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The Rigors Of Command [Part 1]

Posted on Fri Apr 12th, 2024 @ 6:47am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc
Edited on on Fri Apr 12th, 2024 @ 1:22pm

2,521 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101), Holodeck 3, Deck 9
Timeline: 1600 Hours -1 day after "Matters Of Air & Darkness"

The hour was growing late, and as Chisato was busy crossing her T's and Dotting her I's, she stole a glance at the chronometer and realized that she had a meeting with Captain Aisaka scheduled in less than twenty minutes. She could still make it down to Deck 9 where the Captain was expecting her, but with a small handful of reports that were due by the end of the day, she was inevitably going to have to saddle her team with the responsibility- not something she preferred to do if it could be avoided, but at the very least, she could trust Lieutenant Chihc to get the work done in her absence.

"I'm heading down to Deck 9," she announced as she stood up and pushed her chair in. "Lieutenant Chihc, can I trust you to get those reports filed by the end of the night?"

"Of course." Chrirhc said. "I shall have them filed before I go off duty."

"Much appreciated, Lieutenant," Chisato smiled before she turning to leave. "I don't expect to be more than an hour or two, but I appreciate your stepping up to the plate."

And with that, she was gone.

[Deck 9]

following a very brief ride in the turbolift, Chisato arrived in front of Holodeck 3, where the Captain was expecting her, and patiently awaited the Captain's arrival. She didn't have to spend too long waiting, however, as the doors of the holodeck opened allowing her entry into the room. "Please come in," Taiga's voice called.

The holodeck was already running and was currently simulating the Tokyo's conference room. Taiga stood at the end of the room with a PADD in her hand. "I have three tests for you," she said simply. "There is no time limit to the first two tests, but the third is timed. You will understand why when you reach it." She said simply.

"Understood," Chisato nodded, her mind already racing with several possible scenarios that the Captain would be putting her through. Dead drops, brush passes, S.E.R.E training, file decryption and asset recruitment were all very good possibilities, given her line of work.

"Computer, begin test one and pause." Taiga commanded. Around the table holographic characters appeared sitting in the seats that would usually be occupied by the Tokyo's senior staff. There was a Bajoran, a Cardassian, a Ferengi and a Nausican.

"This test is simple." Taiga said to Chisato. She picked up a PADD which had appeared on the table along with the characters. "These four commander's are in dispute about a small uninhabited planet outside of claimed space. The planet is Class M, and has extremely rich deposits of Dilithium." Taiga explained. "Each government has a claim to the planet. Both the Cardassians and Bajorans want to mine the ore for themselves as it is in between their spaces. The Ferengi want to mine the ore too, but also want to set up a trading post on the planet to increase trade between the Cardassian Union and the Bajoran Srctor. However the Nausicans have been using this planet as a training ground for the last fifteen years for their troops."

Taiga held out the PADD to Chisato. "The Federation has stepped in to delegate and assist with finding the best diplomatic solution. You're job is to find a resolve to the dispute peacefully. I will be observing your progress, they will not be aware of me, nor can you ask me anything during this test."

Chisato blinked in surprise. "Me? Negotiate a mining dispute? Captain, I'm flattered, but this may be little beyond the scope of what I'm qualified for-!"

Taiga didn't say anything in return, she just indicated for Chisato to take the seat at the head of the table.

"Computer. Enter Lieutenant Commander Nishikigi as Candidate One and begin program." Tsiga said. The holodeck changed Chisato's uniform to command red and placed extra pips on her chest making her to the rank of Captain.

Chisato stared in wide-eyed disbelief at the uniform before turning back to Taiga. "Um, Captain-!"

"Computer begin." Taiga said.

"I've told you! We need that Dilithium!" The Cardassian said in a raised voice towards the Bajoran. "Ever since the Dominion War we've been struggling to patrol our borders and keep our civilians safe!"

Chisato turned her attentention back to the squabbling delegates. "Hold up, guys, let's take a minute here and-!"

"Oh how so very sad. Its such a shame its so close to Bajoran space..." The Bajoran said sarcastically. "Or are you planning on putting a base there? So you can just walk back onto Bajoran soil as soon as The Federation leave DS9? Is that really why you want it? You bunch of murderers!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Chisato shouted over the commotion.

That seemed to elicit the desired result, as the delegates immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Chisato

Chisato sat back and cleared her throat. "Right, then; if you'll all be seated, please, then we can get straight to the bottom of this dispute."

She turned her attention towards the Cardassian and Bajoran delegates. "And if you two are going to have an issue sitting together, then I'll have you seated at opposite ends of the table; do I make myself clear?"

Both the Cardassian and Bajoran seemed to be taken aback by the sudden outburst from the Starfleet Captain. They instantly fell quiet. The Cardassian turned his face away, clearly not amused.

"Alright," Chisato sighed once everyone had taken their seats. "I'm going to discuss this with each of you, one-on-one, to determine where exactly the main point of contention lies. To keep this from devolving into an argument, I'm going to ask you all politely to refrain from speaking up until it's your turn."

She shifted her attention over to the Nausicaan. "First of all, I would like to address the matter regarding the Nausicaans' pre-existing usage of the planet. I am of the understanding that your people have been using it as a training ground for the past 15 years, is that correct?"

"Yes, that is correct." The Nausicaan responded.

"Were your people the first to discover the presence of dilithium deposits on the planet?" Chisato continued.

"No, it was this Ferengi low-life." The Nausicaan responded, turning to the Ferengi. "Aren't you wanted by the FCA?"

"The FCA has a long list of enemies; you might have me confused for another Ferengi." The Ferengi responded.

Chisato shifted her attention over to the Ferengi. "How exactly did you come into possession of the knowledge that this planet was rich in dilithium?"

"While I can't go into much detail on what I do, because then you might feel inclined to arrest me, but I can tell you that I have my sources on where Dilithium-rich planets are:" The Ferengi explained. "I'm sitting on top of a HUGE Dilithium mine in System HW-35, but I must be prepared for the inevitability that my operation there will dry up."

"You should have stayed there, Ferengi!" The Nausicaan blurted out.

"Excuse me; I did not" give you position to speak," Chisato butted in. "I'm asking you politely to wait your turn; any further interruptions, and I will have you removed from the room; do I make myself clear?"

The Nausicaan scowled at Chisato before slowly taking his seat, to lull the Starfleet captain into thinking she had won.

"Were you aware of the fact that this planet was being used by the Nausicaans before you attempted to stake a mining claim?" Chisato sighed, turning back to the Ferengi.

"Oh, of course I'm aware." The Ferengi said. "The Nausicaans are some of my best clients..."

"It's just outside of our space!" The Bajoran piped up. "You'd only sell it for more than its worth anyways! Probably through that little troll Quark!"

"Sit down!" Chisato shouted. "I will not be repeating myself!"

The Bajoran scoffed in response.

"So," Chisato continued, turning back to the Ferengi once more. "You were aware of the fact that the Nausicaans were already using this planet as a training ground; did you have their permission to stake a mining claim?"

"Well, in the beginning, there was no problem..." The Ferengi began.

"Did you have anything in writing?" Chisato pointed out. "As a Ferengi merchant, I'm sure that you're probably more than familiar with the 42nd Rule of Acquisition: Always have your business agreements in writing."

"Hey, the guy I did business with was cool." The Ferengi explained. "It was only when this guy took over last month that the problem arose!"

Chisato turned back to the Nausicaan. "Can you confirm this?"

"The Ferengi did business with the previous foreman, and he was a Ferengi bootlicker." The Nausicaan explained. "And a Ferengi bootlicker, I am not!"

Chisato turned her attention to the Ferengi. "Do you have a physical copy of the trade agreement that was reportedly signed between you and the previous foreman?"

"Well, I had it, but then Starfleet raided one of my facilities, and it's been MIA ever since." The Ferengi said.

"That's a real shame," Chisato grinned. "Because as I'm sure you're also aware, the 44th Rule of Acquisition states that if you can't prove it was ever in writing, then it might as well have never existed."

"It's not my fault Starfleet picked that specific facility to raid!" The Ferengi objected. "Maybe you should check your own databanks for the agreement. Surely, you've processed everything you confiscated by now!"

"Oh, really?" Chisato replied as she pulled out her PADD. "Well, if you're so certain that Starfleet already has this document in our databanks, what would you say are the chances that I'm going to find it?"

"Don't ask me that question:" The Ferengi said. "That is best reserved for your people."

"Can't you find someplace else to train your troops?!" The Bajoran said towards the Nausicaan. "That planet is far too close to Bajor for any foreign military training! If we'd have known you've been this close for this long we would have sorted this years ago!"

The Cardassian smiled. "Amd it's in the demilitarised zone as well." He added as he turned to look at Chisato. "Aren't Starfleet supposed to ensure the zone stays... demilitarised?" He questioned. "Or do you not value the treaty of Bajor?"

"Of Bajor..." The Bajoran said. "It's in the name, Bajor! That planet having any sort of military on ot poses a threat to our security! Mot to mention, you all have other sources of Dilithium elsewhere to plunder!"

"Our base has been on that planet for 15 years, crinkle cut!" The Nausicaan responded to the Bajoran. "Bajor had all that time to raise an objection to our presence!"

"QUIET!" Chisato shouted, slamming her hand down on the table with enough force to bring everyone in the room into immediate silence.

"Now," she began once she had everyone's attention. "I will politely remind you that either yourself or the governing bodies of which you represent have collectively agreed request our help in presiding over your dispute! If you will not abide by our requests to remain silent unless we ask you to, then we have nothing more to say here!"

The Ferengi quickly sat down, but the Nausicaan once again did so slowly. The Starfleet captain didn't scare him, but he needed her to think that she had the upper hand.

"Right," Chisato sighed as she returned to her seat. "Now, as the Ferengi has failed to furnish any substantial proof that he signed a trade agreement with the Nausicaans, then by all legal accounts, the planet and all of its mining claims fall directly within Nausicaan jurisdiction."

She turned her attention to the Nausicaan. "Do you speak for the Nausicaan people, and by extension the greater Klingon Empire?"

"I do." The Nausicaan responded.

"And what is their opinion regarding the nature of this mining claim?"

"The Ferengi used an arms deal as a cover to stake an illegal mining claim." The Nausicaan responded. "The Bajoran raised an objection to our presence far too late, and the Cardassian shouldn't even be here! Must I bring up your people's illegal occupation of a Federation world?"

Chisato held up a hand. "Your opinions of their character are wholly irrelevant in this matter; do they hold any legal ground with which to be mining dilithium in your territory?"

"They have as much legal rights to mine Dilithium on our world as they do to claim Krimena as theirs." The Nausicaan responded. "If you can justify their occupation of your world, what's to stop them from taking more?"

"Then that is the decision of which we will honor," Chisato replied, shifting her attention over to the Cardassian and the Bajoran. "While I apologize for this development, Gentlemen, we must respect the fact that this planet has been Nausicaan domain for fifteen years, so it is their right to specify whether or not other civilizations may use their planets for mining operations. However..."

She pulled up a star map and set it down on the table for both delegates to review. "A survey conducted last year identified the presence of dilithium deposits within the uninhabited Proxiv system, which is situated approximately 1 light year from which the planet of contention lies. As it stands, Starfleet holds no long-term interest in the Proxiv system, so we will be more than happy to set both the Cardassian Union and the Republic of Bajor up with separate mining claims, which should in theory fulfill your needs for dilithium."

She next turned to address the Bajoran. "As an affiliate of the United Federation of Planets, we respect your concerns of a Nausicaan presence so close to your home world, but it is unfortunately not within our authority to remove them; if it is any consolation, however, I will be more than happy to take your concerns directly to Starfleet Logistics concerning the reinforcement of Bajor's planetary defenses. I know it's not ideal, but at the very least it should act as a deterrent in the likelihood of a Nausicaan attack. Will this arrangement suffice?"

The Bajoran pondered for a brief moment. "I suppose it will do."

"Right, then," Chisato replied as she leaned back in her chair. "I hereby declare this meeting adjourned; any additional concerns may be discussed with me at a later point in time."

"Computer pause" Taiga said. She tapped on her PADD as the holograms became frozen in time. "Interesting." she said simply to Chisato as she continued to tap on her PADD, logging something down.

"Are you ready for test two?" she asked.

To Be Continued...


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