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Third time lucky

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2015 @ 8:08am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Captain Leo Fox

824 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Expeditious expectations
Location: Bridge/Various

The turbolift doors opened and Taiga closely followed by Ryuuji. Today was the day that the USS Tokyo was going to launch for the third time. The new experimental starship was the second of the class to be built and had run into a few problems. However now they had all been rectified (or so Starfleet says so).

Striding over to the center of the bridge Taiga stood infront of the command chair. She crossed her arms, looked left then right at the bridge staff. The ships chronometer ticked over to 07:00 hours and Taiga let out a smile.
"Clear all moorings. Clear our departure with traffic control, and take us out" Taiga ordered as she sat down in the chair.

T'Shenn nodded. "Clearing moorings, traffic control wishes us a safe journey and setting course. One quarter impulse until far enough away then maximum warp once we've cleared spacedock." She hit several buttons on her console.

Leo was in battle-ready uniform of marine camo,badge,sidearm. He was sitting in one of the side chairs near the 'captain's chair' for guests and other sr staff. "Fixed the glitch with our equipment commander. You'll be happy to know if someone beams over cloaked or just having a cloaking devices the sensors will pick it up. I have teams ready and able to roam the halls as soon as we enter neutral zone space. Those teams have a device on their belts that will go off if it picks up a personal cloak within 10 meters. That's the plan B in case internal sensors fail."

"Good to know" Taiga said. "I doubt we'll be boarded, but who knows in the Neutral Zone".

Having been part of the group that made the modifications to the sensors, Jennifer stood quietly at the Tactical station. It was good to know that she was able to bluff her way through the sensor modifications. Maybe it meant her cover would be easy to keep. She ran a few checks on her own systems, before finally speaking up. "Tactical systems are at your disposal, Commander." She said simply.

Taiga smiled. It was nice to finally see the Tokyo ready to go.
"Ok" she said.

"We are cleared for departure" Takasu said from the operations console.

"Take us out Lieutenant T'Shenn" Taiga ordered.

T'Shenn nodded. "Setting course. Engaging at maximum warp."

Leo sat quietly just watching everything, occasionally tapping a button on his PADD. Thinking up new training scenarios for the troops.

The Tokyo slid smoothly out from under the spacedock, turned slightly and then jumped to warp with a flash. Taiga sat in the command chair drumming her fingers on the arm. She knew it would take a while to get to where they wanted to go.

"Ok, I'll be in my ready room. Let me know if anything happens" she said.

Leo got up from the chair and walked around the bridge, going to a station that the background is a form of military camo, obviously the marine station. He skimmed through new regulations, orders, and anything he should pass down to the troops.

T'Shenn tapped several buttons keeping an eye on space traffic.

Jennifer moved from her station to sit in the center chair. If there was any kind of combat, she could get to her station quick enough.

[Several Hours Later]

"Bridge to Commander Aisaka. We're approaching the Neutral Zone area" Ryuuji reported from the Operations station. The doors to the ready room swished open and Taiga strode out onto the bridge.

The Tokyo slowed down and stopped on the edge of the Neutral Zone. She stood in front of the view screen staring out at space.

"Launch the fighters" she ordered. "Each fighter wing will patrol one sector each, stopping and searching any civilian ships for illegal items. The Tokyo will also search this sector, therefore we can cover five sectors at the same time" she explained.

As the Commander stepped out of her ready room, Jennifer moved back to the Tactical station to run another quick check on her own systems. She puased for a moment at Taiga's order. While it was an effective method of cutting down the overall scan times, it was seriously spreading them thin, and putting the fighters at increased risk, should the Romulans decide to attack. Unlike earlier, she would simply observe for now, and report to her superiors later.

"Orders acknowledged." Jen finally said. "Fighters will be in space in under one minute."

Leo watched the fighters watch on the viewscreen. He tapped a couple buttons on a little forearm computer thing, setting the troops to stay alert instead of relaxed.

John walked onto the bridge. Was waist deep in beginning paperwork. He glanced around,taking notice that no one on the bridge has been in sickbay yet.

T'Shenn leaned forward a bit watching things. She would want K'Eltora to die in battle, but she was still nervous about this.

To be continued...


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