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Checking In for a Check Up

Posted on Sun Jun 25th, 2017 @ 8:23am by Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Fri Feb 2nd, 2018 @ 11:05am

487 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Sickbay


Alora Tau'Ri was doing as much as she could to get familiar with the Tokyo and its crew. She spent a good part of her day going through crew records, but that was not the same as actually meeting the people. Since she also needed to get a medical evaluation, one of her first stops was sickbay.

She walked in, looking around for the doctor.

Alex had sent the nurse on her break so when he heard the door open. Stepping out from the stockroom where they were still finishing some invetory checks, he smiled at the newcomer. "Can I help you Ma'am?" he asked, noticing the pips on her collar.

"I am the new First Officer," Alora said. "I am in need of a physical, if you have the time."

"I certainly do Commander. How recent was your transfer?" Alex asked, "I've not seen any recent records transferred into our system so I may have to pull them from Starfleet Medical."

"I received my orders within the last 24 hours," Alora admitted. "I've spent several months at Starfleet Command."

"I will have to request them from Fleet then. In the meanwhile however, I can work from a standard genetic baseline. He glanced her over. "Orion/Vulcan. Interesting if somewhat rare mix." he remarked. "Anything in particular I should be aware of medically while I scan?"

"You should be aware that, although I'm more Vulcan than Orion in my physiology, I do have a mild form of the Orion pheromones. My Vulcan training keeps them in check."

Alex nodded. He wasn't aware of any special reason the blocker wouldn't work but he'd have to review her file when he had a chance. "I'm sure this is in your file but any specific reason you chose meditation over the standard issue blocker?"

"Because the blocker makes me ill and the meditation works," Alora said simply. "So, it is logical to go with what works."

"That is an acceptable reason, though you would be the first I've heard of who could control their hormonal output, it's usually something outside conscious control." He motioned to a bio bed, "If you could take a seat Commander, we will begin the scans. I trust you have been near any Borg recently?"

"No, I haven't," Alora replied. "And I have been told that the output of my Orion hormones is insufficient to cause uncontrollable reactions. At least I have never had a problem with it. I am generally left alone, which I find preferable."

Alex nodded. "As long as Starfleet medical is aware and I don't hear any complaints from the crew, I'll let it slide."

"Thank you," Alora said, nodding.

The doctor continued to scan for a couple more minutes. "You're healthy and fit for duty. Welcome aboard, commander."

"Thank you," Alora said, slipping off the biobed. "See you around."


Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Alex Walker
Chief Medical Officer


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