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Guilty feelings down in Medical

Posted on Fri Mar 10th, 2017 @ 6:27am by Lieutenant Alex Walker & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Edited on on Fri Mar 10th, 2017 @ 1:26pm

1,619 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Sickbay

The doors of the sickbay swished open.
"I told you I'm fine Ryuuji!" Taiga's voice snapped. "PUT ME DOWN!" she shouted. It would be an unusual sight to see a Lieutenant Commander, and the ships Chief Engineering Officer literally carrying the Captain into the ships sickbay. Ryuuji was carrying Taiga, carrying her by her armpits while she struggled, kicked and screamed to be let go.
"I'm telling you. I DON'T NEED A DAMN CHECKUP!" she shouted as she struggled against him.

"Hey Doc!" Ryuuji called out. "Got someone here who needs your attention!" he called.
"I DO NOT!" Taiga called back. "HE'S TOTALLY BEING A JERK!"

Alex poked his head around his office door, hearing a commotion outside. The sight that greeted him was extremely unusual to say the least but given the relationship between the Captain and her Chief engineer, he couldn't say he was too surprised. Stepping over he smiled at the two of them. "Actually Captain. You are in fact overdue for your physical." He mentally counted back. "Last one actually was when I came aboard, two three months ago?"

Taiga stared at the doctor. "I thought they were every like year? Are you telling me there more often now?!" she asked confused.

"Normally they are semi-annually but after any sort of major incident aboard ship, it is not uncommon for the CMO to mandate an out of cycle physical. Given our recent encounter with the borg, I felt a physical evaluation for everyone, infected or not, was warranted. Given both you and Ryuuji were in direct contact with Borg equipment and infected crew-members, medical protocol dictates closer and more frequent physicals over the short term to ensure that you remain free of Borg nanites."

"But I'm telling you I'm fine!" Taiga replied back, once again struggling against Ryuuji who was still holding her tightly.

"She's really not" Ryuuji replied. "Its been longer than the Borg thing. Ever since she..." he hesitated. "We lost our baby. She's not been the same" he explained.

Taiga suddenly relaxed, her muscles became less tense so much she literally slid out of Ryuuji's arms and onto the floor. She had been defeated this time.

"Taiga?" Ryuuji asked.

"I've...." she hesitated. "I've not felt anything since then... you know... down there!"

"Thats a little insulting" Ryuuji commented.

Taiga hit him in the stomach. "Not in that way you idiot!"

Alex nodded. He'd come aboard just after the incident that they were referring to, an incident in which Taiga both found out she was pregnant, and had lost the child due to a disrupter hit to the stomach. He'd reported aboard with his family and recalled how awkward that meeting had been.

Pausing he looked at the both of them. "I am aware of what happened to you Taiga, the circumstances. I will have to add that to my list of checks during your physical I am afraid." He stopped, "Have you both spoken with a counselor? I know most people hate to do it but it actually does help, sometimes just getting the weight of the anger and grief off your chest does wonders."

"We did for a little bit" Taiga replied simply as she picked herself up off of the floor and leant on a nearby biobed. You could see the cogs in her mind ticking over as she thought it through.

"If it'll make you happy" she said turning to face Ryuuji. "I'll get checked up properly. It shouldn't take too long. I know you're worried about me. But I put things like this off, I've had the ship and crew to sort out" she explained.

Ryuuji nodded. "Make sure she's ok Doctor" he said. "I'll be waiting at home" with that said he turned and left the room.

Once Ryuuji had left, Alex motioned for Taiga to take a seat on the biobed. "This shouldn't take too long Taiga. I know your busy."

Taiga nodded as she jumped up on the biobed and unzipped her grey and black tunic. "Best to get this over and done with."

Alex nodded, taking a tricorder from the slot in the biobed. He began to run a preliminary scan, later he'd need to run a deeper scan. "Any aches, pains, that sort of thing?"

"Not really. I've just not been feeling too good" she said blushing slightly. "I've been a little tired from getting the ship up and running again" she added.

Alex nodded as Taiga admitted to some tiredness. "Well, your doing a good job if it's any consolation. Only suggestion I'd make is to try and get more sleep, and maybe more downtime with Ryuuji." He kept scanning, moving a little deeper for the next scans.

"Is that your way of saying that I should get laid more often?"Taiga asked simply.

Alex responded without skipping a beat, "That's my way of saying that taking a break from work is a good thing. Sex can be a very good way to relax so I do encourage it between consenting partners."

Taiga nodded. "I understand that. But I think that I'm just scared of what might happen again. Afterall space is dangerous." She paused. "Sometimes I envy you doctor. I should probably go visit our newest little crewmembers but I've been reluctant to do so" she admitted weakly.

"Taiga," Alex remarked, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Space is dangerous, but you also can't shy away from living life because of it. I know the risks, Meru does too, but we chose to accept them. We also lost a few along the way Taiga. Sean & Mikala are six years apart because we lost two pregnancies." He paused, "I'm sure Meru & Kala would love a visit but they won't be offended if you are not ready."

Taiga stared at Alex. "I'm sorry. I didn't know..." she replied softly. "I guess I should grow up a little more. Nothing seems to be easy in life" she explained. "I guess Ryuuji would be satisfied if I'm just healthy" she added with a small smile.

"We don't talk about it much Taiga. It's one of those things that happens." He kept scanning, "I think that's all he wants," Alex remarked, "I'll need to run a more detailed scan so if you could lay back on the bed?"

Taiga laid back on the biobed. She just hoped that everything was going to be ok. She couldn't help but feel guilty about the conversation, but she had to let her feelings come out.

Alex began the deeper scan of her body, the checks that would confirm she was healthy and free of nanites. "Your prelim scan is good. This scan will take a bit longer but I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"I'm sure that everything will be ok. Unless you have some magic way to make me taller" she added as a joke.

"Magic? Unfortunately no." Alex remarked, smiling. "Dynamite comes in small packages Captain. Just ask Meru."

Taiga simply smiled. "I will endeavour to ask her" she laughed wondering how screwed both Alex and Ryuuji would be if they ever teamed up on something. The thought made her smile.

Alex nodded, glancing back at the screen above the biobed. "Good news so far is there is no sign of nanites. Give it another minute to finish and I can give you a clean bill of health."

"Ok" Taiga said. "As long as everything is working properly I should be alright" she added. "Although I would like some advice about conception, just in case we try again in the future" she explained once again blushing slightly.

"Okay," Alex remarked, "What would you like to know?" There wasn't much point trying to probe hence the simple open ended question.

"I just need to know if my body can actually do it" she explained. "I know that some people need medical help to have children, I just need to know if I would need it or not?" She asked.

Alex glanced up at the scan quickly before he answered. "Taiga. I know it's a worry sometimes after losing a baby but the answer is no. Your body is perfectly fine. I ran scans of your reproductive organs while we were scanning for nanites and I can tell you that everything is perfectly normal. You and Ryuuji can go ahead without worry and try if you want."

Taiga say up and smiled at him. "Thats good to know, thanks Alex" she replied. She was glad to know that everything was good and she was fine. "Anything else you need me for?" She asked.

Alex shook his head. "Just come in on time for your next physical and Ryuuji won't have to carry you in a rather undignified fashion." He paused smiling, "And make sure you get some down time with him as much as you can. Okay?"

"Will do doctor" Taiga replied. She cracked her knuckles as she slid off of the biobed. "And don't worry ablut me getting some downtime with Ryuuji" she commented. "Just make sure you're free within the next couple of hours, he'll need you more than I did once I'm finished with him" she explained a slightly evil smile forming on her face as she picked up her tunic.

"Won't be the first time I've treated a couple for wounds inflicted while making love Captain. And won't be the last time either." He grinned, "Just don't break too many bones okay?"

"I'll try not to" Taiga said giving him a wink before heading towards the door. "But I can't guarantee it..." she added before stepping through the doors.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Alex Walker
Chief Medical Officer


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