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"I Just Love Scanning for Lifeforms!"

Posted on Thu Jun 27th, 2024 @ 7:21pm by Lieutenant JG Nezuko

530 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Primary Sensor Control Room
Timeline: Shortly after "The Aisaka Alliance"

The Captain's orders to Lieutenants Adams and Nezuko had been clear. "I want you two to start sensor sweeps of the ships that are within scanning range," she'd said. "Look for lifesigns. The more people we can save the better. We are still a Federation Starship, so I will offer escape from this planet to those willing to help achieve that goal."

The bridge was a hectic mess, so Nezuko and Kylynn went to the top level of the mission pod, which contained the ship's best sensor array. A quiet space where they could work in peace, with backup generators plugged directly into the sensors.

Nezuko set up a keypad next to the sensor input so she could 'speak' to Kylynn. "Power to primary sensors is at one-two-zero-percent."

"Understood" she replied as she initiated a power scan. "Can that be any higher?"

Nezuko nodded and got to work typing away at her console. She could probably squeeze another percentage point or two out of it. "It will take a moment. Any readings so far?"

"not yet but ill keep trying, something oughta come up" kylynn replied.

Hopefully, Nezuko thought. They had a real possibility of becoming free from the planet. Many of the other crash victims had been here for years or decades. Some were even born here, she assumed. She hated the idea of someone being accidentally left behind while the rest managed to claw their way offworld by pooling resources.

"You now have one-two-two-percent to sensors. Resolution and range have both increased. I doubt we can eke any more from these systems though. Not while this energy drain persists."

There was a beep from her rebreather. Another dying battery. She took a deep breath and removed the device from her mouth so she could replace the energy source.

"Are you ok?" Kylynn asked

Nezuko nodded as she replaced her rebreather. "Battery issues have gotten worse."

But she persisted, hoping her problem would be solved before she had to be confined to her quarters or other air-isolated rooms.

After a few more minutes of light conversation, the console began to beep. The computer's analysis was complete.

The total number of lifeforms detected within 1,000km of the Tokyo crash site was 2,539. This number accounted for the Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, and Ferengi ships, as well as the Tokyo and the Redemption, plus approximately 500 people living in scattered small settlements. Many of those were probably Saviors, but some might be innocent victims trying to survive as best they could in horrible situations. It did not include any Borg, aside from the handful of XBs like Dana that might be out there.

She compiled the results, along with a heat map showing the locations of the various lifeforms (notably those not living in or near crash sites, and also marking suspected Savior camps) and sent it off to the Captain and First Officer.

They had a number of lifeforms. Now it was up to everyone else to get as close to that number of people as possible off of this planet.


Lieutenant jg Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Kylynn Adams
Chief Science Officer


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