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Filling the Gap--temporarily

Posted on Thu Nov 15th, 2018 @ 10:07am by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

993 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark


Taiga walked into her ready room followed by Alora. Once the door had shut behind them Taiga wandered over to the replicator. She replicated two cups of herbal tea and passed one to Alora.

"Well Commander" she said simply. "This is the first time I've had a senior officer attempt to murder another". She took a sip of her tea. "I'm not going to lie, but I'm pretty clueless of how to proceed from here, therefore I need your guidance on this matter" she explained.

"At some point, we need to talk to T'Shenn and find out why she attacked Dillinger," Alora said. "She'll need a psychological evaluation and a medical checkup. In the meantime, you need someone to take temporary command of security. You may think I'm biased, but my husband would do a good job."

Taiga raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Wait. You got married? How did I miss something like that?" She asked. "And I'm guessing you're talking about mister Knight?"

"Yes, I'm talking about Alex. We got married on the starbase. We wanted a simple ceremony with just his team."

"I can see where he might be useful in a security role" she said. "Although swapping his black for a gold uniform is his decision in the end".

She tapped her comm badge. "Lieutenant Commander Knight. Report to the Captains ready room" she said simply. With that said she made her way around to the other side of her desk and sat down.

Alex stood outside The Prowler when he heard the call come over the comlink. He put down the tool and tapped the combadge they gave him. "On my way." He tossed the tool to Dutch and smirked. "Finish the job, D."

"You sure you don't need backup?" Dutch asked with a smirk.

Alex took put on his long coat and smiled as he turned back to Dutch. "Not necessary. Just a friendly chat." He turned back to face the door and started walking. "Besides. If I need backup I'd bring the best team member I have."

"John should be in the lounge, Boss."

Alex turned to face Dutch and replied. "I was referring to the dog." He gave a wink before turning back around.

"That's cold, Boss." Dutch laughed as Alex left the shuttlebay.

After some time, Alex was already on the bridge. He gave the bridge crew a friendly nod before talking over tot he door leading to the Ready Room. He tapped the chime and waited patiently.

"Come in" came the voice of Taiga.

Alex walked into the office and smiled at Alora before nodding his head to Taiga. He finally took as seat on the other side of the desk, opposite the Captain.

"Commander" Taiga started. "I am unsure if you have heard about the recent events in the briefing room. However Lieutenant T'Shenn has been relieved of duty and due to the sensitivity of our current mission this ship needs a chief of security" she paused "Commander... Knight has recommended you for the position. I am also willing to allow your team to assist in security duties" she explained.

"The position is yours should you want it"

He let out a bit of a smile, hearing Alora being referred to as Commander Knight before nodding his head. "I assure you Captain, I am a good choice. Your XO can tell you, and it is on record, that I served as the Chief of Security on the Niagara before stepping down and creating the SWORD team. Both myself, and my team, are ready to serve you and this ship." Alex paused slightly before adding. "However, I do have some questions and possible conditions if you don't mind."

Alora remained quiet. She was clearly biased in this, and it was Alex' decision. But she could easily back up what he said, and offer her support.

"And those are" Taiga asked.

"I guess the more important question should come first." Alex said softly before adding. "Is this permanent or temporary?"

"At the moment, its temporary until we can get someone to fill it fully" Taiga said. "I do have the departments assistant chief, however I would like you to assist in his training" she explained.

Although no one would fill it quite like Alex, Alora admitted. But not out loud. Alex would do a very good job training the new Assistant to take over for T'Shenn.

"Alright." Alex said before adding. "In that case, I would like to continue to use our regular SWORD Uniforms. While my team and I aren't opposed to the standard Security Uniform, since they've worn it before, they would prefer the black and silver trimmed we have now. Plus I think the long coat makes me look good."

"As long as you don't overdo it" Taiga replied. She wasn't going to comment on the coat.

Alora kinda liked the way Alex looked in his coat. But that was not a comment she was going to make in front of the Captain.

"Whether its temporary or perminant, we'll do what we can and what you need while we are here." Alex said with a smile. "SWORD is at your service, Captain."

Taiga simply nodded. "Well then Commander. It seems that you have a department to catch up on. I would advise an inspection of your personnel and equipment" she looked over to Alora. "Commander Knight can help you with any departmental changes you may wish to change" she added with a slight grin.

"I'll go over the department personnel with him," Alora replied. She smiled at Alex. "Then you can decide what you want to do."

"Very well" Taiga said. "If there isn't anything else; Dismissed

Alora held out her hand to Alex and the two of them walked out of the Ready Room.


Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
SWORD Leader
Acting Chief Security Officer


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