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Ninety Minutes

Posted on Sun Aug 18th, 2019 @ 5:14am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Lieutenant Ceon Anaen & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant JG Diego Nunez & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Alexander "Lex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach & Lieutenant JG Kurt "Lem" Lemansky

1,791 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: USS Tokyo Bridge & USS Cassandra

Taiga returned to the bridge of the Tokyo. She looked back at Alex. "You've got ninety minutes" she said simply. "Get over there and get what we need. I am blasting that ship into as many pieces as we can in ninety minutes. Then we'll be hightailing it out of here as fast as we can" she explained.

She moved over to the command area and sat down in the center chair. Pulling a PADD out of the center console she began to review its contents. She was giving them enough time to get over there via shuttle, grab the data they needed and then get back to the Tokyo.

"TIC, this is the bridge. Have the fighter squadrons still in the air run continuous patrols around the area for the next sixty minutes" Taiga ordered. "Then I want them all back aboard and docked within thirty, we'll be leaving this area in ninety minutes after our business with the Cassandra is finished" Taiga ordered.

"Bridge, this is TIC. Confirmed. Relaying orders to the flight leader now"

"Nintety Minutes?!" Alex replied with a raised brow, as if concerned or shocked, before a smile appeared and he added. "That's 89 minutes and 59 seconds more than I thought you would give me. Wasn't this supposed to be a difficult mission?" He tapped his combadge quickly and spoke in a stern tone. "Alex to Prowler. Gear up its time to work."

"Got it, Boss. I'll have everything on their best by the time you get here. Pitbull out." John replied before the com cut out.

"Be careful," Alora said quietly to Alex. They still had that promised honeymoon.

"Every time, but fate may have different plans, so I'll promise to adapt like I always do." Alex replied to Alora, keeping to his smile, before walking toward the turbolift. "Just keep the light on for us."

"Always," she said. "And if you don't come back in that ninety minutes, I'm coming after you."

Diego was at the Ops console, ready for anything. He had had his department stall on the upgrades to the computer core for a bit. He didn't want anything to happen during the middle of the upgrade.

[Patrol Area]

Trigman had his sensors primed and his attention on the mission; while the sensory board was not his most important aspect as he had all teh fighters in the sky, he did wonder if things were going to end as smooth as things appeared right now?

He checked all the fighters placement; keeping to the patrol pattern was the best assurance hat nothing got past them to attack the ship.

Bobbie Sue wasn't sure why the fighters were scrambled, except as additional eyes in the sky, but any chance to get out and fly was fine by her. "I'm here, Trig."

Silica received the orders and pulled into formation alongside Trigman. "Silica here. Received and understood" she said to Trigman.



Alex stepped on board of the Prowler and took his usual position. "Are we ready to launch?"

"Pre-flight is 5 by 5." Lex replied.

"Launch." Alex said firmly. "And try not to hit the fighters on our way out."

"I make no promises." Lex replied with a smirk. He tapped on the console as he began to raise the runabout from the ground. =A="Prowler to Tokyo. We are ready to launch. Keep the food warm and the candle in the windows burning."

"Tokyo here. Acknowledged" Taiga responded. "Good luck out there". Her voice was fairly stern as usual, but seemed to hold a rather strange caring tone for once.

The Prowler began its departure, first moving slowly out of the shuttlebay and through the force field, then picking up speed towards the starship itself. As they made their approach, each section remained vigilant and prepared to act on a moments notice.

As they came to a stop in front of the ship, Alex rose from his seat, and walked over to Dutch's console. "Any chance you can do this without us needing to go on board?"

"I'm trying, Boss. A lot of interference and firewalls from this distance." Dutch replied, tapping away at the console. "The codes Intel provided will give us access but only when placed in manually."

"Great... " Jazz replied as she approached, her hands on her hips, taking a position by Alex. "I hate EVA suits."

"Get used to it." Alex said as he walked away. "There is no way I am stepping on board that thing without one." He tapped on a nearby console and looked over to Jazz with a smile. "You could always stay behind."

Jazz shook her head and immediately laughed at the idea, putting her hand on Dutch's shoulder, while still keeping one hand on her hip. "Oh no... and let you have all the fun. Who else is gonna back you up over there?"

The team on the Prowler looked at each other before raising their hands one by one, minus Lex.

"Oh shut up." Jazz said as she walked away. "You guys know what I meant."

Alex laughed softly before tapping on the console by his seat. "Prowler to Tokyo, we're preparing to board. We'll maintain an opened com-link as we proceed. Please stand-by." He tapped the button again and proceed to the back room. "Lex? Begin dock protocol with the Starship. Make sure the decontamination system is active. I don't want us bringing anything back with us."

"Roger Dodger." Lex gave a quick mock salute as he tapped on his console.

Alex, Jazz, and Lem proceeded to the prep room. Putting on their EVA suits and grabbing their weapons of choice for the mission at hand. It was a short walk to their destination once they made it inside, and the first away mission seemed to show no hostiles, but there was no reason to stay comfortable. Alex always wanted them to be prepared for anything even if it was simple as a recon or intel gathering mission. Not to mention, this was SWORD's first mission as a unit on the Tokyo and he wanted zero room for error.

Once the three reached the docking port, Alex tapped his combadge, and spoke in his firm tone. "Prowler to Tokyo: Proceeding inside. From here on in the comm will remain opened."

"Tokyo here," Alora said. "I'll be listening. Godspeed."

"Alright. Lem, you take the rear. Jazz and I will take point. We'll escort you to the Intel data cache and then, from there, you can use the codes we have to free-up the full database. Once opened, Dutch will link up, and begin the transfer. On his word, we'll make our way back here." Alex said firmly before adding. "Questions?"

"What about the other thing?" Jazz asked curiously.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Alex replied before tapping the button on the side of the airlock door to open it. "And that's the last I want to say anything about it. Got it?"

"Got it. Waiting to cross the bridge." Jazz looked to Lem and shrugged before proceeding forward.

The team moved quickly, but not too quickly, through the corridors of the ship. Remaining in the formation of the two in the front and Lem in the rear, stopping every once and a while to clear adjoined corridors and rooms where the doors were somehow still opened. Once they reached the door to their destination, Alex placed a decide on it, and tapped his combadge.

"SWORD to Tokyo. We are outside the Intel data cache. Door appears to be sealed. We are going to use our hand actuator to gain access to the door. Please stand by." Alex said before taking a hold of the device. "Give me a hand, Jazz."

Both Alex and Jazz pulled against the flat surface of the door until the divide between them opened enough to get their hands in. From there it was just using force to get the rest of the door to open wide enough to get them through.

"Looks like there is still power in here." Jazz said looking inside.

"Not surprised." Alex said firmly. "Rooms like this were designed to shut down all access points to it but remain active long enough for a team to come in and gather the intel for processing and analysis. Even if the rest of the ship were to run out, this room will continue on a separate power source, until that dies. However, the power source is only good for a limited time so there is usually a window between when the alert is triggered to when the power runs out and then the database is lost." He looked to Jazz and gesture to her to move forward and clear the room.

Jazz stepped in, phaser rifle drawn, and proceeded to sweep the room. Looking back and forth, checking every corner and blocked zone, before giving Alex the signal to come inside. She gave the room another visual once over before taking a position by the console.

Alex walked into the room, followed by Lem, both making their way to the console they needed. Lem got to work, following Dutch's instructions to the letter. "Tokyo, we are proceeding to the console. The room looks to be a bit of a mess. There are some bodies on the floor. I will have Jazz take a sample from one of the bodies, as well as, a tricorder read out. Maybe one, or both, will provide us with some answers."

Taiga responded. "Good idea Commander" she replied simply. "Gathering evidence will allow us to establish what happened to the crew over there. Once you have those samples make sure to run them to the Tokyo's sickbay for analysis" she explained. "Bridge to Sickbay, the SWORD team will be bringing back some samples from the deceased crew of the Cassandra. I want you to prepare to begin analysing them" Taiga ordered.

"Commander. Once the team are back on board, and all of our fighters are accounted for. Destroy that ship, then set course at Full Speed back to Federation Space" Taiga said. She turned on a heel and walked over towards her ready room. "They still have some time, I'll be in here should you need me"

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commandin Officer

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Trigman
Flight Leader

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer / SWORD Team Leader

Lieutenant Alexander "Lex" Knight

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey

Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach

Lieutenant JG Kurt "Lem" Lemansky

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko

Lieutenant Bobbie-Sue Hunter
Squadron Leader


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