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Matters Of Air & Darkness

Posted on Thu Apr 11th, 2024 @ 6:55pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Edited on on Thu Apr 11th, 2024 @ 7:15pm

990 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Timeline: Approximately 4 hours after "Into The Lion's Den"

In light of their recent ordeal aboard the Borg Cube, morale on board the Tokyo had arguably reached its highest since first becoming stranded aboard this rock. perhaps now more than ever, the possibility of making it home seemed to be within their grasp. Even the Redemptioners, whose loyalty had been wavering ever since this alliance had initially been formed, were now doubling down on their efforts to get this ship up and running- a testament to how badly they wanted to go home.

But in spite of the celebratory attitude, the Ship's Chief of Intel had more... concerning matters on hand; upon making it back to the Tokyo, she and her department had spent the past couple of hours combing through the data that they had managed to retrieve from the central plexus, cross-referencing it with the numerous files that they already had on hand, and try to piece together a rough idea of what exactly it was that the Cube had encountered, and how it could effect their chances of getting out of here.

PADD in hand, she stepped off the turbolift leading out onto the bridge; most of the activity there was centered around the tactical console and getting it up and running again, so hardly anyone noticed as she made her way over to Taiga's ready room and rang the door chime.

"Come in," Taiga called.

The doors snapped open and Chisato walked in.

"Captain," she greeted. "While I hope I'm not raining on any festivities, our department has recently been analyzing the data that we managed to recover from the Central Plexus, and there's been some... developments that we feel you ought to be made aware of."

"And that is?" Taiga asked simply cutting straight to the point.

"Our sources indicate that this particular Borg Cube was dispatched to the Karlax Nebula after the Collective detected the presence of a highly-sophisticated frequency emanating from within," Chisato reported. "The exact date as to when this occurred is a bit sketchy, but based on what information we could turn up regarding similar phenomena in the area, we believe it to have been from some time late in 2369, as it would line up with an "indeterminable" frequency that Starbase 234 picked up on Stardate 47002.6. The phenomenon was dismissed as radio interference from a solar flare at the time, but with the evidence we've managed to uncover so far, we no longer believe that to be the case."

"Its not often The Borg take a liking to something." Taiga said in response. "What exactly did you find amongst their data?"

"Well, our findings indicate that, at some point prior to its becoming stranded here, the Cube attempted to radio back to the Collective to report a "technological signature" that was analyzed by no fewer than three thousand drones and corroborated as belonging to Species 29," Chisato continued. "Now, thanks in part to Captain Shimada's raid on Cube 352 about five years ago, We have a database with which to determine Borg species classifications; unfortunately, if this information is to be taken at face value, then this "Species 29" could very well throw a wrench into our plans."

It was at that point that she set the PADD down on Taiga's desk for the Captain to read over.

"Species twenty nine?" Taiga asked as she picked up the PADD. "That's a low Borg number, who are Soecies twenty nine?"

"The Iconians," Chisato stated simply.

"Iconians..." Taiga said with a sigh. "They seem to be popping up everywhere these days " she commented. She looked up at her Intelligence Officer. "Your hypothesis?"

"Well, it's hardly anything more than a working theory, but as it currently stands, we have reason to believe that this planet may have previously been an Iconian colony, or even an artificial construct," Chisato explained. "And I understand if that's a pretty bold claim, Captain, especially if we lack proper evidence to corroborate that fact; but the data we've managed to turn up so far has provided enough evidence in support of the idea that we felt it was necessary to bring it to your attention."

"I was starting to suspect that this planet may not be natural." Taiga pondered. "We know the Iconians were powerful, and if they had the ability to create this planet; the big question is why?" She said. She sat back in her chair and began to rub her belly. "Keep this between us for now. But keep working on those Borg files. Ant relevant information might be useful to us."

"We'll get right on it, Captain," Chisato nodded as she returned the PADD to her belt. "Is there anything else you'll be needing?"

"There is one more matter I would like to discuss with you," Taiga said simply.

Chisato glanced up. "Oh?"

"I've been thinking of your role on this ship and I want to test the limits of what you are capable of. I believe that your talents can be utilised better. Therefore, I want you to report to Holodeck three at 1600 hours,, tomorrow" Taiga told her simply.

"Of course, Captain," Chisato smiled. "Shall I bring my team with me?"

Taiga shook her head. "No, just you."

"Understood," Chisato nodded in the affirmative. "Well, I'd best be getting this information back to Intel so we can continue looking into the Borg files. Be seeing you at 1600?"

Taiga gave her a nod. "Very well. I'll see you tomorrow at 1600." She told her. "Dismissed."

Chisato bowed her head in show of respect before turning to leave.

As she left, Taiga pulled the desk computer terminal to her and switched it on. "Computer, open file Aisaka Beta Three, set to run on Holodeck 3 at 1550 hours., tomorrow."

Posting by (In order of appearance):

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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