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Smoke & Mirrors

Posted on Tue May 21st, 2024 @ 7:57am by Captain Taiga Aisaka

1,369 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1, USS Tokyo

The NX Class Endeavour had arrived only yesterday and Taiga had assigned engineering and operations teams to go over the old ship. However, they were due for the Romulan party to arrive shortly. She had taken it upon herself to negotiate with the Romulans herself, on the Tokyo where safety could be guaranteed.

Taiga sat in the conference lounge adjacent to the main bridge. She had organised for a brief selection of refreshments to be set our on the table. It didn't take long for the Romulan Commander and his party to arrive.

The Romulan Commander was tall and stocky. He towered above the much smaller petite Starfleet Captain as she rose to her feet to greet him.
"Commander Tulok, welcome aboard the Tokyo." Taiga said with a friendly smile.

"An impressive vessel, for a Starfleet ship." Tulok replied simply. "I must admit, we are behind on recent intelligence reports."

Taiga motioned for him to take a seat opposite her. "How long have you been stranded here?" She asked curiously.

Tulok took the offered seat and intertwined his fingers. "Close to eleven years."

"I see," Taiga's voice was soft and sympathetic. "Well, I am offering a way off this planet for you and your entire crew. If you are willing to listen to my proposal?"

"I am willing to Captain Aisaka. But I can not guarantee that we will accept your proposal," Tulok replied simply. "You should understand that I do not trust Starfleet or The Federation. I am only here because as a Commander I must consider all options to maintain my crews survival."

"I understand that," Truthfully Taiga's heart sank. The entire plan depended on the use of the Romulan's singularity core and their engines. "As a Commander and leader I have the same responsibilities and duty to my people."

Tulok smiled. "I can see that you care for them deeply. Be assured I will protect my own crew and the Empire's secrets at all costs."

Taiga raised her hands. "You have nothing to fear from us. We only want to get home."

"So it seems. I've looked over your initial proposal Captain. I find it... intriguing." Tulok pulled out a Romulan PADD and began to look over its contents. "So let me get this right. You want to trade technology from my ship in return for my crews safe transportation off this planet?"

Nodding Taiga replied. "Yes. With your ships engines and singularity core, along with others we believe we can get the Tokyo back into orbit. Once in orbit I will arrange for everyone to be taken back to their respective homes."

"How do I know you can guarantee our safe return home?" Tulok asked.

"I will make sure that you all get home. Even if it means ferrying you myself." Taiga told him. Her words were sharp and straight to the point. "There are no strings attached Commander. You help us, we help you. That's pretty much it."

Tulok seemed to pondered for a few moments. "What if we decide to say no to this little alliance you have going here?"

"Then we will find a way to leave without you or your crew," Taiga replied simply. "And once we return to Federation Space we will inform the Romulan Star Navy of your location. It would then be upto them if they want to mount a rescue mission or not." She paused for a moment. "Although, if I am understanding Romulan Military culture correctly, they wouldn't bother. They would consider you what Humans call 'A lost cause'."

An awkward silence fell upon the room as what Taiga had said seemed to settle. "You are most likely correct Captain. There is one alternative. You could give us your engines and we'll leave the planet in my ship."

Taiga had suspected this. She reached out to one of the PADDS that she had on the table with her. She tapped on its surface and turned it around. It was a recent scan of the Romulan Mogai class ship. "You mean this ship?" She asked. Before Tulok could reply she spoke up again. "Fused warp coils, seventeen major hull breaches along the hull., Minimal power reserves, six of your decks showing signs of deterioration, no functional replicators and hardly any food and water reserves..." she stopped as she locked eyes with the Romulan. "Should I continue."

Tulok frowned. "I'll admit my ship is not in the best of states..."

"Not in the best of states?!" Taiga exclaimed. "Face it Tulok. You try and get that wreck into space and you'll be lucky to leave the ground! And if somehow you do manage it, you'll be dead from exposure in minutes!"

"But we will die Romulan!"

Taiga sighed. "Look. I'm giving you a solution to get off this planet and go home. Return to Romulus and your families. This doesn't need to be a hard decision."

The Romulan Commander looked the smaller Captain up and down. "I happened to notice that you are showing signs of pregnancy. Am I correct Captain?"

Taiga wasn't expecting that to come up. "Well. Yes, I am."

For the first time a smile spread across the Romulan commander's face. "I have a child myself. She was born just after I started my mission as Commander of my ship. She would be at least eleven years old by now."

"So you never had the chance to meet your daughter?" Taiga asked.

Tulok shook his head. "No I did not. Civilians are not permitted on Romulan warships. However I do think about how I have not been there. No doubt we have already been declared dead."

That gave Taiga some more leverage in her negotiations and tactics. "Well, doesn't this give you an opportunity to return to her? To make up those years you have lost?"

"Why would you care?" Tulok snapped.

"Because. I wouldn't like to think the father of my child gave up so easily!" Taiga snapped back at him. "I'm offering you and your crew a chance to go home. Yes, it's unconventional but it's better than staying and dying on this quite frankly shit excuse of a planet, is it not?!"

Once again a silence hung in the air. It was broken by Taiga. "If you accept and give us your engines and singularity core. I will make sure that you get back to your daughter. Your crew will be given free medical assistance and be treated as guests aboard this ship. Your people will work alongside mine and we'll do this together."

Tulok remained silent as he went over the details in his head. "You are attempting to recruit other crews as well?"

"That is correct."

"What makes you believe you can trust any of them?" Tulok asked.

"Honestly. I don't trust any of them. No offense, but you included. However on this planet we need to put aside our Petty differences if we're ever going to return home. The politics of the galaxy don't apply when you're trying to survive."

Tulok stared at her for a few seconds before speaking again. "You have a good point Captain."

"I'm not saying it's going to be easy. It'll be far from it, and don't expect luxury living accommodations or anything. But, if we succeed at least we'll be alive. I'm willing to take the risk if you are. So give me your answer Tulok. Are you with us with a chance yo return home to your people, or are you not with no chance?"

Tulok sat back in his chair as he pinched his brow. Finally he looked up and back at the tiny Starfleet Captain. "For the sake of my crew, I accept your proposal. My executive Commander will make arrangements with your crew regarding the transfer of crew and technology." He stood up from the table. "But be warned Captain. If I suspect you are out to deceive us, I will respond in turn!"

With that said he strode out of the conference room. Taiga let out a sigh of relief and slumped in her chair. "Not exactly how I planned it, but hell it worked..."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Tulok
Romulan Commander


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