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What Brings You to My Humble Clinic

Posted on Wed May 10th, 2023 @ 7:05pm by Lieutenant JG Amari & Lieutenant Commander Febin

1,325 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Deck 4- main sickbay

After checking out her quarters and taking some time to get used to her new surroundings Amari began to explore some of the ships starting with the same deck her quarters were on. She passed mostly crew quarters, her clearly not Starfleet-issue goldenrod uniform drawing several looks from crewmen she encountered along the way through the Starfleet commbadge pinned to it no doubt assuaged them, the large doorway into the cavernous shuttle bay which she poked her head inside and made a mental note to explore later. The door to the Counselor's office was next followed by yet more quarters before eventually reaching the doors into the main sickbay. Remembering that protocol meant she was supposed to meet someone from sickbay for an assessment as soon as it was possible she made her way inside and looked around.

The Tellarite Head Nurse watched an unfamiliar face enter the Sickbay. He approached her squarely with his stout frame. He made a mumbled gruff-type sound under his breath. He looked around to see if a Medical Officer was on the floor. He knew the Chief Medical Officer had been reading through countless data files regarding the senior staff to familiarize himself with the medical history of the senior staff. He then remembered that the officer was standing nearby, "How can I be of assistance?"

Amari recoiled ever so slightly when the Tellarite turned to face her, she'd seen pictures of one before but seeing one in the flesh was a lot different. unconsciously the defense implant in her hand began a charge cycle. With a conscious thought she shut it back down. "I'm Lieutenant Amari," She said remembering the Starfleet rank she had been given. "I'm here on the office exchange program and I just came on board."

"Welcome to Tokyo," Dogrov replied, "I'll see if one of the doctor's on duty could attend to you."

The Tellarite disappeared briefly bringing the Haliian Chief Medical Officer out of his office. Normally he wouldn't attend to a junior officer but she was on the Tokyo for an agreement for mutual understanding between her civilization and the Federation.

The Doctor smiled warmly and in his native language, he greeted her, "The light shone upon you. What brings you to my humble clinic?"

"Your Starfleet protocol says I am to report to the chief medical officer as soon as possible, Sir." Amari replied looking up at the taller man and noticing the black and gold pips marking him out as a lieutenant commander. "Here I am."

"Ah, yes. Protocol," the Haliian gestured towards the bio-bed one, "I'll see you at bio-bed one. I'm not too familiar with your species, or biological profile. Does Starfleet Medical have such information in the database for me to refer to? I'll pull up your intake scan to check to see if there are any irregularities to be sure."

Amari stepped in the direction the Doctor had indicated and set up on the biobed. "My species are not in the federation, I'm here through the exchange program." She put a hand into her uniform and pulled out a data chip. "This has everything you should need on it."

"That I am aware of, however, it is customary during an officer exchange such that there's information sharing on medical wellbeing, ah never mind." Febin pulled up the information himself on a monitor close by and linked in. He gestured towards the bio-bed, "Please remove your duty jacket and get onto bio-bed one."

Quickly unzipping her white jacket Amari slipped it off revealing the black undershirt and lay back on the biobed.

The Doctor followed her over and stood at the head of the bio-bed looking down at her, "Before we get started with the body scans, have you been experiencing any form of pain, discomfort, or any reoccurring symptoms?"

Amari shook her head a little. "I've spent the last 10 days sampling all sorts of stuff in your replicator files, my stomach is feeling a little weird every so often but that's it."

"We could see if we can get Lesrain cuisine added to the replicator library. I would suggest that you speak with Lieutenant Nezuko to make the arrangements and provide them with any necessary ingredients if you were to find that helpful. Otherwise, I could provide any supplement vitamins that you received on your homeworld that you are not having onboard the Tokyo."

"I'll speak with her." Amari made a mental note of the Lieutenants name. "It would be nice to see if I can get something similar to what we grow back home, though I've already found something in your replicators I really wish we had. It's called pineapple, it's so nice."

"Pineapple?" Febin raised one of his eyebrows along with the ridge, "Oh, know I remember the human phrase: pineapple does belong on pizza... or was it pineapple doesn't belong on pizza. Humans. They are... quite odd... have you interacted with any of the crew as of yet?"

"A few." Amari replied. "The executive officer and the chief of flight control met me at the shuttle bay and he took me to meet the Captain."

"How was your meeting with the Captain? How did you feel?" Febin asked twice and continued on with scanning.

Amari let out an mmhphh sound. "I think it went well but I was extremely nervous, this is a great opportunity for my people and I don't want to let them or your people down."

"Counsellor Johnson or I am always here if you need to speak with anyone about your feelings. Have you been suffering any symptoms of depression or just anxiety?"

"No, just nervously excited" Amari replied. "It's not every day you get the chance to see the galaxy, meet new species, work with new technology and all that, my species really have a thing for technology."

"Understandable," Febin commented and continued with the scan. He pulled up her body's holographic image above her and then chose to select her cybernetic implants he had consulted the information in Starfleet Medical's Database that such implants were standard for the Lesrai people, "I see that you have five implants in your body. Are they causing you any discomfort around these areas or any inflammation?"

"No, it has been almost 10 cycles since I had them installed, they're well settled in by now." Amari raised her left hand a little. "This one can cause a little pain if used at too high a setting but I'll take that over getting pounced by a wild Ipthar"

"Please come to me immediately if you begin to suffer any forms of irritation or inflammation caused by the cybernetics. I'm certain that you're more than fine but I do have to go on record to say such things. You have a clean bill of health, I'd suggest speaking with the Chief of Operations to arrange to have your dietary requirements added to the replicator. Perhaps sometime soon, you'll introduce me to your people's cuisine. You may put on your jacket."

Sitting up Amari picked her jacket up and began to put it back on. "Of course I could, once I figure out how to program it. But anything else about us I can tell you feel free to ask."

"I will come up for some questions. If you're ever up for some time socially, please feel free to join me in the officer's lounge or the arboretum. You're dismissed, Amari."

Amari dropped down off of the biobed. "Aye Sir. I'm sure we will bump into each other in there at some point."

"Of course, I have much more work to attend to," Febin bowed his head with his hands together in front of him, "With peace may the light shine upon your path until we meet again."

Then he left her for his office.

A post by

Lt Commander Febin
Chief Medical Officer

LTjg Amari
Engineering Officer


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