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Where Are We? [Part 1]

Posted on Sat Mar 8th, 2025 @ 6:47am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant JG Connor Carey
Edited on on Sat Mar 8th, 2025 @ 8:09am

907 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Andromeda
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)- Bridge, Deck 1
Timeline: Immediately After "Fifteen Minutes [Part 4]"

The Tokyo drifted in a strange space after being pulled through the Iconian Gateway. The Omega logo still showed on the ships monitors locking out all of the ships controls as it continued to drift aimlessly.


Taiga tapped frantically on the Operations console. However with the damage that the ship had taken, it wasn't accepting her commands. "Damn it!" she cursed aloud as she drove her fist into its surface. She wasn't impressed as she knew that she was the only one who could unlock the Tokyo's computer, and only then could they find out where they were and what the hell happened.

"Can anyone access anything?" Taiga asked around the bridge. "Anything at all?"

Getting up and dusting himself off. "Systems coming online now. The only thing that's coming up is something to do with an Omega protocol." Connor had heard about rumors surrounding it. "Captains eyes only."

Lt. Yuvek listened carefully, but all he heard was unsettling silence. Normally, the Bridge had a certain "hum" circulating as the bridge consoles communicated with one another and the panels quietly processed the various power flow requirements.

But, he did not hear any of that. The Bridge carried a ominous hue as only the emergency lights were active. Beyond the emergency light system, the Bridge consoles contained an Omega emblem that read "Captain's eyes only". He could tell by the reaction on the Captain's face that she was familiar with the sign.

Taiga sighed, this was typical of the Omega Directive. It was designed to lock out all the ships systems until the ships Captain and only ships Captain attended to the 'Omega Protocol'. However with damaged systems it was proving to be more difficult than normal. The ship was essentially a sitting duck and drifting in likely enemy space until Taiga could get through to the computer.

She walked away from the Operations console and made her way to one of the Engineering stations. It seemed to be less damaged. When she tried accessing the message, it accessed her for a clearance protocol. Taiga typed in her command codes and the bridge unlocked, as well as the other systems across the ship.

"We have control back." Taiga said simply. She looked over at Jased. "Bring us to a full stop and hold position. Have the away teams checked over and send me a report on their well being as soon as you have it." she said to him. "I have some stuff I need to do in my ready room."

With systems back up. "Uhm Captain... If I am reading this correctly... and I hope I am wrong... we're not in the milky way galaxy anymore... sensors indicate, we are now in the Andromeda galaxy." Connor replied. "Lt. Yuvek, my systems may be compromised. Care to check things on your end."

Lt. Yuvek's brows furrowed briefly as the Captain entered a set command as the Bridge consoles became active again. Obviously there was a connection between the Omega emblem and the consoles being disabled. But what did any of that have to do with an Iconian Gateway, Jasad thought as he turned back to his console and tried to regain control of the ship's maneuvering thrusters.

Turning back over his shoulder he looked back towards Lt. Connor. "Your systems are accurate, we are in the Andromeda galaxy, roughly. . .2,500,000 light years from the Federation." Lt. Yuvek said, complete incredulity in his voice.

At that moment, the turbolift doors opened, and Daxer stepped out of it. When the ship rocked, she'd been thrown around inside, and now she sported a few minor bruises across the visible portions of her skin. She noticed Taiga headed towards her ready room, and approached the door with her.

"Taiga, I need to talk to you, like.. right now." She said just low enough for the shorter woman to hear. "We're in a lot more trouble than we originally thought."

Taiga turned. "I'm a little busy right now." she stated in response. "Can it wait?"

Jen glanced up at the view screen, noting that they obviously were not where they were supposed to be, before looking back at Taiga. "I guess that depends on what happened, before I got to the bridge." The Vulcan woman finally said. "It directly involves the Elachi, and it's pretty damned important, to say the least."

The captain nodded in response. "Look, Jen." She said as she took a step forward and placed a single hand on Jen's arm. "We don't know where we are right now. We've just been pulled through the Iconian Gateway and the ship took a direct blast from the Auto Destruct of the Elachi Nursery." She looked around the bridge for a moment. "I need you to understand that right now, we have bigger fish to fry. We need to repair the Tokyo and find out where we are. Once we are more secure than your information can be shared at a briefing. Right now, its all about survival here."

Taiga then motioned over towards the Security and Tactical Console. "If it can wait a few hours, we could use the Tokyo's security systems being brought back online..."

"An Iconian gateway... This day just gets better and better." Jen said with a sigh, as she put yet another piece of the puzzle together in her head. "Fine. I'll see what I can do."

To Be Continued...


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