Lazers eyes and fire breath
Posted on Sat Mar 8th, 2025 @ 8:40am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson
Edited on on Sat Mar 8th, 2025 @ 8:42am
1,469 words; about a 7 minute read
Location: Inside Dyson sphere Andromeda Galaxy
Timeline: Current
Thomas was pacing in the room, boredom was getting the better of him. "Hey Jeff... its rude to leave a guest with nothing to do... come on... lets have a game of catch." Truth be told, it would be better than this pacing. But perhaps he could get some information out of him as well.
The doors opened and there floated the Herald. "What is it you want?" It demanded simply.
"Im bored can you come out to play?" Thomas asked in a childish manner. "I still have the ball if you want to play kick the ball instead of catch."
"Heralds do not 'play'," Jeff said simply.
"Well then any further information... does not come from a commander, first officer of the USS Tokyo, one of starfleets most dangerous ships... if there herald does not play." Thomas replied as he bounced the ball against the wall.
Jeff floated there for a few seconds, clearly unsure what to do. "My masters have tasked me with extracting information from you." It said. "I shall 'play'. But in return you shall provide us information on your Captain Aisaka. She has been deemed a threat by the Elachi."
Smirking, he threw the ball to Jeff. "Well, she is small, but she does have sharp teeth... she didn't get to where she is without becoming a threat to those who opposed her. People underestimate her, even when they think they know just how to go about her. Which is why we won the last battle, and I hope this one as well."
Jeff caught the ball as if it was instinct. He then threw it back without so much as changing his gaze at Thomas. "What is her current status?"
"Her current status... as I am not there right now... I would say seeking revenge, pissed off. I would personally try to open dialogue before she finds you." Thomas replied catching the ball once again. Before throwing it back to Jeff.
"We are not interested in her emotional state." Jeff replied swiftly returning the ball with a quick wrist movement. "We are interested in her physical and mental capabilities as a commander."
"Lets say her current condition heightens her hormones to a degree that I am sometimes scared to cross at times. And I am on her good side. As a commanding Officer, I have no reason to doubt her as an officer, and she knows if I ever do, she would be the first one I tell, next to the Medical Officer." He caught the ball. Paused for a moment. "We wouldn't have won each time we came across you, if she was not capable."
"The Elachi have informed us that she is currently undergoing a reproduction process." Jeff stated. "Tell me Human. How can we use this to our advantage?"
"A reproduction process... Ah yes... she has been feeling ill as of late, tygarian flu... the virus reproduces like crazy." Thomas replied as he threw the ball again. "As for using it to your advantage... keeping her angry is definitely not going to be to your advantage."
The Herald caught the ball and held onto it for a moment. "That is not what we mean. She is in the process of reproducing offspring. Is this correct?" It asked. "Answer properly. Or I will destroy this 'ball' of yours."
"Oh that... Must have slipped my mind... you do know that when threatened human mothers can become the most dangerous species in all of existance right."
"Explain." Jeff said simply his grip tightening on the ball. "This information could be valuable."
"Well, they start breathing fire, laser beams can come out of their eyes, and they can make your head explode just by thinking. Reason that your still here... means she is still willing to talk."
Jeff squeezed the ball tight. It strained under the Heralds grip. "Do not take me as a fool Human. Provide a real answer. Why is Captain Aisaka dangerous in her current state. If you do not provide an answer, you shall not be provided with nutrients."
"As I said, her hormones in their state are heightened. Determination, hatred, you attacked those on the ship, those she has sworn to protect at all costs... Some were lost. Her anger is multiplied because her hormonal imbalance caused by the reproduction process. Will increase all those feelings. Trust me... I know pregnancy hormones all too well." He trailed off. "Look, you want information, we can provide it with you, as an information exchange. Where ever the Tokyo is, we can have a parlay. A delegation from your group, and a delegation from my group. We meet at a neutral location. We both get information. Does that mean we are friends no. But it can mean we understand each other a bit more. I will act as a liaison between our two people."
Jeff returned the ball. "We shall consider your request." It said simply. "The Elachi also reported that three Tokyo crewmembers were captured that were also in the process of having offspring." He said. "One of them matches your DNA and was Betazoid. One was part Vulcan and the other was fully Human." Jeff told him. "Are Humans capable of reproduction with any species? If so you pose a bigger threat to the purity of the 'Milky Way' Galaxy."
"We pose no threat... not of any species just those that are biosimilar, and sometimes even those aren't. Betazoid and humans, Vulcan and Humans, are extremely similar in DNA. There has been evidence of a common ancestor between our peoples. They called themselves the progenitors, and they apparently seeded the galaxy to populate. Many of which can't Procreate, just like myself, and a fellow crewmember, who comes from a planet with an argon atmosphere, cannot reproduce."
"Progenitors..." Jeff said taking curious interest. "Tell us about these progenitors."
"Not much, from all evidence, they are the oldest of all races of the milky way galaxy. They populated the entire galaxy with beings similar to them." He paused. Messing with Jeffs head was fun... but he was a starfleet officer. "If you want the information, all information that we can share is available to you. On the Tokyo... We share what we have, you share what you have... Go and talk to your masters..." He couldn't believe he was attempting to play diplomat. "I will talk to my people, and we both get the information we want and hopefully be on our merry way... or blow each other up afterwards... I don't care... I'm not sharing anything else... I've already shared too much."
"Contact with your people is not possible." Jeff stated simply. He held am arm up and a holographic image of a galaxy appeared in the air. "You are no longer in your galaxy. You are here." Jeff stated as a red dot blinked towards the center of the holographic image.
"Well then I guess you don't get any information." He replied. "What are the coordinates of our location."
"Coordinates are irrelevant." Jeff said. "My masters are interested in these progenitors. We may have more questions for you later." Jeff turned to leave. However stopped and turned back to Thomas. "Our research state that Humans enjoy rewards. You have gained one."
Jeff waved his hand and a window behind Thomas began to appear as if blast shutters were being opened. Outside was a strange landscape of strange looking structures that seemed to be hundreds of miles tall. Some of them with archways and moving sections. They stretched out as far as the eye could see on an inner spherical surface. High in the 'sky' was a star, which looked more black than orange.
"Well toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore." Thomas replied as he looked the structures over. "Well Jeff... I guess neither of us are getting what we want... so do what you will... I'm done playing your game. You want me to believe your masters are all powerful. But you haven't shown me how, or why... or anything that says I should believe you. Maybe give me some information. Its not like Im going anywhere."
Jeff remained still. "Gaze upon this Sphere. For my masters have constructed several of these impressive structures. Not even the people known as 'The Borg' have achieved what my masters have." He turned towards the door. "I shall return later. You shall be fed."
He floated through the door and a few seconds after it shit, a tray of food appeared on the floor of the room.
"Impressive indeed. Just think about the good they could do for a galaxy if they could do this." He walked over to the tray. "Jeff, you forgot the spoon again."
Posting by:
Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo
Herald of L'Miran