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Curing the ship (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Mar 28th, 2020 @ 2:36pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Sakura Kano & Commander Alora Knight & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Edited on on Sat Mar 28th, 2020 @ 2:37pm

1,317 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Engineering

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Taiga turned to Alora and nodded. "You have a team. Meanwhile, I'm sure that our doctor can round up a few people and start curing the crew" she said simply. "Set all of your comm badges to a local frequency, then we can keep in contact"

Alora nodded. "All right. Let's go." She turned and headed to the TIC.

And now the continuation...

[Sick Bay, soon after]

Kah'Leth had a lot of work to do; a multitude of tasks all requiring production of 'the cure' in various forms; the mix for the Gel packs would be the easiest to manufacture; half the components of the Crew inoculations; he would have to break it into three sections; in essence, the production of cure for the Packs; the crew inoculations and then the team administering the cure to the crew. The Gel Packs were issued to Damage control personnel and operations teams.

"Have all labs in full productions." Kah'Leth heavily suggested in his tone. "The wounded come first in both care and cure administering. "I want the initial production wave in short order and out to the Engineering and OPS personnel as they have a heavy work load." He moved to his office. "I want ten percent of crew serim in dart form; there might be resistance and those cases especially in need of the cure. I am replicating a launcher for each medical team; the lead will have it and decide when needed." "Now let's get to it , we have a crew to care for and make well."

[Tactical Information Center]

The TIC was dark, many of its systems were offline. Sakura didn't waste any time as she crossed the darkened room and popped open one the main relays. "I'm going to isolate the TIC's power systems" she said simply. She pulled out several of the relays and using her hyperspanner switched them into an isolating state.

"Right" she said as she pulled a hypospray from her pocket. "I'll inject the gel-packs" she explained. The once blue Gel-Packs were grey and lifeless. Sakura injected them with the formula. Once they had been injected and brought back online the consoles around the room began to come to life and the room's lighting flickered on. It was like watching the entire room start to power up again.

"We've got power back" Sakura said with a smile. "It looks like the doctor's hypo worked" she moved over to one of the engineering consoles. "I'll divert power allocation to the Operations console. I'll link in the warp power into the EPS conduits so we can initiate the charge"

Alora was running diagnostics and repairing damaged power junctions as she found them to allow the others to do the more specialized work. "So far all looks well."

The master console on the TIC had control of power allocation at the moment; Hensley sat in the chair with her fingers flashing across the control surface. Calling up the initial charge to build from the reactor that would need a full minute to have the charge to send through the Gel Pack connected systems. The power needed for this would be along the lines of a static charge through the Gel Pack to thus warm them at a steady pack and bring about a breaking of the 'fever-like' symptoms infecting the whole network.

While the charge began to build Hensley began the routing of the charge; each and every pathway needed to have a share of the charge from the initial charge with the power arc's dwindle being used to maintain the heat of electrical charge; which falls more under Thermal dynamics as electricity is just a heat exchange in the most lay-man type terms. It explains why one gets an electrical burn when shocked electricity. But she did need ot assure that all the packs; and in that if she got her projected 91%; her best estimates, that would leave a daunting but relitiely small clean up job of manually injecting a cure specific to the Gel Packs.

The charge reached the desired static combustion level and Hensley 'engaged' the connections to 'heat' the Gel Packs; running like a hot spear through the ship and monitoring the heat levels, an estimated 11% of the packs ; due to wear and tear, would naturally burst of cease function. Simple R&R of those pack was trivial. The temperature of the Gel Packs rose in a sharp arc; she had allowed for some extra charge to shock things a little as the Gel Packs were not new and saw normal functional levels since the last maintenance routines.

The whole process was surprisingly short compared to what it would have been by raising the temperature of the ship as a whole. The charge was rapidly dwindling and heat levels dropping closer and closer to operational levels. As the heat build up disapated she noted the faint hints of system green lights coming back on line; the TIC was a fully green board which meant from the time that the plan started to now the TIC packs had recieved the cure allowing Hensley to accurately monitor the progression.

As expected 79.97% of the packs were coming to green status; 12 % of the packs went dark with no response so her estimates of burst packs was a little shy of the mark and 8.03% had not gotten the charge and will need to have the cure dispensed to them.

But the ship systems were coming back on line.

Alora monitored the progress, pleased with the success so far. "Now, tag those gel packs that are still infected. Let's get them before they reinfect the others."

"I'll get my teams on it now. As for the crew, we'll have to let the doctor deal with them" Sakura explained simply as she moved to another control panel.

=A= Aisaka to Tau'Ri. We've got systems coming back online, that electrical charge seems to have worked. I'm transfering the command controls to the TIC from Engineering. I'll join you shortly =A= Taiga's voice said over the now functioning comm system.

"Affirmative," Alora added. She already knew which systems were working as she'd been running the diagnostic programs.

A few moments later, the doors swished open to the TIC from the Turbolift shaft. It seemed like they were working again. "Report" she asked.

"There's nothing new to report yet," Alora replied. "A team is heading out to get the gel packs that are still infected, except for the ones on the bridge. I thought you were going to take care of those."

Taiga grinned. "Oh, I am" she said as she approached Alora and looked around. "I want you to get the ship moving..." she looked over at Sakura who nodded to acknowledge that the ships engines would be online soon.

"As soon as we have engine power. Set a course for the closest Federation base. Proceed at best speed, the less time we spend in the Demilitirized zone the better" she said. "Meanwhile, I'll lead a team and get our bridge back online" she explained. At least from the TIC they could get the Tokyo moving again.

Alora nodded in agreement.

With that, Taiga walked back into the turbolift heading up towards deck two. With the bridge offline, the turbolift to the bridge would have been automatically shut down too. She would have to climb up to the bridge to bring it back online. Her plan was simple, to get the Gel-Packs back online and restore bridge functions. It wasn't going to be easy, but at least the ship would get moving again.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer - Vision in Taiga's Mind

Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato
Air Boss

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
SWORD Team Leader

Lieutenant Sakura Kano
Chief Engineer


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