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Hidden Agendas

Posted on Fri Jul 10th, 2015 @ 3:08am by Commodore Kaede Kayano

789 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: USS Yamato

Admiral Jepson sat behind the desk a huge grin on his face as he placed the PADD down in front of Kaede.
"I don't like it" Kaede said crossing her arms. She gazed at the Admiral in her chair. The look of disapproval on her young looking face was evident.
"Kaede. You may not like it, but it is necessary" Jepson replied as he leant back in the chair and put his legs up on the desk. "For the next week the Yamato is under my command. You have been ordered to play along, as so have the rest of your crew" Jepson explained.

"Yeah, because this is all a game to you isn't it?" Kaede said sarcastically. She looked at the Admirals feet up on her desk. "You've been here two days and you've already changed half a dozen things on this ship. I'm sorry but enough is enough" Kaede said sternly. She didn't like anyone messing with her ship and crew.
"No can do" Jepson said with a grin. "Just accept that you are powerless here. I am under orders to do this. This is all for Aisaka's benefit"
"Aisaka's benefit? How exactly?" Kaede uncrossed her arms and leant on the desk, her hands on its edge.

Jepson let out a laugh. "She's a new commander and I want to see how she responds under pressure. Therefore we are sending her alone on this mission"
"Alone? I thought we were their support" Kaede asked.
"I've decided that the Tokyo doesn't need the Yamato's assistance now" Jepson pulled his legs back and placed them back under the table.
"You're Joking!" Kaede was more than suprised. She had looked at the readings herself and there was no doubt that there was something Borg in that area. "There is evidence that something Borg is there! Its dangerous to go alone, what if the Borg gets aboard the Tokyo! If they assimilate it then its a huge security risk!" Kaede said her voice a little more raised.

"If that happens then we destroy the Tokyo. Regardless of how many of the crew are assimilated or not" Jepson said simply.
"Admiral!" Kaede said. "There are children aboard that ship!"
"So what. They knew the dangers when their parents signed up"
"Thats beside the point!" Kaede replied quickly. "I'm not going to kill innocent civilians!"
Jepson slammed his fist down on the desk and stood up, his height towering over Kaede's frame. "Now listen here Kaede. You WILL obey my orders or else I will have ensure you lose your command and even your comission!" he said his voice raised.

Kaede's eyes met with his, she glared at him. "One wrong move Admiral and I warn you that I will retake my ship and do what I think is right!"
"Is that a threat?"
Kaede scowled. "Its a fact!"
Jepson reached out and slapped Kaede across her face. Kaede was knocked to the floor. She held her cheek and looked up at him. "You're a monster! What do you want to achieve!"
"Nothing for you to know about!" Jepson said with a laugh. "You will carry out my orders or else I will make your crew suffer!"
"You wouldn't dare!" Kaede snapped back.
"Oh really?"

Jepson's hand moved to the console by the desk and tapped it several times. "Warning. Decompression on decks twelve through eighteen" The computer warned.
"Those are the civilian areas!" Kaede said.
"I'm aware of that. Are you going to comply? I hear that there is just over a hundred children aboard right? They should start feeling a little short of breath now in their classrooms..."
"Ok! Ok! I'll do it!" Kaede said quickly. "Just don't hurt my crew!"

He tapped again to return the air to normal. "They're safe. For now. Get out"
Kaede didn't think twice. She pulled herself up, brushed off her uniform and walked out of the room back onto the bridge. She passed the tactical station and stood by the side of her Security Chief.
"Decompression on decks twelve through eighteen?" she asked.
"Yes Captain. Although the error seems to have fixed itself" he replied. Kaede pondered for a moment.
"That was Jepson. If I give the order, I want you to shoot him. He's putting everyone on this ship and on the Tokyo in danger for his fun games" she whispered.
"Yes sir" he whispered back.
"Good. Play along for now"

Kaede Kayano was going to stop Jepson, if it was the last thing she was going to do. She took an Oath when she became a doctor to do no harm, and she will not let others do harm.

Posting by

Admiral Jepson
Starfleet Intelligence

Captain Kaede Kayano
Commanding Officer
USS Yamato


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