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Launch Party (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 3:54pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Edited on on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 3:55pm

1,509 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

"Of course." Sylok nodded. "Well, since there is nothing further to add, enjoy the rest of the evening. If you shall require me. You'll know where to find me."

And with a simple turn, Sylok made his way back towards the gathering of his crew.

Thomas had maintained silence, going over everything... a habit of his, going completely silence, when he was focused on something. However, Syloks interaction had concerned him. "Captain, mind if I inquire whats on Syloks mind. I am sure he wouldn't have brought it up, if it was nothing."

And now, the continuation:

[Meanwhile in Space]

The USS Kirishima had been tasked along with two other Starships to search for the USS Tokyo. The huge Odyssey Class Starship was one of the most advanced in the whole fleet.

Captain Kitamura sat on the bridge of the Kirishima as the task force approached the Karlax Nebula where the Tokyo had disappeared.

"Take us in. I want full sensor sweeps in all directions!" Kitamura ordered as the three starships made their way into the purple and pink haze of the Nebula.

'Come on Taiga. Let me find you and Ryuuji alive in here... Minori would never forgive me if you weren't...' Kitamura thought to himself as his grip tightened on the arms of his chair.

[USS Tokyo]

The 'launch party' was now in full swing. Food and drink had been set out on a long table along the back of the room, and many of the mixed crews were talking, gathering and celebrating their hard work.

The sharp sound of a spoon being clinked against a glass echoed across the room, a universal sign to get everyones attention. Everyones eyes in the room turned to look at the source of the sound. They all turned to look at Captain Aisaka.

"I thought it only best to say a few words before we continue." She said, her voice calling out across the room. She cleared her throat as she held the the glass in her hand. "When we first crashed on this planet, I had no idea how we were going to, or if we were going to ever escape. However, over the past four months we have achieved incredible things. From obtaining Borg Power Nodes to get our systems back online, to making new friends and building a way out of here."

She paused for a brief moment. "Tomorrow, we will attempt to escape this planet. We may have failed alone..." She looked around at the other crews that had joined them. "However, together I believe we will finally get back to our homes. I want to thank you all for your efforts, your sacrifices and your co-operation." She raised her glass. "To the great escape."

Sarah raised her own glass and cleared her throat. “Hear, hear! To hard work, dedication and just a bit of ingenuity!” She gave a small, somewhat uncomfortable smile at her own toast, very much regretting that she had made herself the center of attention even momentarily.”

"To the great escape," Chisato adjoined, raising her glass. "And to all the brave men and women who couldn't be here with us today, but whose sacrifices have helped to make this joint effort possible."

The rest of the surviving Redemption Militia raised their glasses. The last time they had done so in union was before hostilities commenced with the Saviors. But now, they were raising their glasses on the promises of (to the Vulcans, at least) a mad woman to get them home.

A screen on a wall was activated so Nezuko could participate from her quarters. Wearing a pretty pink dress, she sipped a replicated drink and waved or shared a quick sign or written word with anyone who cared to stop and acknowledge the Amphea on the screen. And when the toast was finished, she too raised her glass with her crewmates.

Talia raised a glass to her friend, it was a shame Nezuko couldn’t be with them in person to party. At 22 weeks pregnant Talia was showing nicely, her figure accented by the evening dress she was wearing. She smiled at Thomas as she looked towards him.

Smiling, Thomas placed a hand on her stomach, "So nonalcoholic I hope."

“Of course Imzadi” Talia smiled and nodded as she placed her hand on his.

Once the formalities had been done, the crew's returned to socialising and celebrating together.

Taiga rubbed her back, it was starting to hurt a little now.

"You OK?" Ryuuji asked upon noticing her discomfort. Taiga smiled at him endearingly.

"I'll be fine. Just getting used to carrying a little extra weight." She made her way to one of the rooms couches abd lowered herself down. "That's better..." she sighed with relief. Ryuuji joined her and placed an arm around her.

"You know, you've done a fantastic job here. You've shown everyone here just how good of a captain you are." Ryuuji told her in a whisper. "Pregnant or not, you've kept everyone on your crew and more alive and well."

Taiga blushed. "Stop it. You're embarrassing me Ryuuji!" She pouted "I did what I had to ok. That's what will be going in my report..."

Ryuuji laughed. "My report will be very different." He chuckled. "Anyways. Let's get through this together, tomorrow is a big day. For all of us."

"Indeed it is..." Taiga responded.

Thomas walked up to the Captain, glass in hand. "Congratulations Captain..." He paused as he looked around the room. "When this is all over, I do want to have a one on one with you... at your convenience of course."

"If we get out of this in one piece," Taiga replied.

"After what we have seen these past few months... I think with all of these crews working together... its not a matter of if. I was skeptical at first. Which is the subject of discussion I need to have with you."

Taiga raised an eyebrow. "Well, that should be an interesting discussion. But right now, it's important to enjoy yourself, reward yourself for a job well done." She told him with a smile.

“That’s exactly what I keep telling him Captain” Talia smiled as she caught up with Thomas and Taiga. “This is supposed to be a party I believe?”

"There you are," Thomas replied as he kissed her. "We shall talk about it later then." He replied "On other subject hows the morning sickness?"

Glinn Mossim watched from afar as the other crews carried on amongst themselves and celebrated. For the past 8 weeks the crew of the CUV Getav had worked diligently along side this mongrel crew to scrap together a space-worthy vessel known as the Tokyo.

Glinn Mossim had faithfully served as the Executive Officer ever since the ship had crashed and the surviving crew members were forced to pull together and struggle to survive on the planet. He was an Engineer at heart and saw this entire endeavor as nothing more than a technological challenge worthy of Cardassian involvement. But that's all it ever was in his eyes.

This was not a "blended crew" or whatever joyful euphemism the Human Officer preferred to use. This is simply a Means to an End as far as he and many other Cardassians onboard were concerned.

"I would recognize that look of consternation from lightyears away Tovel," Gul Symar said as she approached her Executive Officer with a glass in her hand. "This is supposed to be a celebration." She said.

"Yes ma'am, we're either celebrating our success, or merely enjoying our impending demise." Glinn Mossim replied evenly. "If this vessel does fall collapse during flight, I certainly won't shed any tears if I get to see even 1 member of that rabid crew of Klingons ripped apart." He said mirthlessly.

"Tovel, it's been eight weeks. I find it hard to believe that you still allow them to get under your skin." The Cardassian Commander replied.

"It's the smell, really, the smell is inescapable. It gets inside of your clothes and doesn't go away no matter how many sonic showers your undergo." The Executive replied. "With all of these crews working together perhaps we could come up with some form of cleaning solvent strong enough for a Klingon." he said, causing his Commander to spit up her drink while laughing.

The 'Launch Party' went on for a few more hours before the various crews started to filter out. Eventually the mess hall had become quiet as the crew prepared for their flight in the morning.

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer

Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer
'Third' Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
Chief Engineering Officet

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
USS Redemption CO.


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