the Primary brain we all use normally." Kah'Leth looked to the captain. "I would say break the fever of the Gel Packs, and if that does not work then I believe it is an allergy to it's Captain and some anti-histamine will cure that little problem." Kah'Leth hated Captains that make fun of his medical recommendations.

Taiga narrowed her eyes at the doctor. "Listen" she said simply. "If you have a solution, I need you to get to work on it immediately" she told him. "The longer we're stuck here the longer we are at risk of being discovered by the Cardassians, may I remind you all what they do to their prisoners" Taiga explained to them all simply. "How do we cure ourselves and the ship doctor?"

"You break a fever by dumping patient in cold water, so send some cold water flush of the Gel Pack with Cephalexin should cool the packs temperature and the medicine would fight the viral infection. A penicillin directive that in a 250MG does per crew member will aid in fighting the same infection in the people mix in the saline solution and anti-inflammatory and isoflurane as a mild sedative to calm the personnel in a hypo should work on the crew."

Taiga thought over what the doctor had said. "How long will this be ready to adminster?" she asked simply.

The gel packs will take the time; there are a lot of them; personnel could be incoulated in half a shift; we do have a lot of people and only so many Medical replicators for the mix; then administering it takes time. Ship and crew I estimate 9-10 hours to complete Captain; if people are willing and not having to chase them down Captain." Kah'Leth answered. "I would hope to be faster but the Gel Packs will have to be the bulk of the replication time as it is in mass quantities for a ship this size."

Taiga looked at the doctor, then to the other officers. "Well, what are we waiting for. Lets get started. The sooner we get this over with the better" she said simply. "As for the gel-packs, start with the ones that control the command and power processor units so we can bring back ship computer functions" she explained. "Then at least we'll have some control of the ship"

"You know that I am a Doctor, not an Engineer, I have no idea how many pack you need?" Kah'Leth said. "Do you want the crew able to repair the ship and run it or have a ship ready? I might need to inoculate your Engineering staff first for the priority list of things?"

"I suggest we get them all as soon as we can," Alora said. "We don't know if the gel packs will get contaminated again if we don't. I suggest we find a system to sweep the ship from stem to stern, then treat the crew."

"If I may also suggest something:" Takeshi spoke up. "I was reading up on the schematics of this type of vessel before I arrived, and it may behoove us if we clean up the Tactical Information Center and prepare it for possible use as a secondary bridge in case we can't get the main bridge back online."

Sakura emerged from the side of the group. "Thats possible. If its only the gel-packs that need this, then we can have the TIC up and running in about an hour" she explained. "Of course, that means sending a team to stabilise the power conduitson that deck"

Taiga nodded. She looked over at Alora. "Commander. Can you lead that team to repair those gel packs? If we can get ship control back from there, we can at least get some sort of control back"

Alora nodded. "Lieutenant Takeshi, if you will join me? I'll need two or three more to help."

"I'll join you too," Sakura said. "I'm sure that Engineering can handle things without me for a little while. Plus I can help you get those systems back online" she explained. She looked at Alora. "We can isolate the TIC from the main power grid, it has it's own power source for emergency reasons. Once we isolate and repair the gel packs with the doctor's cure, we can boot up the systems safely without risk of re-infection" Sakura explained.

Alora nodded. "We'll need ops as well."

Ensign Hensley from the Operations department stepped up. The young woman had been working down in Engineering since the ship had lost power. "I volunteer. I can't get hold of the chief, so I might as well help where I can"

Taiga turned to Alora and nodded. "You have a team. Meanwhile, I'm sure that our doctor can round up a few people and start curing the crew" she said simply. "Set all of your comm badges to a local frequency, then we can keep in contact"

Alora nodded. "All right. Let's go." She turned and headed to the TIC.

To be continued...


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