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The Nightmare Begins (part 1)

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2019 @ 4:55am by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Lieutenant JG Diego Nunez

1,085 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark


With the SWORD team back on board safely and the data from the Cassandra's computer's now safely stored in the Tokyo's computers. Taiga was happy to be heading back to Federation space, leaving nothing behind but a debris field where the old ship had once drifted.

Taiga sat in her command chair watching the viewscreen, the stars zooming by. All of a sudden the ship shook and a few sparks erupted form the side of the helm console. The stars became erratic on the screen as the Tokyo was thrown from warp speed, and the internal dampners also failed causing everyone to be thrown forward.

Diego grabbed the sides of his console, just managing to stay in his chair. He looked over at the Bajoran next to him in concern. "Did you get hurt?" he asked, ready to call another Ops officer to take a look at the console.

Taiga rubbed her head as she looked up from the deck. "What the hell happened?!" she asked as she sat up.

Diego shook his head, reading his console. "I'm not sure, captain. There are power fluctuations all over the place."

"Massive spike on the main power grid." Engineering Officer Casandra Middleton reported from a secondary panel. "Some kind of massive discharge but no real sign of where the build up came from Captain. "She checked her console as the secondary systems and main power grid was flashing like lights on a Christmas tree.

"Someone give me an answer I understand. Why are we caught up here?!" Taiga asked. She was no engineer, and she didn't want to be caught red handed in the demilitarised zone.

"Engineering to Bridge" the distressed voice of the ships engineer Lieutenant Sakura Kano's voice said. "We've lost engine power. We're showimg several failures in the bio-neural gel-packs shipwide..." the sound of it turning to static before cutting off signalled that the comm system had crashed out too.

Diego's hands flew over his controls. "I have the power stabilized to most vital systems for the moment, but sesnors are offline." He looked over his shoulder and told the captain, "We're flying blind out here."

A sharp pain erupted from Taigas forehead. Her hand instantly shot to it. She pulled it away to discover that her own blood now dripped between her fingers. She must have been cut when she impacted the floor.

She looked over to Alora. "Have all decks report in" she said calmly as she took a deep breath. "Have medical and security teams check each section for injured then secure all systems" she ordered.

"Reports are already coming in," the first officer said. "So far, no serious injuries or damage, but many are reporting power drains and system failures." She sent messages to security and medical to organize teams and systematically search the ship. The teams were to report after completing each deck. "Teams alerted. However, I don't think we can secure all systems with the random problems we're experiencing. We can catalog them and send out repair teams, but it may or may not be successful."

Taiga nodded in response. "Thats a good point" she muttered. "Lets sort out what we can" she replied. She stood up, swayed slightly she felt a little dizzy from her head injury. She made her way around to the security console, at least she could be some help there.

Kah'Leth was on the bridge; he had come to see what was going on when he noted the Captain in her chair and looking like she had not taken the impact well. Going up to her; her needing to use the console to help her around was not a good sign.

Middleton was going over her analysis of the power fluxuations and she began to notice that the system was reacting to something reesembling a massive overload; instead of the normal heat exchange that 'cooked' teh Gel packs there was a similar reaction without the scorching heat residue.

"Sir the Main power grin is not shorting out; it is losing connections and the effects are similar to over loads. We are experiencing whole banks of command im[pulses not getting through; default analysis shows power overload as thet is the closest thing to it but in reality the command impuses are lost in the matrix and thus mimicing damage readings and non-conductivity.

The lights on the bridge began to flicker and eventually the bridge was plunged into darkness. Emergency lighting came on after a few seconds, casting the bridge crew in a eerie red light.
"Ok, something has started to cause havoc with the ships systems" Taiga said. Many of the bridge consoles were now starting to malfunction for some reason.

"We need to find a way to get this ship back under our control" she said looking at Alora, hoping for some suggestions.

"We need to ascertain what the problem is first," Alora said. "We start by rerouting power from all non-essential systems to conserve what we can while we try to lock down the cause." They might need to go to portable generators, but that, too, would depend on what was going on.

"I'm looking through the security grid now" Taiga said. "However, its not all registering... ouch my head" she said. Her head still hurt, she was trying her best to ignore it right now. She didn't want to leave her bridge, especially with the ships all going haywire. "This ship is practically brand new, yes she's a few years old now, but there's no way these systems should be breaking down yet!" she exclaimed slamming her fist down on the console. She winced in pain again, the sharp shooting pain from the cut on her head began to sting again.

"Captain, hurting yourself further will not help the situation. We're running diagnostics now. Personnel is being moved from non-essential areas to conserve power. Fighters are acting as sensors. We need science to look into any spatial anomalies that may be affecting the ship."

"Yeah yeah whatever" Taiga replied simply. She looked over at Alex at the Tactical console. "I want you to mobilize security teams throughout the ship" she ordered. "Have them escort medical personnel and assist with the movement of all non-essential personnel to sheltered areas" she said.

(To be continued...)

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Diego Nunez
Chief Operations Officer
USS Tokyo

Cassandra Middleton
Engineering Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth
Chief Medical Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo


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