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Meeting the Captain

Posted on Mon May 8th, 2023 @ 10:53pm by Lieutenant JG Amari & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Deck 1- Bridge
Timeline: directly following 'If that's your version of interesting'

tag Thomas- any more back and forth in the turbolift.

"So, tell me about yourself Lt." Thomas inquired as he entered the lift as Lt Yuvek departed the duo. "Whats your planet like."

"Cold," Amari replied. "Not icy cold but it's no Casperia prime." She'd heard about Casperia and hoped to go there one day. "Fertile flatlands, very high tech cities and wild mountains."

"Casperia prime... thats where I chose to do survival training." He replied as he felt the lift start to ascend.

"The polar regions on Lesra can get extremely low temperature, low enough that only a few things can survive there without help and a lot of luck." Amari told him. "Some of the clans like to send their young there as a.... rite of passage, see how long they can last before calling for help."

When the turbolift doors opened Amari stepped out onto the ships bridge, she remained there for several seconds taking in the sight taking notes of the location of the various stations and where she assumed the command staff would be seated. "Impressive." She remarked wanting to say more but without knowing what console was which she couldn't comment on its layout.

"This way Lt." He replied as he gestured for her to follow him. Noticing the Captain not on the bridge. He walked up to the door. "The captain awaits." He smiled. This is where we separate. Once you get acquainted with the Captain, I will show you your station."

"Thank you Commander." Amari took a deep breath and headed for the ready room door.

Taiga was in her ready room. She had been spending a lot of time in there since she wasn't needed on the bridge. Currently she was laid on the sofa bed snoozing, she had discovered that she was getting tired quicker these days since she found out she was pregnant.

Tapping the chime Amari waited as she should for the Captain to permit her to come inside.

The chime startled Taiga and she shot up. She rubbed her eyes sleepily as she looked around a little confused. "Erm. Who is it?"

Continuing to wait Amari's brow furrowed slightly, beginning to think the Captain wasn't actually in the ready room as she had been told.

Once the bell rung again Taiga sighed. "OH JUST COME IN!" she said louder.

Her translator implant picking something up from the other side of the door Amari decided to head inside assuming the sound was her permission to enter. She was surprised to see the ships Captain standing only a fraction of an inch taller than herself, she'd been told that all federation Captains were tall and stern faced. "Captain Aisaka, Lt Amari of the Lesrai." She introduced herself and came to attention.

Taiga rubbed her eye as she looked at the alien woman. "Oh, you're the exchange officer right?" she asked simply.

"Yes Sir." Amari replied keeping her stance, it didn't take her long to notice the Captain looked like she was still half asleep.

"That would explain the uniform" Taiga replied as she moved over towards the replicator. "Do you drink coffee?" she asked simply as she tapped on the replicators control panel.

"I have tried it but it is not to my taste." Amari replied, it was one of several drinks she'd tried on the runabout on the way to the Tokyo. "but I do like Tarkelian tea."

Taiga turned after a few seconds and held out a cup of Tarkelian tea. "Here you go" she said as she also picked up a cup of hot coffee. "So, you're assigned to the Tokyo. Why did you choose this ship?"

Amari relaxed, took the cup and took a long sip. "I asked the exchange program administrators for a ship that would have a wide array of potentially interesting situations," She said retelling what she had told the Cardassian Lieutenant earlier. "I wanted to see a mix of what Starfleet does, so they sent me to your ship."

A small smile stretched across Taiga's face. "Well, we do have a mixture of everything around here. This ship is very different from the usual exploring and first contact fluff. You've signed onto a rapid response attack carrier." Taiga told her simply.

"Your Lieutenant Yuvek was quick to tell me about what I had gotten myself into." Amari said. "He seemed extremely concerned I do not have much in the way of combat experience."

"Well, you'll most likely have plenty by the time you've done here. Speaking of which, how long are you here for?" she asked rather bluntly.

Amari gave Taiga a hopeful smile. "As long as you will permit me to remain Sir, I am the first Lesrai to be an exchange officer and I would like it to be a lasting experience."

"I see" Taiga replied as she took a sip of her coffee. "Well you're assigned to Engineering right? This ship has some of the most advanced technology that Starfleet has ever developed. So you'll have lots to learn" she told the woman simply. "At the moment Lieutenant Rea is our acting chief engineer. You will need to report to her, also get medical checked by the ships sickbay"

Amari nodded she had already read up on whst ahe was expected to do upon boarding the ship but it was nice to hear it from her captain. "I intend to do both as soon as you dismiss me Captain. I'm looking forward to learning more about atarfleet technology, so far my experience has been limited to manuals and the runabout getting here."

Taiga took another sip of her coffee. "Well, don't let me keep you any longer. You best get started, no doubt something will happen around here sooner than later. Welcome to the Tokyo and Starfleet Lieutenant."

"Thank you Captain." Amari stepped forward and placed the mostly empty cup of tea on the desk before stepping back and waiting to be dismissed as the protocol she'd read said she should.

An awkward silence fell upon the room for a few seconds. "Erm... Dismissed?" Taiga said. Obviusly Amari wasn't really aware of Taiga's protocols and mannerisms.

"Sir." Amari turned and headed out the door somewhat uncertain about how her first and probably only interaction with the captain had gone, expecting more than just a brief exchange of pleasantries.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Amari
Engineering Officer


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