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Borg 'Insights'

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 2:28am by Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant JG Amari

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Main Engineering

In the main engineering bay of the Tokyo, one of the stolen borg power nodes rest on a plinth surrounded by a containment field. Almost millimeters away from the field boundary Amari stood, her eyes betraying her fascination with the green glowing device before her. "So this is borg technology." She remarked as she scanned the power node with her computer. "The technology of the federations greatest enemy...... interesting."

"I wouldn't call it interesting... more like... scary..." Rea smirked as she stood on the other side of the node scanning it with her tricorder.

"I've done some reading up on the borg, what your computer would tell me about them anyway." Amari told the Elfie, in thruth she'd read everything she could get her hands on about them. "A rather unusual take on blending biology and technology, with an emphasis on the technology."

"Yeah, but unlike your species they take away everything that makes you, you." Rea explained. "They assimilate whole worlds against their will and take any sort of individuality away from them."

"I think if it wasn't for that I think my people would find them admirable." Amari shut her computer down, with the containment field up there was only so much information she could glean from it.

"Seriously?" Rea asked rather surprised.

Amari nodded. "They have almost flawlessly integrated cybernetics, my people dream of managing perfect integration. A few clans have died out because their bodies rejected the implants we use, even the very common ones like the translator."

Rea nodded. "Maybe that's how the Borg started?" she theorised. "After all they use technology and assimilate others to add to their ultimate goal, to find 'perfection'." She stated. "Although, they are dangerous and many people consider them just pure evil for what they do. They have no remorse, no morals just the simple need to assimilate others and technology." Rea told her.

"We should run these scans through the computer." She suggested with a smile.

"Sure." Amari headed over to one of the stations and with a couple of clicks began to upload the scans into the Tokyo's computer. "All Lesrai covet technology but the borg's methods are far too invasive, injecting their targets with nanotechnology. The technology we use are tools for us, they don't control us."

"And you don't attach everyones minds together in a collective right?" Rea asked.

"No, we still talk to each other like normal people, or send text or voice messages, though it would be nice to know what the rest of the clan or my husband is thinking from time to time." Amari looked up at the ceiling as the lights in engineering shone brighter than normal then dulled before returning to normal levels. "More power surges?"

Rea nodded. "Yeah, it seems so." She sighed. "We've still got damaged relays from the crash as you know. So its still causing problems."

"Warning. Power Surge in Main Engineering." The computer warned. The console that was controlling the pedestal and shield around the Borg power node began to light up brighter and brighter before eventually cutting out with jolts of electricity sparking outwards.

Not reacting quickly enough as the jolts of electricity flew out from the console giving him a substantial shock across the hands the engineer monitoring the console jumped back in surprise straight into the power node knocking it from its pedestal.

Being the closest and knowing the trouble the crew had gone to acquire this plunder Amari leapt forward and made a grab for the falling power node, barely a foot off the floor she caught it; laying on her back with both hands clasped around it.

Rea rushed over. "Lieutenant! Are you alright?" She asked crouching down beside her. She immediately flipped open her tricorder. "Engineering to sickbay, we need someone down here right away!"

Amari didn't respond; her eyes remained wide open unblinking staring as if transfixed on the gently pulsing green object in her hands. Her vision swam with rapidly changing perspective flickering images of the inside of a borg ship, drones walking to and fro in the sickly green hue. She could feel the heat and humidity and the incessant whispering of millions of voices all moulding into one clawing at the back of her mind, one perspective slowly solidified; its owner looking left and right frantically, totally unable to move as a drone walked towards them, assimilation tubules lanced out of its hand and everything went black.

"That can't be good..." Rea said as she moved over to Amari. It seemed like the lieutenant had a rather strong grasp on the device. Gently she placed her own hands on it and with a tug pulled it away from her. She put it back on the table and reactivated the forcefield. "Amari?" she asked.

The device ripped from her hands Amari's arms remained up as if still gripping it for several seconds before dropping to the ground. Her eyes stayed wide open for nearly a full 30 seconds before she finally blinked several time.

"Amari?" Rea asked again.

"That was.....a very interesting experience." Amari eventually said though she remained as the lay. "Maybe.... don't let me touch Borg technology bare handed."

"I think we should take a break." Rea suggested. "Do you need to go to sickbay? You did go all pale."

"Knowing starfleet procedure a quick check over is probably the right thing to do." Amari slowly sat up, she flicked her computer on and set it to run a diagnostic on her implants.

Rea held out a hand to help her up from the floor. "Come on. Lets go get you checked over" she said with a smile. "Better to be safe than sorry right."

Amari grabbed Rea's hand and hauled herself to her feet. "And better than me waking up tomorrow with a burning desire to assimilate everyone else on the ship."

"Yeah, I don't think Captain Aisaka would appreciate you assimilating anything," Rea replied as she pulled Amari up to her feet. She looked over to one of the other engineers. "Ensign, hold down the fort for a while." She called out.

The ensign nodded in response. "Well, lets go."

Posting by

Lieutenant Rea
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Amari
Engineering Officer


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