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The Doctor's Intake Schedule

Posted on Sun May 14th, 2023 @ 1:44am by Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Thomas Johnson

655 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: XO's Ready Room

"Doctor Febin to Commander Johnson," the Haliian Chief Medical Officer's voice came over the commlink.

=/\= Johnson here, what can I do for you Dr. =/\= He replied back, going through the reports before departure.

"Commander, I was hoping to go over the senior staff medical evaluation schedule to get your sign-off on," the Chief Medical Officer replied while exiting Sickbay, heading down the corridor to the Turbolift with a PADD under his arm.

"I am on the bridge currently, however we can meet in the ready room."

"See you shortly then, Commander. Dr. Febin out," he tapped his comm badge, an Ensign pushed the hold button when he saw him coming, he stepped into the Turbolift, "Thank you Ensign."

The Ensign nodded, "Not a problem, Doctor."

"Bridge," Dr. Febin ordered. The Ensign had exited the Turbolift before his arrival. He was on bridge with a few relief officers that were en route to take on their scheduled duty shift. He approached the ready room and pressed the call button.

"Enter." Thomas replied as he stood over at the replicator. "So hows the evals going so far... every one in tip top shape."

"The light shone upon you. Not quite being conducted yet, Commander." Febin smiled, "I've had taken a few patients that have stopped by today. I'm doing by appointment only for the senior staff as I need to review their medical history to have a better understanding so I can make sure there's no irregularities since their previous evaluations," Dr. Febin approached the middle of the room, "I've already seen the Captain and the Ship's Counsellor."

"Ah... yes... they will be able to compare each other in the coming months." Thomas replied, pausing he turned to the dr. "Is this a nudge to get my ass down to sickbay?"

"I do not understand," the Haliian's left ridge raised with his eyebrow, "Are you suffering from any discomfort around the rectum area? Then I highly suggest that you come down to Sickbay immediately."

"Hah..." Thomas laughed. "Negative doctor... kind of a human expression. I guess."

"I have only been among your species for a very short time, Commander." The Haliian smiled, "I find myself drawn to such sayings, perhaps, I'll keep that one in my repertoire. Most likely will misuse it."

"Not to worry, even if it is misused it can probably cause laughter... which ironically, another human expression cites laughter as the best medicine."

"We have something similar on my homeworld of Halii," Febin nodded.

"Well then perhaps its not so... over your head then."

"Perhaps not, Commander. However, Haliians aren't well-known for our expressive euphemisms such as our human counterparts. You are after all. The experts," Febin smiled. "Now. Onto why, I am here." Holding the PADD in both hands. The Commander had been standing at the replicator, "Would you like to sit down and go over my schedule or do you prefer to continue standing?"

"Sure thing." He replied as he sat. "Help yourself to some food and drink if you wish." He leaned back into his chair.

The Haliian Doctor shook his head, "That is most kind of you but I'm quite full of tea already." He approached the XO's desk. He placed the PADD with the schedule and gently placed it in front of the Commander and then sat down in the chair to the XO's right.

Taking the padd, he read it over, it was a thorough schedule, for all officers, which took him several minutes to look over. "I don't see any reason to disapprove this." He replied as he tapped a few buttons, approving the doctors request.

"Fantastic, I'll send the schedule out when I get back to my office. When should I slot you in, Commander Johnson?"

"Fit me in when you want Dr. I will be there."

"Tomorrow morning 0648."

"Ill be there Lt." Thomas replied "Is there anything else?"

"Nothing, Commander."



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