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Trouble Always Finds The Tokyo...

Posted on Wed May 10th, 2023 @ 1:48pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko

1,987 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Bridge

The bridge was quiet the next morning. With the Tokyo at warp, the crew were enjoying going around their usual business. There wasn't much happening, however today Taiga had opted to sit in her command chair rather than in her ready room. She had crossed one leg over the other as she read through one of the PADD's that contained ship reports.

Without warning a loud beeping sounded catching most of the bridge officers off guard.

"Geh... is it always that loud?" Chisato muttered.

Nezuko nodded in response to Chisato's question, and then reported to the Captain. She typed into her console, which produced an audible report for the crew. "Incoming distress signal, Captain. It is coming from Gamma Zednor Station."

"Put it on screen Lieutenant" Taiga responded simply as she placed the PADD down.

Nezuko silently did as ordered, and the video of the incoming distress signal was displayed on the main viewscreen.

Curious, Chisato got up from where she was sitting and made her way over to the Ops console, making the effort not to crowd Taiga and Nezuko as she listened in.

The screen flickered as the transmission came through. Obviously there was some sort of problem at the source. The image was breaking up badly. However an image of a young Starfleet Lieutenant Commander appeared on screen.

"This is Lieutenant Commander Petra Ral of the Starfleet Gamma Zednor Station to any ship in range! We have been hit by a stray asteroid. Multiple casualities, power failing, emergency systems offline, orbit decaying. Please help!"

The message then began to repeat over again.

"Lieutenant Mute audio" Taiga ordered.

Nezuko once again nodded and did as instructed. The image of the Lieutenant Commander stayed on the screen, speaking, but no noise came from him or his surroundings.

"Helm, set course for Gamma Zednor station. Maximum Warp!" Taiga ordered simply. "All hands yellow alart." Taiga then turned back to look at Chisato. "Commander, what do you know about that station?"

Lt. Yuvek inputted the coordinates to the station. "Course laid in." He reported.

"Gamma Zednor's a remote training outpost for Starfleet Academy," Chisato reported. "Given its proximity to Romulan and Klingon borders, it's most often used for training Security and Starfighter personnel, but it does accommodate other programs on a seasonal basis."

"Approx Population?" Taiga asked.

"Let's see... during this time of year... at least 5,000," Chisato reported grimly.

"Damn..." Taiga cursed under her breath turning away momentarily. She tapped her comm badge. "All senior officers report to the bridge immediately" she ordered.

Trennek strode in and took his place at the tactical console wondering what was going on while checking his readings. He gave himself a curt nod once he knew all offense and defensive systems were ready.

Talia was already enroute, given any spare time she had she loved nothing more than being on the bridge. Stepping out of the turbolift she made her way across to Taiga wondering what was going on.

Chiyo exited the same turbolift alongside Talia. Until being summoned, she had been overseeing Marine training and had left training oversight in Captain Beurling's capable hands. She assumed her seat in the Second Officer's chair.

Lt. Yuvek continued to monitor the sensor read-out for the area as the ship made its way to the source of the distress signal. If one asteroid could go off course and cause critical damage to a starbase, who knew what else was likely to happen.

It took Moklor a little longer to arrive. He’d been in the midst of inspecting his fighter alongside those of the other pilots in Squadron A. Fubuki, Silica and Talanna Teela were still at the fighter bay going over every last detail of their ships.

The Klingon entered the bridge in a huff of heightened awareness. He didn’t say anything, but moved near the gaggle of officers ready to gather information.

"Something seems abit off..." Lt. Yuvek said aloud. "This facility trains Starflight Fighters and other security-related personnel. Of all the Starfleet facilities that would seem capable of fending off an astroid, wouldn't it have been this one?" He pondered.

"Indeed you would think so" Taiga replied to Yuvek.

Febin stepped out of the Turbolift while he looked around busy bridge. He knew that this would be the first of many times he'd be called upon during a crisis. This is why he sought his commission in Starfleet in the first place then continuing to do unnecessary medical treatments for the higher echelons of Haliian Society. He stood up onto the command deck, "Captain."

"Thank you for joining us doctor," Taiga replied to the Haliian.

Kylynn pushed a few buttons and ended her previous task. as she made her way to the bridge.

"Liutenant Kylynn Adams reporting for duty sir." she said.

Thomas walked onto the bridge fixing up his uniform. "Apologies Captain, just going over some of our training programs. What have we got?"

"People, we have recieved a distress call from the Gamma Zednor Station. Their commander is reporting they have been struck by a stray asteroid." Taiga told the senior staff.

"First things first. I need search and rescue teams on standby for when we arrive. Zakrin, Shimada, Febin. Assemble a mixture of your people and those from Engineering. We're going to need to board the station and evacuate survivors" Taiga told the three officers. "This station is full of cadets, their safety is paramount."

Looking over the schematics of the station on a padd... "Ill head over and see if there and speak to the captain myself." Thomas replied. "The cadets will be frightened, might I suggest Lt Johnson, to come over, and deal with any mental breaks people might be having over there."

"I'll assign any amount of personnel that you think is necessary. I'll oversee things from Sickbay."

"I'll have marines mobilized within the hour." Chiyo stated.

“I’ll get security teams ready for rescuing cadets,” Trennek answered in his gravelly voice.

"Also, Febin, no doubt they'll have casualties. Get both sickbays and the flight deck sickbay ready to receive them" Taiga added.

"Of course. We may have to use the cargo bays and the Marine Training Hall as makeshift triage centers."

"I'll inform Captain Beurling to clear the place out." Chiyo replied. "You can also utilize our holodeck as a makeshift triage if you need it."

"Thank you, Captain," Febin then noticed her rank insignia had changed, "Major? Congratulations."

"Much appreciated, Doctor." Chiyo said.

"Moklor. Once we get into the system. I want you to launch some of your fighter squadrons. Secure the system and destroy any more incoming asteroids. If I remember the station is amongst the rings of the planet. If the station is falling out of orbit, then its bound to start colliding into the path of those rings. Your pilots need to keep the path clear." Taiga told the Klingon.

"Aye Captain", Moklor replied quickly. His mind was already on the task. Thoughts of a planet's rings were especially troubling. Phaser fire should be able to vaporize most asteroids. But a ring system would present a lot of targets. They would also need to put more firepower on the larger, asteroids.

The Klingon bowed his head before rushing back out of the door. He kept his ear open along the way.

"Nezuko, Adams, Nishikiji" Taiga said turning to the other officers. "I want you to get aboard that station along with Commander Johnson. Find out what happened, assess the damage to the station and organise evacuation of the personnel to the Tokyo."

Johnson rose, and headed towards the lift. "Lt Johnson, you are with us as well." He replied heading to the lift. "If we have a panic... we need someone soothing. I am not the usual soothing type."

Talia smiled as she stood up and followed her husband. “Of course Commander, Soothing I can do.”

"Aye, Captain," Chisato nodded. "I'll have my team organized and ready to beam down in as little as 10 minutes."

Nezuko stood from her station and gave the Captain a sharp salute. A junior Ops officer took her seat and she stood near Chisato, ready to leave to prepare for the away mission.

"Lastly. Mister Yuvek. I want you to take the Tokyo in close, keep us within transporter range of the station. Have shuttlebay two ready to launch evacuation shuttles as a back up. No doubt there's going to be a lot of debris, so we'll need some fancy flying," Taiga told the Cardassian pilot.

"How long until we get there?" Taiga asked simply keeping her attention focused on Yuvek.

"Aye ma'am, we'll be within the outer edge of the system within the next 46 minutes." He reported.

"You heard him, you have that long. Go!" Taiga told them quickly.

Rising from the Second Officer's chair and making her way back towards the turbolift, Chiyo tapped her combadge.

"Shimada to Beurling and D'hetr:" She said. "Training is cancelled. Clear out the training hall and prepare a platoon for immediate deployment. You have exactly 46 minutes to do so. Shimada out."

Moklor was already in a turbolift heading towards the fighter section. he tapped his commbadge and said, "All fighter pilots, report to the main department briefing room. Prepare to spin up for assignment. That means show up in your flight suits, ready to go".

As the other officers departed, Lt. Yuvek swung his chair back around to the Captain. "Ma'am, keeping the ship within transporter range going to be a bit of the challenge." He said. "As the station loses altitude and goes deeper into the nearby planet's gravity well, we'll have to constantly adjust our position. That'll make it difficult to ferry the runabouts in a quick pace." He continued.

"Just do what you can. We might need to find a way to stabalise the stations orbit." Taiga replied.

"Evacuate 5,000 cadets, avoid being struck by another random astroid oh. . .and try to maintain safe transporter distance from a crashing station. . .all in a day's work." Lt. Yuvek said under his breathe.

"Yes ma'am," He said aloud.

Trennek ahemmed softly and asked, "Would it be within the realm of possibility to pull the station back into a proper orbit with our tractor beam?... or at least stabilize it somewhat?"

"It might be possible." Taiga pondered. "We'd need additional power to the emitters, moving a station is a big task. However the station should have orbital thrusters, if they're offline then it'll cause problems."

"Perhaps when we're closer we can get a detailed enough scan to find that out?" Trennek asked. "It would definitely aid our efforts."

"Throw a tractor beam on a station that size?" Lt. Yuvek asked incredulously. "Maybe if there were 3 more ships our size and we weren't in the process of evacuating over 5,000 individuals. We're going to use a significant amount of power just keeping transporters and shuttle bays operating in overdrive." He added.

Taiga pondered fir a moment. "I want you to explore the idea. The more options available to us the better," she told them both. "Let's not spare the horses Lieutenant," she said to Yuvek. "Push those engines, let's get as much time as we can to do this."

Trennek began tapping his console attempting to work up some trajectories that would allow them to approach the asteroid and nudge it away after he realized it would take more energy than the Tokyo could produce to pull.

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Moklor
Commander Air Group

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant (junior grade) Jasad Yuvek
Chief Helmsman

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Sec/Tac Chief

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Febin
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Kylynn Adams
Chief Science Officer

Lieutelnant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer


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