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The Nightmare Begins (part 2)

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2019 @ 4:59am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant JG Diego Nunez

688 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark



"Yeah yeah whatever" Taiga replied simply. She looked over at Alex at the Tactical console. "I want you to mobilize security teams throughout the ship" she ordered. "Have them escort medical personnel and assist with the movement of all non-essential personnel to sheltered areas" she said.


Alora raised an eyebrow. If her input was so inconsequential, then why was she wasting her time here? She went back to coordinating activities.

Alex looked over to Alora, then back to Taiga, before crossing his arms over his chest. "No." He said firmly. "In fact, since you're so comfortable looking through the security grid and doing everyone else's job, why don't you do it yourself? Why don't you escort all those people, who are not a threat to anyone at this moment, and walk them over to every nearby sheltered area yourself." He finally took a step forward, dropping the attitude but sticking to his firm tone. "Or... you can let us all do our jobs since you're clearly compromised. Science should use long range sensors and info we've collected from the ship to determine where the connection between what happened to them and whats happening to us, as the XO suggested. Medical has that sample I pulled which may give us some answers or help them come up with a way to slow whatever this is down. Right now, Security teams are not necessary to escort anyone anywhere. All Non-essential personnel should be moved to sheltered areas by two or three officers at most to maintain crowd control. The rest should remain in secured areas. I don't know if you noticed, but all these issues make us a vulnerable target and we may have to defend ourselves by anyone who may think this new Starship may hold some profitable treasures."

The room fell deathly silent. Taiga turned around to face Alex. She simply stared at him, not saying a word, her fists were clenched. She stood there staring at him with her hazel eyes. "Get. Off. Of. My. Bridge" she said simply to Alex. "Now". She moved down slowly towards the command area of the bridge and glared at him. She didn't want him there, she didn't need this kind of trouble on the bridge when they were in such a situation.

"Alex," Alora said quietly. "With power failing across the ship, she wants to consolidate it to key areas where we have crew so we can focus what power we do have where it's needed."

Then Alora turned to the captain, inclined her head, and walked off the bridge to personally check on the power issues.

Taiga's eyes narrowed as she looked around the bridge. Her crew was starting to fall apart around her. How could a Federation Starship turn out like this? How could it resort to this? How could a crew start to turn on one another so easily?

She couldn't get it out of her mind. She needed some time to think. "Lieutenant Nunez" Taiga said suddenly rather loudly. "You're the only senior officer left here. The bridge is yours. If anyone has anything of importance to report, I'll be in there!" she explained indicating to the ready room door.

She strode off muttering a few choice words under her breath purely out of frustration. The doors didn't open when she got there. She reached out and the panel didn't work, Taiga eventually resorted to smacking it with her boot, thus loosening the mechanism and the doors swished open. She stepped inside to get away from it all.

Diego watched this all with wide eyes. He knew that HE had a temper, as did most of his family, but these people put him to shame. When they all had walked--or stormed in the case of the captain--off to their different tasks, he turned back to the front. "Estan locos", he said to himself. (Translation: They're crazy.)

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

LtJG Diego Nunez
Chief Operations Officer
USS Tokyo


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