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Into The Lions Den (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2024 @ 10:51pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D. & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara & Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe
Edited on on Wed Apr 3rd, 2024 @ 10:56pm

1,647 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Dana looked around the members of Alpha team. “They won’t deem any of us a threat until we start removing what we need, then we’ll become a threat.”

Nezuko would have preferred to stay absolutely quiet, but used her PADD to say something to the group. "Reports suggest that Borg have always struggled to adapt to melee attacks."

"Well then I certainly hope everyone has brushed up on their hand to hand. Also keep an eye out for anything that can be used as a weapon should the need arise. The rifles are good for one or two hits before they break."

And now the continuation...

While all that was going on, Beta Team materialized inside of large, hexagonal chamber, with conduits lining every inch of the walls and stretching up to the ceiling. The only natural light that filled the room were a series of overhead nodes, far too high up for them to reach, which radiated a sickly shade of green. The group was almost immediately hit by the sweltering humidity, likewise amplified by the arid desert air from directly outside.

"Wow... so this is what the inside of a Borg Cube looks like..." Chisato muttered as she took it all in. "Never thought I'd get to see one up close..."

"We need to access their systems quickly," Kurumi said. "Before they find us."

"Right," Chisato nodded, before shifting her attention to the rest of the group. "Alright, everyone, you know the drill; make sure you maintain line-of-sight with each other at all times, and unless I give you the go-ahead to do so, discharging your phaser is expressly prohibited!"

She glanced over at Takina as she said so, eliciting an eye roll from the brunette. "Why do I feel that last bit was targeted at me?"

"No offense, Inoue, but you don't have the best track record when it comes to maintaining a low profile," Mizuki chuckled. "How many times have you been written up by your senior officers for breaking your cover and going full-on 1980s-action-movie-body-count, now?"

"Shut up, Nakahara," Takina scowled, knowing full well that this was one of her "disciplinary issues" that had led to her being assigned under Chisato. "I'm not above shoving my foot up your ass."

"Ooh, Inoue! I didn't realize you were into those sorts of kinks~" Mizuki teased.

"Knock it off, you two," Chisato ordered, before turning her attention back to Kurumi, who at present was analyzing her tricorder readings. "About where are we in relation to the Central Plexus, Lieutenant?"

"Its not far from here," Kurumi said simply. She pointed down the Borg equivalent of a corridor. "That way, although there may be forcefields."

"Well, that's certainly going to complicate things," Chisato surmised. "Short of drawing attention to ourselves, we've really got no way of bringing down those forcefields safely..."

"We might be able to find an alternate route," Kurumi suggested simply. She tapped on her tricorder. "Borg ships aren't exactly like ours. They are built and laid out differently. There are no specific areas that we have. They don't have a bridge, sickbay, engineering etc. Its all just spread out."

"So, in essence, it's one big, nonsensical labyrinth of corridors," Mizuki lamented. "Wonderful; we're probably going to be here all day..."

"Well, look on the bright side, Mizuki-Chan," Chisato replied as the four of them set off. "This humidity ought to do wonders for our skin..."

Even for one such as Nezuko, the remaining silent was the hardest part as Alpha Team slowly and sneakily navigated the maze of the Borg ship.

"The power nodes should be just up ahead." Kisad mentioned.

Thomas glanced around. This wasn't his first forray into a borg cube, although the first time, he knew what to expect. This time... he had no idea.

Meanwhile, Beta Team was pressing on through the narrow labyrinth of corridors, their Intel uniforms already caked in a thick layer of sweat that made moving less than pleasant.

"I could use a shower right about now..." Mizuki whined. "I feel so disgusting..."

"I swear, Nakahara, if you don't quit your bitching..." Takina began, but immediately trailed off as the all-too-familiar shape of a Borg Drone rounded the corner.

"Shit!" she exclaimed, hastily pulling out her phaser.

"Easy there, Takina-Chan!" Chisato shouted, raising an arm to stop her. "We've got the bio-dampeners, remember? We're practically invisible to them!"

Takina hesitated, but eventually relented and returned her phaser to its holster.

The four of them watched with baited breath as the Borg Drone passed right by them and continued on its way, seemingly oblivious to their presence.

"...My God, that was close," Mizuki gasped once the coast was clear. "I just about crapped my pants..."

"Its a good job that Borg drones don't smell." Kurumi said simply. "I've found a way to the central plexus. Its through a section which has experienced heavy damage."

Chisato tilted her head to one side. "Damage? From what, exactly?"

Kurumi shrugged. "Maybe their coffee machine overloaded..." she said.

[USS Tokyo Bridge]

Taiga sat in her chair watching the viewscreen which was currently showing the locations of the away teams and their vitals. It was displaying everything from their locations to their vital lifesigns. "How are they doing?" She asked simply.

Talia was keeping an eye on the medical readouts. “Vitals are showing signs of stress, they’re nervous and afraid but that’s to be expected.”

"We all would be, in fact I think we're all nervous." Taiga replied. She tapped on the controls of her arm chair to change the viewscreen to enlarge their lifesign readouts.

Lt. Yuvek was manning the OPS station for the time being and as a result was tied into their comms unit. Due to the volatile nature of the mission, he had decided to keep the comms continuously open so that he could know if the situation had turned severe and either team needed to be beamed away immediately.

From the sounds of their bickering, it appeared they were still in good shape.

"Communication lines appear to be normal." Lt. Yuvek said, leaving out the colorful commentary he was hearing.

Taiga nodded. "Good, it's all going to plan so far."

[Borg Cube]

Dana motioned the way she needed Alpha Team to go. “This way, we’re almost there now.” She paused to look over the damaged cube, it was oddly quiet considering the number of Borg it would once have housed. “I don’t understand where all the drones are, you’d expect to see deceased drones in their alcoves, there’s no sign...” She was feeling more than a little spooked.

It was a good question. Nezuko suspected that the deceased drones were being cannibalized. Not a pleasant thought.

Suddenly she raised her hand to get the attention of the rest of Alpha Team and pointed to what they came for.

“That’s it” Dana nodded before motioning further down. “We also have company...” She motioned to some alcoves where Borg could seen. “They look worse for wear, but appear to be functional.”

Nezuko nodded and set to work, slowly detaching one of the nodes while other team members did the same and others still provided defense.

Tatsuo looked towards the approaching Borg drones before turning to Kisad. The two men shared a nod before turning back to the rest of Alpha Team.

"Keep working on those power nodes:" Tatsuo ordered. "We'll cover you!"

Nezuko signaled a thumbs-up and kept working. One node slipped out of its casing. She took it with her to the next one.

Movement in her peripheral vision triggered a fight-or-flight response. The drone’s flesh was practically mummified and the lubricants in its machinery were so very congealed, and together it meant the Borg gave off no scent. A rusted once-sharp appendage struck at her. She fell to the floor and moved back, but had been knocked clear of her weapon. Her claws were at the ready but she doubted they would make any meaningful damage on the tough leather this thing had for skin.

Suddenly, a jagged, yet sharp piece of metal penetrated the drone's head. The drone's cerebral machinery sparked as it malfunctioned and shut down. The drone fell as the improvised weapon was pulled from the orifice from which it had been shoved, revealing Tatsuo as the one who had struck down the drone from behind.

"You're welcome." Tatsuo replied as flatly as possible.

Breathing heavily, Nezuko nodded to him. He didn’t need to have come to her rescue, but he did. If he were truly in line with forces that wanted to take over the ship, it would probably have served him better to let her, an antagonist, get killed or assimilated, but he helped her.

She reached an arm up, a mute request to help her to her feet.

Dana was dealing with another drone, knowing from personal experience just where to do the most damage she soon had the drone downed, giving it a pitiful look. "I wish I could have helped save you." She shook her head and returned to help Nezuko.

Thomas brought the butt of his gun down on the head of a drone, and watched it twitch as it collapsed. Noticing Tatsuo take care of the drone that was after the Lt. He nodded to himself, before looking at the rifle, noticing the gun had broke. Tossing it aside, he grabbed a long piece of metal that was leaning against a wall.

To be continued...


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