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The Aisaka Alliance (Part 1)

Posted on Tue Apr 23rd, 2024 @ 12:23am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rea & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc
Edited on on Tue Apr 23rd, 2024 @ 12:27am

1,436 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1, USS Tokyo
Timeline: Approximately 1 week since "Into The Lion's Den"

[Ready Room]

It had been a week since their 'heist' on the Borg Cube. The Engineering and Operations departments had been working around the clock to integrate the Borg power nodes into the Tokyo systems. The last one had finally been installed this morning and the Tokyo now had main power back online.

This had been a huge boost to morale. The crew could finally get off of emergency rations and Taiga had even authorised the use of the holodecks for recreational use. With the power nodes, Lieutenant Rea estimated that the ships power systems could be augmented for a good five to six years. Taiga had no intention for them to stay as long as that on the planet.

The chime to her ready room door sounded. Taiga looked up. "Come in" she called simply.

In walked Lieutenant Rea, a rather concerned look upon her face. "Captain, we have a slight roadblock to the plan..."

Taiga frowned. "What sort of roadblock?"


A little while later, Taiga walked out onto the bridge followed by Lieutenant Rea. She still wore the same frown that she had in the ready room. "Commander Johnson. Assemble the Senior Staff in the Conference Room. Immediately."

"Understood," Thomas replied as he hit the shipwide communications. "Commander Johnson to all senior officers, report to the Conference room immediately."

Taiga crossed the bridge with the chief engineer without another word and entered the conference room.

[Conference Room]

A few minutes after Taiga had gotten settled and Thomas had broadcast his announcement, the first of the senior staff members had begun trickling into the conference room, beginning with Commander Nishikigi and Lieutenant Chihc. With her unexpected promotion to acting Third Officer, it was clear that Chisato had a lot to think about, as up until this point, the Command tract hadn't even remotely been on her radar. Even with a full six days for it to fully sink in, she still wasn't entirely sure what to make of it, so rather than try and wrack her brain for an answer, she opted to preoccupy herself with analyzing and corroborating data that her team had managed to recover from the Borg Cube. No doubt, she was putting on a brave face so as not to worry her department, but even Lieutenant Chihc could sense that she was a little... quieter than she usually was.

"Captain," Chisato greeted as the two of them took their seats. Taiga was all to keen to observe that her voice appeared to be strained with exhaustion, likely a combination of the stress she had been experiencing in light of her recent promotion, as well as the added workload she had taken on to try and take her mind off of it.

Taiga nodded at the Intelligence officer.

Talia entered the room, now she wasn’t suffering from morning sickness anymore she was looking more like her old self. “Hello everyone” She offered a warm smile as she walked around to a seat and sat down.

Next into the room were the Shimadas- Tatsuo and Chiyo. Though the marine commander was still on light duty, she was still required to attend staff briefings, and since Tatsuo was still the Tokyo's guide to this wasteland, he still had to sit in on these briefings as well.

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek entered the conference room and scanned the room casually. He could already tell that whatever the meeting was about, it was not going to be good or inspiring.

During his stint as the fill-in Operations Officer on the bridge he had been exposed to the workings of the ship's internal workings. He had seen the full extent of the damage to the vessel and just how much had been repaired or merely patched-up just to keep the dim lights on.

Jasad had allowed himself to finally feel some sense of optimism once main power was restored to the ship. However, from the looks of the Captain, he could tell that had been a bit premature.

"Ma'am," The Cardassian Officer stated as he took his seat.

Taiga gave the Cardassian a small nod in response.

Nezuko had been working hard with engineering on integrating the power nodes. It was slow work but progress was being made. It meant, however, that Nezuko's hands were messy and calloused when she sat down in the conference room.

Thomas walked into the room, and looked around. He took out a padd and sat in his regular seat.

Now that everyone had assembled Taiga cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "Lieutenant Rea has just brought a rather large problem to my attention." She began simply. "Amd has proposed a plan that we need everyone here to be onboard with."

She looked over to Rea. Rea nodded as she stood up and made her way to the presentation screen. "As you all know, the Borg Power nodes are working well now that we have integrated then into our systems." She began. "We have more power than we're going to need for the time being... however..."

She tapped on the screen to bring up an image schematic of the Tokyo. "We've run several simulations and unfortunately we still can't get the ship into orbit. We can fly, but all simulations show that the Tokyo is top big and too heavy to break free of the gravitational pull."

"I have proposed an idea to Captain Aisaka. We need more thrust." She tapped on the screen again. The schematic changed to a diagram of the Tokyos impulse engines. "Our impulse engines are powerful, but they were designed to operate in space. However, if we had more engines, we could theoretically break free."

She looked over towards Taiga. "I have looked over the Lieutenants plans and our recent scans of the wrecked ships around us. We believe that if we can get our hands on the engines from those ships we can use them as 'boosters' to break orbit." She paused for a few moments. "The only problem is, most of those ships have survivors or descendants aboard. We can't just go and steal their stuff." She looked over at Yuvek, she knew how he felt about 'pirating' to survive.

"So. I am proposing we contact those people. We form an alliance. We get their engines and supplies and in return we take them home."

"That is, presuming they'll want to cooperate with us?" Chisato was quick to point out. "Not that I necessarily like playing the devil's advocate, Captain, but as it is, we've barely managed to hold our preexisting alliance with the Redemptioners- and they're supposed to be on our side!"

"That's why I have decided to take a different approach." Taiga said. "I have decided that we should send 'envoys' to each of them. Ideally someone from this crew of the same species as theirs. Someone who can relate to them on a more... cultural level."

Jasad shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he thought of the idea of reaching out to the Cardassian crew that the Tokyo had detected. From time to time Jasad had run various passive scans over the vessel to determine the exact number of survivors or just to figure out how old their vessel was.

The CUV Retav was a pre-Dominion War vessel used by the then-Central Command. Jasad wouldn't know more about the vessel without actually paying a visit to his "wayward cousins", certainly a visit he was not looking forward to.

"Have you considered the security risk in allowing so many non-Federation allied parties to gain access to our technology?" Lt. Yuvek asked. "IF we're able to escape the planet, what's to stop the Romulans or Klingons from running back to their people with our tactical information?" He continued.

Jasad doubted that the Klingons could read at the level of a functioning adult, but the point still remained.

Taiga nodded in response. "They will be kept out of all restricted areas. We will also increase security around them too." she replied. "We can use the transporters to beam them to the Tokyo and render any weapons they have on us useless. I would also want them all to be screened through medical."

"They will presumably be motivated by the prospect of escape," Nezuko said via her PADD speaker. "We have a plan to be free of this planet and are willing to take them if only they give us their impulse engines and stay away from critical systems. As far as deals go, this one is very good."

To be continued...


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