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A new Duty

Posted on Sat Mar 28th, 2015 @ 11:30am by Lieutenant John Stayus

312 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Starfleet Academy
Timeline: Current

John stood at attention as the class graduation completed. Smiling as the ritual came to an end, he turned to walk away. It had taken twelve long years, but he had done it. Looking down, he proudly wore the ensigns ensignia on his chest. On his hip was a leather case that held several small tools. One of them was a hypospanner and another was a hand held plasma torch. Even when he wasn't on duty, he kept both of those handy. One could even be used as a weapon.

At the small of his back lay another leather case with a hypo and several antidotes and a few pain medications, a muscle relaxer and an antihistimine. It did help that he was a fully qualified health professional. He could have been a surgeon but didn't think he could spend another five years at the academy and not self medicate.

"Lieutenant!" A man called as he started to make way to his rooms to pack. He ignored the call, someone else would surely answer that. "Lieutenant Stayus!" John turned at mention of his last name. A young petty officer was walking briskly up to him.

"I don't know where you got your information Petty Officer, but I'm only an ensign."

"Not anymore sir," the man said handing John a padd. "The USS Ronald Reagan is picking you up in an hour for your first assignment. The Commander has asked that your rank be upped for his chief position." John stared dumbfounded at the padd. Everything was true, including his new Security Clearance. As a department head he would know everything he needed, and the clearance was just below a commanding officers. And an old friend of his mother's was giving him a ride.

"Tell Captain Filipowitz that I'll be with him shortly, I just have a couple things to pack."


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