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Heading that way

Posted on Mon Apr 6th, 2015 @ 12:32am by Lieutenant John Stayus

309 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: USS Ronald Reagan
Timeline: Backpost

It had been a couple days, John was finally on his way to his first duty post. Captain Filipowitz had even informed him where his ship was based, the Neutral Zone. It wasn't a normal shakedown, but at least it was out with the stars. Taking the time to read over the specs of the Tokyo, he began to wonder how he had even gotten the position in the first place.

"Someone put your name up for it John," Stephen said. The two had been on a first name basis since boyhood, and John was more than happy to see his old friend. "I tried to grab you myself but my roster is pretty packed."

"Yea and we both know how us working together always goes down. We'd be at each other a throats on every little thing. Not something that would boost morale in the ship."

Laughing they continued the last meal that they would be sharing as they got closer to the Tokyo. "Hey, when your back in my sector of space why don't you see if you can stop by and we can take leave together."

"Sounds like a plan. When the captain gives the go ahead, all my stuff will be ready for transport. Say hi to mom for me when you see her again."

"I will, she asks about you all the time and was there for your graduation."

"I asked you not to come, it'd taken far too long for me to make it."

"John," the captain said putting a hand on his shoulder and smiling. "I've known your mother since the womb, and you since you were born. I was going to be proud of you no matter what. That's what family is, it's proud. I'm sure you'll be back in my sector soon, when you are we'll spend some time together."


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