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Gamma Zednor Station

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 7:29am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd & Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq

1,069 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Descent

The Tokyo dropped out of warp in the Gamma Zednor system. The system comprised of several planet's and a large asteroid belt. Gamma Zednor station was in orbit above the only Class M planet in the system.

"Hail the station" Taiga ordered.

"Opening hailing frequencies" the Ensign at Ops replied.

"Gamna Zednor station, this is Captain Taiga Aisaka of the Starship Tokyo. We're here to help, what's your status?" Taiga began. A few moments of eerie silence fell upon the bridge before the viewscreen switched to the image of a woman with red hair in a Command Uniform.

"Captain Aisaka!" She responded quickly. The signs of damage behind her cod easily be seen, smoke building in the room and the sound of people rushing around. Taiga could also see that the consoles behind her were flickering and some were even burnt out. "We took a direct hit from an asteroid, it came out of no where. Our shields didn't even stop it..." she began to explain.

Taiga held up her hand. "Commander, we'll talk about what happened later. I'm sending over rescue teams, inform your crew that help is on the way and to prepare for evacuation."

The woman nodded. "Yes Captain," a console blew out behind her showering her in Sparks. "You may want to hurry, I don't know how long this old station is going to last.". With that the viewscreen switched off.

The viewscreen switched to a view of the station.

"My god..." Taiga exclaimed. The damage was evident. The old station with its mushroom shaped domes appeared before them. There was a gaping hole surrounded by debris in the main habitat and docking dome of the base. The station was an old design, retrofitted over many years. No ships bigger than an old Constitution Class would be able to Dock inside. However the asteroid had smashed through the outer sections, through the old docking bays to strike the interior sections.

The stations thrusters seemed to be offline, they were dark and grey. Smaller asteroids from the planet's rings could be seen bouncing off the stations hull, a clear digb that their shield grid was offline as well as any space debris deflection systems.

Lt. Yuvek shook his head as he observed the floating husk of a station. "With that kind of damage, I'm surprised its still functioning." He said aloud. "I can only imagine how many were killed when the habitant and docking dome were struck." He added.

"Ma'am, that debris field is pretty extensive and is going to keep us from getting too close to the station if we want to be able to launch our shuttles and runabouts for evacuation procedures." The Helmsman informed the Captain.

Trennek manned his console ready for anything awaiting orders. Meanwhile, he was wondering how an entire asteroid suddenly left it's orbit and crashed into the station. That just wasn't normal or natural.

"Let's get into transporter range at least," Taiga said. "I have faith in your piloting Lieutenant. We will need to slow to launch fighters. They will be clearing paths for us."

Lt. Yuvek nodded as he began to plot a course through the devestating debris field towards the station. Getting within transporter distance would be simple. The problem was going to be launching the shuttles and runabouts without them slamming into a floating piece of the habitant dome or some other dangerous piece of drifting debris.

"Ma'am, based on my calculations, if we got just within transporter range, about 35-37,000 kilometers or so, then we can still launch while maintaining transporter evacuations." Lt. Yuvek stated.

Taiga nodded. "Let's stay in the safe zone of 26,000 then" she replied. "That should give us some wiggle room in case we need to move."

"Yes ma'am," Lt. Yuvek said as he guided the carrier along the desiginated path to a position approximately 27,000 kilometers from the doomed station. Even from this distance it would be a significant task to guide the runabouts through the expanding debris field; however, it was better than being right on top of the destruction or trying to lasso it with a tractor beam.

[Transporter Room 1]

Chiyo, Liz, and Rudd made their way to the transporter rooms with members of Rudd's 1st Platoon.

"When we beam over, our job will be guiding cadets and station staff to evacuation zones where our shuttles will begin offloading them." Chiyo said. "If the shuttles start to take too long, we start tagging groups of people for immediate beam out. If we find people trapped yet able to move, we skip guiding them to the nearest evacuation zone and tag them for immediate beam out. Any and all casualties we leave in the hands of medical. Are my orders clear?"

"Ma'am, yes ma'am." Liz, Rudd, and the rest of the Marines responded.

"Then let's get to work." Chiyo said as she and the first group of marines stepped onto the transporter pad. "First Marine Away team, ready to beam down."

The operations officer manning the transporter powered up the transporter, and the marines disappeared in a transporter beam.

[Transporter Room 2]

Nezuko was checking with the Transporter Chief to ensure that everything was operating smoothly. She was ready. She had her tricorder and sidearm and speaking PADD. The Transporter appeared to be ready.

She looked to Thomas and gave him a nod.

Talia smiled as she looked towards Nezuko, the two had become firm friends since they’d first met. Stepping up onto the transporter she stood ready to go.

Ensign th’Kaaliq wore his phaser holstered and held a tricorder in his palm. The young Andorian science officer bit his lip to fight his anxiety. He tried not to focus on being the junior-most officer on this away team.

Thomas nodded to everyone, tapping his badge, "Johnson to Captain, inform the station we are ready to beam over."

"Understood Commander. Good luck over there," Taiga's voice replied through his comm badge.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr
First Sergeant

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Executive Officer

1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd

Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq
Science Officer


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