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Meeting the Captain

Posted on Sun Mar 5th, 2017 @ 8:45am by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka

996 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: CO's Ready Room


Alora's first stop was the bridge. She needed to meet her new Commanding Officer before she settled in. She still had a lingering feeling that this assignment was going to be as crazy as her last had been, and she wasn't sure she was ready for something like that. Not without Alex.

She stopped at the door to the Captain's Ready Room and took a deep breath before straightening her uniform and ringing the door chime.

The doors swished open to let her in. Behind the desk, sat on a cushion was Taiga. Her long hair trailing down her back, and she sat there with a slight unhappy face on her.

Alora stepped forward, pausing just inside the room to look around the Captain's office. "Hello, ma'am. Alora Tau'Ri, reporting in."

Taiga looked up at the woman. "Another Vulcan... and Orion..." she thought to herself. "Welcome to the Tokyo" she said simply. "I'm Taiga Aisaka, captain of this misfit crew and ship" she said giving her a slight smile, which made her look a little uncomfortable, if not scary to some people.

And there it was. The reason she'd been sent here. "Misfit crew?" Alora asked. And why did she look uncomfortable?

Taiga sighed. "Yes, apparently those idiots at Command like to assign all the ones that 'don't quite fit in' here. Myself included" she explained. "And, would you stand at ease. I'm not some sort of Royalty, I'm a damn Captain"

Alora tried not to smile, but she relaxed her stance. "I hope you're not a damned Captain." On the other hand, it would fit right in with the past year of her life.

"Seems to be that way so far" Taiga said offering for the woman to sit down. "We've been neck deep in Romulans crap. Then we discover they were experimenting with the Borg, and nearly have the entire bloody ship assimilated. All turns out it was once Admiral out for his own self. Good job I knocked his ass to the deck" Taiga explained simply.

Alora nodded and took the proffered seat. "And that is why I've been assigned here. My last ship was...unique."

"The Niagara" Taiga replied simply. "I heard that some interesting events happened on that ship. Anything you want to, or need to share with me?" she asked her face turning to that of curiosity.

Alora considered the question for a long moment. "Probably not. Suffice it to say that some unfortunate events led to the Captain being confined and Admiral Vance taking over." And Alex going missing. She touched the ring and sighed. "I was transferred here after the inquiry."

Taiga raised an eyebrow. "So, you faced the music. Took a demotion to Commander and then they put you on this boat?" she said simply. "Tell me something however..." she paused for a second. "I will need one hell of a good XO to crack this crew into shape. Frankly, Starfleet is watching us. They don't like me, and they want me to fail. I need someone to hold me back incase I do something stupid out there"

"Is now a good time to tell you I once threw the ship's pilot half way across the lounge because he wouldn't stop flirting with me?"

Taiga just smiled. "Thatta girl!" she responded enthusiatically. "How many of his ribs did you manage to break in the process?"

"None as he landed on the ground instead of against the bulkhead," she said, giving the Captain a broad smile. "I'm a researcher, primarily, but I am not afraid to stand up for myself iif necessary."

"Good" Taiga replied. "Because we're not an ordinary ship. We do the dirty work that most of Starfleet doesn't see" she explained. "For example, if there's a problem on the border. They send us, we deal with it. If a Civilian ship goes rogue, we deal with it. Hell, we'll see our fair share of action behind enemy lines too" she sat back in her chair and crossed her legs. "Do you think you can cope with that sort of stuff?"

"Of course," Alora replied calmly. "I started my career in Intelligence doing research. I am familiar with what is required to do the job and keep a low profile. ANd I had plenty of experience with the Niagara. I was First oFficer to three different commanders. There were times when I had to take charge as well.--not that I expect to have to take over for you."

Taiga nodded. "I see. Well just as long as you understand the risks. Its very cold and nasty out there. The Federation sounds and looks like a glamourous, kind and peaceful idea on paper. But then there's us left to clean up when things don't quite go right" she explained simply.

"I prefer to see it as Starfleet tries to instill a feeling of unity and cooperation, but the reality is we're all struggling. But we still have the goal to reach for," Alora countered.

Taiga nodded. "Well, we're not the Starship Enterprise. We get all the dirty assignments" Taiga explained. "No fancy diplomatic conferences, or exploring new worlds. We're going to be patrolling traffic lanes, enforcing law and eliminating any threats to our borders" Taiga said.

"Well, I will miss exploring new worlds, but I can deal with the rest," Alora said.

"You never know" Taiga said. "We might find something along the way. Is there any thing else you need to know?" she asked jumping the point slightly.

"Not at the moment," Alora said. "But I'm sure I'll have something before too long. Is there anything you need?"

"Same" Taiga replied. "I suggest you go get a feel for the ship and her crew. If there isn't anything else Commander, Dismissed"

"Yes, ma'am." Alora gave the Captain a Vulcan half-bow and went in search of her quarters.


Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo


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