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The Search

Posted on Sun Apr 5th, 2015 @ 9:12am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer

607 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Freighter

The Tokyo sat in space, tractor beam locked on the freighter. Taiga stood with her arms crossed on the bridge waiting for news. The ship was going to be searched thoroughly, and hopefully they would find something. Why else would a civilian frieghter be trying to smuggle past the border.

"Commander Takasu. Have all fighters maintain their patrols" Taiga said. "This could be the one we're looking for, but we should be aware just incase".
"Aye sir" Takasu said in response his fingers flying across his console to send out the message.

[Freighter Bridge]

As Jennifer, and the team accompanying her materialized, weapons were instantly drawn by just about everyone in the room. She held her pistol aimed at the Commander of the ship in short time.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jennifer said simply. "I don't miss."

The Commander hesitated for a moment, before finally lowering his weapon. "Fine..." He said with annoyance in his voice. "Get it over with!"

"Begin searching the ship, deck by deck." Jennifer ordered. "If anyone offers resistance, stun them."

"Aye sir" several of the security officers said as they pulled out their tricorders.

[Cargo Pod 1]

Ensign Shimada stood next to what looked like a Federation cargo crate. After unlocking the lock and opening the crate she began to scan the inside of the crate.
=A= Ensign Shimada to Commander Daxer. I've found something =A= She reported over the comm system.

=A= on my way.=A= Came Jen's voice. She made sure the Bridge was secured, and headed towards the cargo area.

"Commander over here" she said waving to get Jennifer's attention. She pulled out several black boxes and then clicked them open. Inside each box were starfleet imitation phaser rifles. "These are fake" Shimada said as she took one out of the box and looked it over then passed it to Jennifer. "Its got an unstable power core, plus its set to kill there's no stun setting" she explained.

Jennifer looked the weapon over, noting a few other minor tweaks."Not exactly standard issue." She said, then handed it back. "Catalog the weapons."

[Cargo Pod 2]

Lieutenant Rhian was leading the team in Cargo Pod 2. After searching through several crates the team found yet more illegal substances.
=A= Commander Daxer. We've found several crates of Promazine which is mainly used to torture and execute people. Its highly illegal anywhere in Federation Space =A= Rhian reported.

=A= Catalog everything, and cross reference it with the ship's reported cargo. =A=

[USS Tokyo Bridge]

Taiga was monitoring the teams from the bridge. The open comm channels had made her aware of what some of the teams were finding aboard the ship.
"Takasu. Recall all of our fighter squadrons. I think we've found our mystery smuggler" she ordered.

"Yes sir" Ryuuji said as he tapped on the console to send out the command. Taiga opened a link directly to Jennifer's comm badge.
"Commander. Arrest the entire crew and confine them to the Tokyo's Brig. We're seizing that ship, bring the captain to the breifing room once you return to the Tokyo" Taiga ordered.

=A= Understood, Captain. =A= Came Jen's disembodied voice.

[Freighter Bridge]

Jennifer tapped her COMM badge again as she headed back towards the Bridge. =A= Daxer to all teams, take the crew into custody. =A=

As the Starfleet Security officers began to round up the crew, several of the freighters crew were determined to announce their opinions on being arrested. Safe to say the security officers soon had the entire of the freighters crew assembled in the transporter room and ready to beam back to the Tokyo.

To be continued...


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