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Just One Night... (Backpost) (18+ mature content warning)

Posted on Thu Apr 11th, 2024 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling

1,409 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard

(WARNING: This post contains mature content and language of a sexual nature. Read at your own risk.)

It had only been a few days since the crew of the Redemption had moved in with the crew of the Tokyo, and the process of stripping the Redemption of any useful components was coming to a close. Liz had gone on a few of these endeavors, and it felt surreal to walk the corridors of her old assignment once again, even if it was actively being torn apart.

Still, it hadn't taken long after Liz's fling with nurse Miyafuji before the symptoms of Pon Farr began to manifest themselves again in Liz. And she knew that in order to truly cure her Pon Farr, she would need to take the mate that her heart desired: His relationships with Major Shimada and Lieutenant Akikawa be damned.

It was around dinnertime when Liz decided to make her move. She thought that Tatsuo would be eating with his family, and was in the middle of devising a plan to get him away from Chiyo and Alice when, to her surprise; she saw Tatsuo approaching up the corridor, walking in the opposite direction, his eyes fixated on a PADD. If Liz had a shot; it was now or never:

"Tatsuo;" Liz called out. "Can I speak to you for a minute?"

"Not now, Beurling:" Tatsuo responded, raising a hand without lifting an eye from the PADD. "We can catch up later."

"But, it's...!" Liz stammered as she turned to follow him.

"Now now, Liz:" Tatsuo repeated. "I've got a potential breach in our perimeter, and we need to get it fixed before nightfall."

Liz's shoulders sagged. She was hoping she wouldn't have to resort to this, but seeing as Tatsuo wasn't going to pay her attention otherwise, Liz matched Tatsuo's pace and grabbed his shoulder before going onto her tiptoes and planting a kiss on his cheek. She had to restrain herself to go for his cheek and not his lips. She passionately held the kiss for a second before releasing it.

When Tatsuo felt Liz's lips on his cheek, he knew she wasn't going to go away that easily. As such, when Liz released the kiss, he looked up from the PADD at her.

"Alright, what do you want, Liz?" He asked.

"Do you remember what I said all those years ago, when..." Liz muttered as she began to turn red.

"Aw, this again..." Tatsuo muttered under his breath. "Liz, we went over this a million times then:" He said as he placed a hand on Liz's shoulder. "You're great to have as a friend, but I don't see you as a romantic partner."

"But why, Tatsuo?" Liz whined as she brushed off Tatsuo's hand. "Is it because Chiyo's titties are bigger than mine?"

"What? No, it was never about breast size!" Tatsuo said. "You know how I feel about that subject matter..."

"Then what's the secret ingredient?" Liz asked. "What does Chiyo have that I don't?"

"That is a long and complicated answer, with details that even I don't fully understand..." Tatsuo said. "Look, why are you making such a big deal out of this? I thought you let that die years ago."

Liz placed both her hands on Tatsuo's shoulders.

"Tatsuo, I need you to listen very carefully, because what I have to say is more important than one of your sensors being down:" Liz said. "Look, you know T'Shin, right? She's been through a few Pon Farrs, has she not?"

"She prefers not to discuss them." Tatsuo responded. "And she's always managed to deal with them on her own. Don't those only happen every seven years? When was the last time you had yours?"

"That's the thing:" Liz explained. "For full and part Vulcans who embrace logic, yes; that's true. But guess who doesn't embrace logic? If I'm careful, I can usually stretch it out to the seven year mark, but complications can arise that can upset the schedule and make the Pon Far less predictable."

"Well, maybe T'Shin has some sort of meditation routine she can walk you through." Tatsuo suggested, turning to walk away.

"Don't you get it?" Liz responded, grabbing Tatsuo. "I don't meditate! The only way I know how to satiate Pon Farr is by killing motherf*****s through kal-if-fee, or by taking a mate. I tried a casual fling with someone else, and it was a temporary fix! I need lasting relief or I'm going to die!"

Tatsuo sighed.

"Okay, so what about kal-if-fee?" He asked.

"You know who I'd have to kill:" Liz said. "And I don't want it to have to come to that: Chiyo's a good friend of mine, my sister in arms, even. I know it's something Second Lieutenant Orgasm who spent all those nights masturbating and pretending it was you wouldn't believe even if I told her, but..."

"Wait, you what?" Tatsuo seemed confused.

"Oh, I've done all the nasties in my bunk." Liz admitted. "Not like you'd care, though; since you don't 'see me that way...'"

"This is really bothering you, isn't it?" Tatsuo grumbled. "Alright, Liz: What do you need me to do to make you forget all about me and respect my boundaries once again?"

"Just give me one night, Tatsuo." Liz said. "One night, and then you can have your happily ever after with Chiyo!"

Tatsuo sighed.

"Alright, let's get this over with..." He said.

"Wait, really?" Liz's eyes lit up.

"Yes, really." Tatsuo said. "Now let's get a move on. I'd rather not be kept too late."

An ear to ear grin spread on Liz's face as without another word, she took Tatsuo by the hand and started leading him to her quarters. This move had been so sudden that Tatsuo dropped his PADD:

First Lieutenant Hann Rudd was reading one of her Rheuysian war epics when the doors to the quarters she shared with Captain Beurling swooshed open. Rudd looked up to see Liz drag Tatsuo across the living space towards her bedroom.

"Don't bother us: We're going to be a few hours..." Liz promptly told her roommate when they made eye contact.

Grinning and chuckling, knowing exactly what Liz was getting herself into; Rudd stood up and made her way towards the doors. She was wondering what slop they were serving in the mess hall tonight...

As Rudd left, the doors to Liz's bedroom swooshed shut. The marine XO didn't waste any time removing her clothes. As such, Liz was completely naked by the time Tatsuo had his pants off.

"That was... Fast..." Tatsuo commented before Liz pushed him into a chair.

"I hear this feels really good and makes good foreplay..." Liz said as she took a breast in each hand and knelt down towards Tatsuo's crotch.

"Don't do that." Tatsuo immediately objected. "You know how I feel about that..."

"Okay." Liz shrugged. "Guess we'll have to go a little higher then..."

[A few hours later...]

Liz lay there, groaning in pure ecstasy. Tatsuo's life juice dripped from her private parts as they continued to quiver, even after the amazing sex they'd just had.

"Hngh-gyah..." Liz groaned as she queefed, expelling a large amount of semen. "That... Was amazing..."

Tatsuo cringed as Liz let loose the wet queef. This was why he had elected to not get dressed downwind of Liz's private parts. Because returning to Chiyo splattered in his own semen would be difficult to explain.

As Tatsuo was wracked with guilt, Liz looked over and smiled.

"Thank you, Tatsuo..." She said blissfully.

"If you're satisfied, then let's not ever speak of this again." Tatsuo said.

"Oh, I won't..." Liz groaned. "I think I might finally be able to move past you after this..."

"Well, you'd better, because I don't want to have to repeat this every time you get horny." Tatsuo said as he stood up and buckled his belt. "Goodbye, Liz..."

And so, leaving Liz to finish her orgasm, Tatsuo made his way out of her and Rudd's quarters, already thinking of a cover story that he would tell Chiyo.

Posting by

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Acting Captain
USS Redemption

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Vice Commander
USS Tokyo


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