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Flight Of The Phoenix [Part 11]

Posted on Mon May 20th, 2024 @ 10:50am by Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Ensign Sora Kobayashi 'Blank' & Ensign Hanna-Justina Marseille 'Desert Eagle' & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2' & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Edited on on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 5:59pm

2,152 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101), Transporter Room 1, Deck 5

There was a flash of light, a rush of hot air, and the next thing the pilots realized, they were standing in one of the main transporter rooms aboard the Tokyo.

"We're back!" Masamune exclaimed, dropping to his knees and kissing the floor. "And here I was starting to think I'd never see the day..."

The doors of the transporter room swished open and Amu rushed in carrying a medkit on a shoulder strap. She was joined by Nurse Miyafuji and two other medical officers. "You know, there's likely some form of microscopic residue on that transporter. I would advise from kissing it..." Amu smirked.

"You had to make it weird..." Masamune grumbled as he stood back up and dusted himself off.

"Doc-!" Nozomi exclaimed, her jubilation suddenly trailing off as her eyes wandered towards the telltale bump protruding from Amu's stomach.

"Doc, you're pregnant?!"

Amu blushed and rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah... A lots happened around here in recent weeks."

"The Captain wants to see you all. But she's given me permission to look you all over first. Come on, lets get you down to the sickbay." She told them all with a smile. "Both Doctor Ellis and I will look you over."

"But of course," Nozomi smiled. "Lead the way, Doc."

Saeko glanced over at Fubuki. "The... Captain wants to speak with us?"

"Well what do you expect? We did just park a two hundred year old starship within spitting distance of the Tokyo's hull..." Fubuki replied rather sarcastically. "Of course she wants to see us!"

Anu led them out of the transporter room. She took them to the main sickbay instead of the Flight Deck Sickbay. It didn't take long for the ship's medical staff to look over the pilots. Amu was even able to heal Masamune's ankle properly although did infirm him it Knight be a bit 'sore' for a few days.

After being dismissed from sickbay, the pilots next appointment was with Captain Aisaka.

"So what do you think it's about?" Masamune remarked as the six of them stepped out onto the Tokyo's bridge.

The bridge of the Tokyo looked rather intact. It had taken a beating in the initial crash and it was evident that it had been 'patched up'. There were officers manning some of the consoles, while others such as the helm and science consoles were deactivated.

"Were I to guess, she's likely going to ask for some kind of incident report," Nozomi speculated. "Can't say I speak from a point of experience, however."

"I imagine she'll want to know everything." Rin said simply as she sheepishly followed. She had never been on the bridge before, so she was looking around curiously.

Crossing over to the far side of the bridge, the six pilots found themselves stood before a set of doors leading into the Captain's ready room.

"So, what's this "Captain Aisaka" like, if you don't mind my asking?" Masamune remarked as Nozomi reached up and pressed the buzzer.

"Honestly. I've not actually met her..." Fubuki replied.

"Enter," called the voice of the Captain.

The doors to the ready room snapped open and the six pilots stepped forward. Taiga was sat behind her desk, she looked up at the pilots.

One by one, the pilots lined up in front of the Captain's desk, their postures rigid and their faces taciturn as they stood at attention.

"Chill out guys." She said simply. She rose to her feet, and being just over twelve weeks pregnant and of tiny stature a small bump was starting to form on her belly. It was only really noticable if you looked. "How about you all sit down, I imagine you'll be thirsty?" She asked as she walked around her desk towards the replicator.

The pilots nodded and took their seats.

"Okay, this is starting to get silly," Saeko whispered as Taiga's back was turned to them. "It's one thing if that Hinamori chick is pregnant, but the Captain? Did they have wild monkey sex or something while we were gone?"

"If they did, I don't think I wanna know," Masamune shook his head.

Fubuki just smiled nervously at Saeko's comment.

Taiga turned back from the replicator with a large jug of fresh orange juice on it and several glasses. She looked directly at Saeko as she passed giving her a little bit of a stare before returning to her seat. "So." She said as she poured out the juice. "Care to explain why and how there is a two hundred year old ship sat within shouting distance of the hull?"

"I'll answer for that, Captain," Nozomi spoke up. "We originally stumbled across this ship approximately 300 klicks South of the Tokyo; given that we had approximately 4 sets of 3-day rations to share between the six of us, we determined early on that we weren't going to be able to make the journey on foot, so, after determining that we had sufficient power with which to fly the ship back to the Tokyo, we made the decision to try and get her up and running. And in respect to the deceased, we have only disturbed the bare minimum facilities- crew quarters have been left as we found them."

A moment of silence fell upon the room as Taiga took in what Nozomi had just said. "So, you took the iniative, somehow managed to power up a relic of Starfleet History and flew it back. Did you find anything of note on that ship?"

"As a matter of fact," Nozomi replied, retrieving the PADD that contained Captain Wardel's logs. "We managed to recover several personal logs from the ship's computer core, of which we took the liberty of backing up onto a more stable medium."

She slid the PADD across the desk for Taiga to review.

"Please see to it that the contents of this PADD are taken directly to Starfleet Command upon our return to Federation Space, so that they may go through the proper channels and be placed into the Archives," she instructed.

Taiga took the PADD. "I'm guessing it was the Captain's last request huh?" She asked.

"That is correct, Captain," Nozomi nodded.

"I see..." Taiga said. "Well. The Endeavour is just what we needed. While you've been away we have managed to restore main power with the help of some 'acquired' Borg Technology. We are in the process of contacting other survivors of other crashed ships to form an alliance." Taiga explained to them all. "Long story short, we'll be needing any sort of functional engine to get us back into orbit. So taking the ones from that old ship will help a lot."

Taiga paused for a brief moment. "From the initial report it looks like you've all had a rough ride. However, you have, one, brought us what we need, and two, displayed courage and resilience. So tell me, you must have formed a command structure correct? Tell me about it."

"Well, after discussing it amongst ourselves, it was decided that we would each specialize in a single station, so as to optimize efficiency and improve our chances of getting back to the Tokyo," Nozomi elaborated. "Lieutenant Kuchikukan volunteered to fly the ship, so we had her on helm; Ensign Kagamine, we had her on the Engineering Station, while Lieutenant Busujima was down below keeping all major systems functioning; Ensign Marseille, we had manning Tactical to polarize the hull plating; and given her original inclinations on the field, we had Ensign Busujima manning Sciences. I was there largely to coordinate."

"I see," Taiga said. She tapped on the controls of her desk console and studied it for a brief moment before turning her attention back to the pilot's. "I will be giving you all a commendation for your actions. You've all shown loyalty and dedication to your duties." She said.

"Now. We have been very busy here. However, I am giving you all some time off for a few days. You can spend that time however you feel. The holodecks have recently been opened again and now we have replicators back online feel free to get a good meal." Taiga said. "And you will probably want to reunite with your fellow pilots too." She paused for a moment. "So I suggest you use this time wisely, because once we get enough engine power, we will be attempting a liftoff from this planet."

She looked at each of them in turn. "I am pleased and relieved that you have returned safely. There is a lot to catch up on, so make it your business to find out what's been happening around here... except, don't ask anyone about any 'sexual events'..." she glared over at Saeko for a moment.

"You're all dismissed, except Ensign Kusuda and Lieutenant Kuchikukan" Taiga told them.

The other four pilots looked on with concern.

"Go on ahead, guys," Nozomi insisted. "Fubuki and I will catch up with you."

Once the other pilots had left and the doors closed Taiga looked at both women. "Fubuki right?" She said addressing the young pilot.

"Yes Ma'am." Fubuki replied.

"Your name has crossed ny desk multiple times. All for good reasons. It takes skill and determination to fly a ship two hundred years out of date. Plus, your service record has shown that you're not just a pilot, but one hell of a good one." Taiga paused. "I'm going to reward your efforts. I want to offer you the role of Deputy Commander Air Group along with a promotion to full Lieutenant."

Fubuki nodded. "I'll gladly accept," she beamed.

"Good, then it's done." Taiga said. She then turned to Nozomi. "Nozomi correct?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Nozomi nodded. "Ensign Nozomi Kusuda, Triumph Squadron, Call Sign 'Gemini'."

"Six years in Starfleet from your record and you're still an Ensign." Taiga stated. "Your choice to take command us honourable. Making decisions is not easy. I'm recommending you recueve advanced pilot training, and offering you deputy squadron leader. I'm also advancing you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior for your actions."

The offer came as a shock to Nozomi's senses; after being shuffled around more backwater desk jobs than she could count, she had long since given up on the possibility of her ever receiving a promotion. It was just one of many things she'd squandered in the Las Vegas Incident, a single, bad judgement call that she was still struggling to live down- and would likely continue to live down for the rest of her natural-born days. So to finally have that elusive half-pip staring her in the face... it was all too much for Nozomi to bear, and for the first time since her mother had died, she broke down in tears.

Taken by surprise, both Taiga and Fubuki seemed hesitant to do anything. Fubuki shifted uncomfortably in her seat and gave Taiga a 'What do I do?' Look, to which Taiga silently shrugged.

"Oh, bother," she sniffled as she wiped the tears off on her sleeve. "Of all the times this could've happened..."

Taiga reached under her desk and slid a box of tissues over to Nozomi. "That's the first time I've had someone cry when recieveing a promotion...":

"It's nothing," Nozomi insisted, though she accepted the tissues all the same. "Nothing, I say!"

"Uh huh..." Taiga said. "Like I said earlier, take some time off before returning your duties."

"Understood, Captain," Nozomi smiled as she handed the box back to Taiga. "And I would be honored to serve as your, Lieutenant Junior Grade... Nozomi Kusuda."

Taiga gave them both a nod. "Dismissed."

Posting by:

Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan
Deputy Squadron Leader, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Nozomi Kusuda
Deputy Squadron Leader, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Ensign Hanna-Justina Marseille
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Ensign Rin Kagamine
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Ensign Saeko Busujima
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Masamune Busujima
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Captain Todd Wardel
Commanding Officer, Endeavour (NX-05) [Mentioned in passing]

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Jesse Leon
Chief Security Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Eli Ellis
Chief Medical Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori
Chief Flight Bay Medic, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Petty Officer First Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Nurse, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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