Where are we? [Part 2]
Posted on Sat Mar 8th, 2025 @ 8:04am by Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D. & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant JG Connor Carey & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji
1,965 words; about a 10 minute read
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)- Various
Timeline: Immediately after Part 1
Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:
The captain nodded in response. "Look, Jen." She said as she took a step forward and placed a single hand on Jen's arm. "We don't know where we are right now. We've just been pulled through the Iconian Gateway and the ship took a direct blast from the Auto Destruct of the Elachi Nursery." She looked around the bridge for a moment. "I need you to understand that right now, we have bigger fish to fry. We need to repair the Tokyo and find out where we are. Once we are more secure than your information can be shared at a briefing. Right now, its all about survival here."
Taiga then motioned over towards the Security and Tactical Console. "If it can wait a few hours, we could use the Tokyo's security systems being brought back online..."
"An Iconian gateway... This day just gets better and better." Jen said with a sigh, as she put yet another piece of the puzzle together in her head. "Fine. I'll see what I can do."
And now... the continuation!
[Cargo Bay 4]
Once the rumbling had finally subsided, a deathly silence settled over the cargo bay; one-by-one, the two crews began to pick themselves up off the ground and assess the damages.
"Is eveveryone okay?!" Chisato called out.
"I got a splitting headache and my boots are crusted in puke, but otherwise everything's A-OK over here," Mizuki grumbled as she adjusted her hair.
"And I did not need to know that," Takina sighed.
Nezuko gave a thumbs-up to Chisato but then pointed up to the ceiling. A quick signal to say that was leaving to go up to the bridge. She left the cargo bay and hoofed it to the nearest functional lift to deck 1. She would get to the bridge first.
Talia got to her feet from where she'd been tossed during the rough journey, fortunately she was no worse for wear. She needed to be where she could get answers about what was going on, and where her husband was, and that was the bridge.
"I'll be on the bridge if anyone wants me" She headed out of the cargo bay before anyone could voice an argument, she wasn't about to be stopped now.
"Best go on ahead, Commander," Takina suggested as Talia disappeared from view. "Mizuki and I can handle it from here."
Chisato glanced over her shoulder. "You sure, Takina-Chan?"
"It's not like anyone's asking us to perform open heart surgery," Mizuki assured her. "You're likely going to be needed on the bridge right now, so you go and tend to that first."
Chisato nodded in understanding. "Good luck, you two; once we have a better idea of what's going on, we'll reconvene for an Intel briefing."
And with a swift turn of the heel, she was off, heading in the direction from which Nezuko and Talia had disappeared.
"Wait up, Commander!" Chiyo called out as she followed after Chisato.
Yoshika took the opportunity. "Ok, lets get these injured to sickbay!" she called out. She tapped her comm badge. "Miyafuji to Sickbay. I'm bringing Captain Nakamura and Doctor Hinamori to sickbay. The others we'll send to your triage areas."
"Understood, We'll be ready" Eli replied over the comms.
Arriving on the bridge a few minutes later, after a quick stop at her quarters for a new uniform, Talia headed straight over to Taiga. She was hoping to see Thomas sitting in his seat, but her hopes were dashed yet again. "Captain, what happened? is there any news of Commander Johnson?"
"Nothing of yet..." Taiga said simply. "And we took a direct hit from the Elachi Base's Auto-Destruct. Right now we don't know where we are..."
Talia nodded she knew now wasn't the time to try to get further answers about Thomas, she was a Senior Officer and as such she had to act like it. "Understood Captain, what can I do to help?"
"If you're feeling upto it. Sickbay is going to need some help. Not only did we beam aboard those we released from the Nursery, but we have our own injured too. It's likely they're going to need help." Taiga said simply.
Talia nodded. "I can do that." She offered a polite nod before turning to head back off the bridge. She paused long enough to give Nezuko a worried look before she headed for Sickbay.
Nezuko nodded back sombrely as she effected repairs. Casualties…and Commander Johnson apparently missing. Not good.
The doors to the turbolift snapped open and Chisato stepped out onto the bridge, exchanging a quick nod with Talia before making her way over to the engineering console where Taiga was working.
"Captain, I got here as soon as I could; what's the status of the..."
her voice trailed off as she shifted her gaze over to the viewscreen, and the strange, alien landscape that lay beyond.
"Oh... I don't think that's supposed to be like that..." she gasped.
Taiga looked up from the Engineering console which she was stood at conducting repairs. "Nope. It most definitely is not supposed to be like that." She said without looking at Chisato.
"Commander, now that you're here. We need all hands conducting repairs to the ships primary systems." Taiga said waving a hand to Chisato to start repairing something.
"Uh... yes, of course," Chisato replied as the initial shock wore off and she returned to her senses. "Where do you need me, Captain?"
"Pick something thats broken and start there!" Taiga replied sharply.
Chisato shrugged before turning and making her way over to Nezuko.
"Hey, uh... is there anything I may be able to assist with, Lieutenant?" She whispered. "All this computer wizardry isn't exactly my strong suit..."
Nezuko had been working on repairing a burned out console, but an assistant in the form of Chisato was perfect. She could work on the software side of the console while Chisato handled hardware. She pointed to where there was obviously live power and then to some nodes that had gone dark and handed Chisato a spanner.
"Alright, then, let's see what I can do here..." Chisato muttered as she got down on her hands and knees and began tinkering with the nodes that Nezuko had indicated.
As Lieutenant Yuvek saw several crew members coming back onto the Bridge, he became concerned about the fact that they had beamed over numerous individuals onto the ship just moments before being pulled into the Gateway. There was no way to know for certain if any of the other crew members had been compromised.
"Ma'am, I think it would be wise to have the Medical Team keep the returning crew members within the Cargo bay until it can be confirmed that none of them are compromised or pose any threat to the ship." He said.
"We still don't know just what the Elachi did to all of the crew members while they were held hostage." He added.
"Only the ones cleared to be here are here," Taiga replied. "The others are being filtered through sickbay. Plus, we could use our bridge officers back." She quickly changed the subject. "How's the engines?"
Lieutenant Yuvek gave a quick run through of his diagnostic report. Damage control teams had been dispatched to repair the engines that sustained damage immediately following the Elachi base's self-destruction.
"We have maneuvering thrusters and impulse engines." He reported. "But warp engines are offline for the foreseeable future until Engineering can get them back into working order following the base explosion." The Cardassian said.
"However, whether we run fast or slow, we are in the middle of a completely different galaxy. We have no place to run to" He added with a sour tone.
At this moment, Chiyo finally arrived on the bridge, having missed the turbolift that Chisato took, she had to wait for the turbolift to come back down.
"Commander:" Chiyo panted. "When I say wait up, wait up, damnit... I'm not as young as I used to be..."
"Eek! I'm sorry-!" Chisato squawked, putting up her hands defensively.
It was at this point that Chiyo finally noticed the situation on the viewscreen:
"What the hell?" She asked.
"That about sums it up Major." Taiga said as she approached the Marine. "We don't know where we are, our systems are damaged and we have wounded aboard. I need you and your marines to do a deck by deck search of the ship. I want a manual headcount and damage report within the hour." Taiga ordered. She looked over at Chisato. "And since you're not doing much, you assist her. I need to know ow where everyone is, and I need to know that now!"
"Yes, ma'am." Chiyo saluted, turning to head back towards the turbolift and tapping her combadge. =A="Shimada to all able-bodied marines: I want a deck-by-deck sweep and a manual headcount taken. Enter personal quarters, if you have to."=A=
"I'd best get going, Lieutenant," Chisato sighed before turning to join Chiyo in the turbolift. "Catch you later?"
Nezuko nodded and permitted a slight smile. She signed a quick thank-you and took her spanner back.
Just then a loud SNAP! was heard where Daxer had her hands inside the tactical console trying to repair it, followed by her yelling out. "OW! Dammit!" As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she yanked her hands out bringing a damaged EPS conduit with them. "Well, that looks broken. I think I'll just borrow a science console for now."
Daxer closed the panel, and moved to one of the science stations. "Shields are fried, and so are most of the aft weapons." She said, as she switched the console to display tactical controls. "The rest of the defensive systems appear to be working fine, so I can at least shoot something, if it's in front of us."
"I may be able to reroute some through adjacent systems... it will take a little time Captain. I've been working on weapons systems since I was 12, on my fathers ships. This shouldn't be hard." Connor replied.
"Do what you can." Taiga said with a sigh. She looked around the bridge and at the mess it had become. "This ship sure puts up with a lot of punishment..." she said to herself. "Report to me once we have more systems online. I'll be in there." She thumbed to her ready room door.
"Never said I enjoyed it." Connor replied, it was mandatory for him, for quality time together he would for him into the ships systems to adjust targeting array. He soon had panels off, "Daxer... those panels over there, let me know when they light up..."
Posting by (In order of Appearance):
Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Lieutenant, Junior Grade Connor Carey
Chief Security Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Jenifer Daxer
Mission Advisor
Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer/Third Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara
Intelligence Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Lieutenant Takina Inoue
Intelligence Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Lieutenant, Junior Grade Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commanding Officer/Second Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Petty Officer, First Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Nurse, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Lieutenant Eli Ellis, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)