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Here's Bettie (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Mar 2nd, 2017 @ 7:15am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Thu Mar 2nd, 2017 @ 10:19am

1,558 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: In Bettie/Fighter Bay
Timeline: After "Speedy Arrival"


Soren approached with Bettie at an increased speed, a speed normally not taken by rookie pilots, toward the hanger doors. He heard the alarms and messages coming on about slowing down and decreasing speed, but he just tapped the console to mute them all. Just before he reached the opened doors, he decreased his speed drastically, coming into the fighter bay and coming to a complete stop. He hovered over the landing pad for a while, giving the officers there a bit of a show by spinning and twirling in place for a while, before landing and coming to a complete stop. All the while he laughed uncontrollably.

One of the officers working at the fighter bay ran over to a console against the wall and opened a line of communications. "Captain Aisaka? This is the fighter bay. We have an officer here who requested your appearance, as well as the Chief of Security. He says its by orders of Starfleet Security and Intelligence."

An audible sigh came back over the comm system. "What makes this officer special?" she asked rather bluntly. "Have security escort him to my ready room. I don't have the time to greet every new person who lands on the deck" she ordered.

The same officer closed the transmission with the Captain and tapped on the console again. "Fighter Bay to Commander Trigman? Please report to the Fighter Bay."

Trigman had been 'aware' of a new pilot coming in; the file he had been give was vague but of some interest, and had made his way to the Bay to meet the new 'Squadron Leader' to see what kind of a first impression would be coming? It was Trigman's opinion that the first landing was often the intro of things to come. This 'grand Standing' was looking to be another headache; the alarms and show boating was that of a pilot who had the skills by the way the fighter handled, he also had the confidence in his skills to perform the maneuver, but this is the first signs of an Ego from all intents and purposes upon first observation. What would really be gained in setting off the alarms, then the little performance?

"Why is there a need to prove something?" Trigman shook his head and waited with his hands behind his back in a casual stance for the Pilot to finish. "Probably a one time thing... I hope?" Trigman muttered to himself.

Bettie's cockpit opened as Soren got out in casual clothes. He stood there for a moment and looked around, locking eyes with Trigger for a moment before reaching down and grabbing his bad. "Bettie? Transfer yourself to the mobile unit."

"You got it, Speedy." Bettie replied with a giggle.

Soren stepped out of his cockpit and walked over to the tip of the nose before dropping down to the ground. His metal legs braced his fall, taking the impact and protecting him from any harm. He approached Trigger with a smirk and crossed his arms over his head. "Finally, the man in person. Heard a lot about you."

The doors to the fighter bay opened as two Starfleet Security guards, the ones from the shuttle escorts, ran in and went straight to Soren. "What's your problem, Dillinger?"

Soren looked to Trigger and winked. "Look's like the party police are here." He looked over to the approaching security guard and shrugged. "Inflated ego? Trouble with commitment? I've been told its a lot of things."

"I told the Admiral letting you fly your fighter here was a bad idea." The Security Guard replied.

"Hey." Soren said sternly as he pointed to the Security Guard. "No one but me flies my baby."

"A pilot's fighter is their own and unless that pilot is unable to fly I can agree with him." Trigman asserted. "No one flies my fighter but me as well so I will forgive your ignorance towards that point." Trigman nod to the Security. "It is a common misnomer."

The Security Guard shook his head and looked over to Trigman. "My apologize, Commander." He said as he took a PADD from the other guard and handed it to Trigman. "His transfer orders. Where is the Captain or Chief of Security? We have orders to release him to one of them personally before we leave."

"I am told the Security Chief is on the way." Trigman accepted the orders and scanned them over. "For future refernce Dillenger," He looked up. "Pull a stunt like that again and you will not have to worry about 'Anyone' flying your fighter as it will be lashed to the deck until the lesson is accepted." Trigman di dnot add any inflection in his statement as he knew the point should be taken. "A one time showing off is a passabe urge... once." Trigman acknowledged the transfer. "I am sure the Captain will be giving you 'Her' opinion on your actions." Trigman looked to Dillinger. "I have heard of your exploits and reputation Dillinger and this show was cute but as a leader in the squadron do you think your actions set a good example for those to be under your command? Leaders set the example."

"You try grounding her." Soren replied with a smirked. "And lesson learned, Boss. I just had to get that out of my system.

"Ground me? Ground me?!?!" Bettie replied with a shocked tone, followed by a disgusted scoff. She transferred her program to the fighter, and using the holoemitter hidden in the front, projected her image next to Soren. She had long brown hair, a stunning figure, and deep blue eyes. She had on an old fashion bomber jacket and pilot suit, complete with pilots hood and goggles. "Listen, buddy, no one grounds me." She placed her hands on her hips, than slumped one over Soren's shoulders.

"B? Tone it down, Okay. That's the Air Boss. He can ground us if he wants." Soren replied softly, trying not to laugh.

Bettie raised a brow and looked from Soren to Trigman, than smile at the Lieutenant Commander as her whole tone and demeanor changed. "So you're the illustrious and talented Flight Commander. Speedy didn't mention to me you were so handsome." She said in a flirtatious tone as her hands went on her her hips, giving them a slight sway as she continued. "My, my. That uniform, and that color, really makes you pop."

Soren shook his head as a soft laugh escaped his lips. "I said Tone it down not crank it up, Bettie."

"Thanks for the complement but flattery will not get you anywhere... Bettie is it?" HE said to the hologram. "Handsome or not I allow my pilots some latitude and I am confidant at Dillinger's words that the lesson is learned."Trigman did not show any signs of a change of attitude. "You are attractive to the eye but the bar you are compared to is pretty high little lady." He chuckled. "No offense but there is only one that I flirt with in my life.

Bettie smirked than winked. "Can't blame a hologram for trying, Boss."

T'Shenn walked up and said, "Commander, mind telling me who changed the Captain's orders? I was supposed to wait with her in her Ready Room, then I get called down here. If I get the boot, I'm blaming you." Her voice was both harsh and joking at the same time, and she had a bit of a smirk on her lips.

"Lieutenant Dillinger here has a special order for Security to pass him off on us." Trigman said. "If you would be so kind as to relieve these Fleet Security gentlemen of our Squadron leader I have approved the transfer but you might want to take him to the Captain and let him explain why you were dragged away?" Trigman almost laughed. "It is not your fault Feet Security brought you here to sign for him and let the Captain handle it after you drop him to see her." He said casually. "I'll tag along to verify he is assigned here and the Captain can let her kind nature prevail."

"Hey." Soren said firmy. "If it's any consolation, I agree with the both of you that this is all nonsense, but I'm not one the one pulling the strings. I got to suffer same as you two with this.

T'Shenn slipped a small blade from under her sleeve and asked, "Does he have to make it in one piece, Commander?"

You know the fine for damaging Fleet property?" Trigman commented. "Seeing to how they are giving him to us we kind of own him so might not want to mar the New guy on the ship, might give a bad impression?" He smiled.

T'Shenn chuckled and said, "Awww ok." She slipped the blade back in and nodded. "Alright, guess it's time to see the Captain."

Soren raised a brow at T'Shenn. "Are we going to have a problem?" He gave a slight smile, tapping his metal leg for a moment before adding. "Least you can do is wait to get to know me before you try to stab me, Chief. Can't promise it will get very far."

To be continued....


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