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Taking Stock (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Oct 16th, 2018 @ 7:03am by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Tue Oct 16th, 2018 @ 7:15am

1,126 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks



"Does anyone have anything they wish to bring up" She asked looking directly at Alora. "Of course, you can all speak freely. Mistakes might happen, but if you learn from them then I don't really care..." she was still looking at Alora. "Alora?"


"Are you asking for something specific?" Alora asked.

Taiga just smiled. "Well, you seemed to know more about the Terrans than anyone on the ship. Not to mention you're boyfriend is from their universe..."

"My fiance is from that universe, yes. He works for the Rebel Alliance. His job was to take down some of the leaders of the Terran Empire. He and his team were instrumental in protecting us from the other Dillinger and for getting us out of null space. You should also check sickbay. They rescued a Federation officer that was kidnapped and taken to the Terran Empire. His name is Lex Knight and he's the mirror of my Alex." She paused for a moment before continuing. "When I first met him, he was on the USS Niagara, where he was an adjunct member of the crew. Look it up." Alora met Taiga's gaze coldly. "And I don't like your insinuations. Should I bring up your own actions, captain? Did you know that the other captain was using you to get out of null space? That once we were out, she was going to turn on you and take this ship? That you preferred to believe her to your own first officer? Or should I resign now and file a formal complaint to Starfleet?"

Taiga just looked at her. She was obviously not impressed with the sudden snap back from the Commander.

"She has a point." Soren replied. "If the other universe were that bad, in your eyes, why would you set up an alliance with them? And, from what I understand it, this Alex guy helped us out. Even going as far as putting a hurting on the other me, which already makes him a good guy in my book, so he can't be that bad. Besides, didn't you let him contribute because the First Officer knew them already? What changed, aside from, having what she said was going to happen with the other you actually happen?"

T'Shenn lifted an eyebrow. "If you're worried about this person, we could set up surveillance on him. I could get some of my Security team to keep an eye on him if you wish."

"That's a great way to show the guy who helped get our ship back that we don't trust him." Soren sarcastically responded to T'Shenn. "While we're at it lets strip him down to his underwear and walk around like that so we know he isn't carrying a weapon at all times?" He looked over to T'Shenn and winked before shaking his head, letting out a sigh to signify his joking was over. "I get it, the guy is from the same people who stabbed us in the back, but he didn't. He was with us the whole time, and from the only person here who has history with him, he's not a bad guy. Plus, he was part of a Starfleet ship already, so there has to be a record of him somewhere if we look. All I am saying is why not give him a pass since he did help us and offer him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, he was more help than this guy." He gestured to T'Shenn. "And she is the one responsible for our safety." He added a smirk before winking at T'Shenn and adding. "Just saying."

"I'm not worried about him," Alora said. "I'm worried FOR him. He's missing. His ship disappeared when we exited the void."

T'Shenn narrowed at her eyes at Soren."I was making a suggestion Lieutenant. And while you may not have seen what I was doing, I was trying to save the ship, just as much as the rest of you. You may not know it, but when the Terrans stabbed us in the back, my counterpart took a disruptor blast meant for me. She died trying to save this ship with honor. Which seems you know little about." She looked to the Captain then down at her PADD. "Is it any wonder why I did not trust the Lieutenant when he first arrived?" T'Shenn said under her breath. She looked at the Captain and said, "I do not know his actions, Captain. I merely suggested what can be done, as opposed to what will be done. Make the choice as you will."

"While your counterpart died in, what I imagine, was a big and dramatic fashion, the rest of use weren't so lucky. Some of us nearly dead and some actually did die, but a least the guy was in the front lines trying to help us out with no thought of what he could get out of it. As far as I know, a decision was never made on whether he was sticking around or not. So, before we decided what to do with him, let's find him as just a thank you for saving our butts?"

T'Shenn rolled her eyes. "I find it strange that I get attacked for my suggestion while others were debating this to begin with. A thank you as you put it is in order. Unless you were a Vulcan then you don't thank Logic. But that is not my point. Jumping down my throat for using words like IF and COULD as opposed to DON'T and MUST. Could it be, Lieutenant that you are speciest. Or you just don't like me because I don't take orders from you when I do take them from the Captain and Exec because they have earned my trust and respect?"

"I don't like you because you tried to stab me once I got here. It has nothing to do with your species. Do you normally reach this far to get people on your side or does it take effort?" Soren shook his head slightly before letting out a sigh. "Lady, you're a security officer and I'm a former criminal? I will never earn your respect, which is fine by me, because clearly its not necessary to get by on this ship with it."

"Enough!" Alora said, loud enough to be heard. "Alex and the Prowler were going to stay here, but they disappeared as we exited the void." She turned to the Captain. "Request permission to search for him before we get too far away."

(To be continued...)

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Soren "Speedy" Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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