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A Not-So-Perfect Pilot

Posted on Thu Mar 2nd, 2017 @ 10:05am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Edited on on Thu Mar 2nd, 2017 @ 10:19am

638 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Various

"HELL YEAH!" the young woman screamed as the type nine shuttle curved sharply in space, followed by a victory roll. "Oh thats what I'm talking about, thats what I call flying!" she said to herself as her fingers ran across the controls.
"Ensign, can you please just fly STRAIGHT!" her co-pilot said, his face looking a little green.
"Oh come on, you're just boring".
"I am not boring" he replied coldly. "I would like us to arrive at the Tokyo alive"
"Vulcans..." she huffed as she cut the shuttles speed as the drydock where the USS Tokyo was docked approached.

The shuttle landed softly on the floor of the Tokyo's main auxiliary craft deck. The young woman stepped out and stretched.
"Starfleet need bigger shuttles" she said as she reached into the back hatch and pulled out her bag. The Vulcan followed her, still a little spacesick from her flying.
"Don't worry about him... Do Vulcan's get green when they feel sick? Or do they get red... like reverse to Humans?" she asked outloud as she walked away to find her new quarters.

After unpacking briefly, she made her way upto the bridge. She stood starstruck at its new design. The helm at the front had so many controls, much more than the USS Karen had. It was far more advanced. She wandered over to it and ran a hand over its smooth panels.
"Oh, I just love how it feels!" she muttered to herself. Then she spotted something. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "Its got holographic heads up display, and manual controls in the form of joysticks... oh thats... sexy..." she said. "So, so sexy. I can't wait to play with your joystick Tokyo" she whispered giving the console a small wink.

Dragging herself away she managed to get to the Ready Room where she rang the bell and waited. The doors soon swished open and Mikko became face to face with her new Commanding Office, that of Captain Taiga Aisaka.
"Ensign Mikko Ishigami reporting as ordered Captain" she said.

Taiga looked up at the young woman. "So you're my new Chief Pilot" she asked simply.
"Yes Captain. I am here to run as Chief of Flight Control" Mikko explained.

Taiga nodded. "Well, are you any good?" she asked bluntly.

"I believe that I am. But I will try my best Captain" Mikko replied. She gave the young captain a small smile, which turned into a cheeky grin. "I'm one for more how a ship feels Captain. I believe every ship has potential"

Taiga nodded again. "We will see how your piloting skills are once we ship out" she said. "You are pretty new to the ship, so find your way around and then get to know where all the shuttlebays are. You will be responsible for them, not just for flying the ship from the bridge. You'll be a department head and I expect the best from you Ensign" Taiga explained, she didn't have time for pleasantries.

"Yes Captain" Mikko replied. "I will head there now. I intend to see what shuttles we have on board, and what they can do"

"I read your last report Ensign. Don't take any unnecessary risks like you did on the Karen"

Mikko swallowed.

"However. Should you need to take the risk to get us out of a sticky situation, I can look the other way" Taiga smiled. She outstretched a hand for the young woman to shake.

Mikko took the hand and gave her new Captain a firm hand shake. "What qualifies as a sticky situation?" she asked with a grin.

"When I tell you to punch it, or to move the hell out of the way" Taiga said simply returning the smile. "Dismissed Ensign"

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Chief Flight Control Officer


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