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Shaking in her boots.

Posted on Thu Jul 9th, 2015 @ 10:57am by Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'

1,152 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Communication Center


Under the desk. Maybe that would be a good place to hide. Maybe if she was just overlooked, maybe if she stayed quiet... they wouldn't notice if she didn't report to the new Mandatory Training Program. Or perhaps there was a loophole. There had to be a way out of it. There was no way they could expect her to- to-

Lily almost curled up in her desk chair trying to relieve the tension she was feeling. Her stomach was twisting up in knots even tighter than the ones she was making with her fingers. She just couldn't think of a way out. And there had to be one....

Trigman was worried about Lily; it did not take a telepathy to know that when she became late for dinner without notice he could deduce that she was not coming anytime soon. He had called ahead of his going out to find her; the echo of his own voice in the area so it could be a dropped comm badge; which made him even more nervous.

He was not running but he kept a brisk pace as he decided to start looking for his wife at the last place the badge located her, he came through the doors to her small office

"Lily Love!" He exclaimed as he saw her in the chair and rushed over to her turning her chair to look her in the eyes.

Lily started, jumping visibly. "N-Nicolas? What are you d-doing here?" she asked. She had lost track of time, and husband showing up at her office unannounced was... well, unexpected, and made her wonder what else was going wrong.

"You did not show up for dinner..." He said with a wry expression. "then you did not answer your comm when I tried to get in touch..." He looked in her eyes and did not like the reflection, her expression was also a heavy note that she was not herself. "You okay LOve, I mean this is not your usual..." He put his arms around her for a second. "Are you okay?"

She blushed darkly and lowered her eyes. "I'm sorry- I- lost track of t-time and didn't even hear m-my commbadge..."

"It did surprise me I thought you might have dropped the badge and were just doing something for the captain?" He could almost feel the tremble from her voice in her body. "Did something happen to frighten you?"

"D-didn't you get the same orders?" she asked and reached to her computer panel to pull up the orders that had been passed down which had scared and distressed her so badly.

"The combat training?" He asked with a quizzical mind?

Lily nodded. "I c-can't..." she stammered and shook her head. She couldn't even get out the words to say what she couldn't do. She was terrified of facing the Borg, yes, but she was almost as scared of the combat training. She had rudimentary training in phasers and target shooting, but she'd never been good at it, and actual PHYSICAL combat quarters....

Trigman put his arms around Lily and brought her close. "That is something we did not account for right ,Love?" He gave her a squeeze as he thought. "There might be a way around it though?"

Pressing in close to her husband, Lily just shook her head. "Training's mandatory," she said, managing to not stutter as Nicolas' embrace gave her a bit of comfort.

"I can try to get our rotations tgether, that way you can maybe find it easier?" He suggested. "You have part of it as you took Phaser training, maybe we get you a small hand gun and that will suffice?"

She twisted her fingers together. "I'm not very good with phasers. My aim is a b-bit off." Her attempt at a smile was weak at best. "And in simulated combat I never c-could fire at a real person- even on stun. I'm j-just a yeoman and linguist so the standards were never high for me."

"There has to be a way around it." Trigman assured. "If we have to we can go to the Captain and ask some kind of special permissions?"

Eyes wide, Lily shook her head again, harder this time. "N-no, she'd never-" The thought of just what the volatile captain would do if asked for a dispensation for combat training was almost enough to make the training look easier.

"There might be a way for you to get the training and not have to kill, or even fight." Trigman said calmly. "What we can do is show what you are capable of, you come onto the Flight DEck all the time and no one really notices you right?"

She shrugged. "Either that or they are too busy to pay attention to me. I stay out of the way, I don't want to be a bother."

"You are like a chameleon you can be one to hide and help others hide, like the children or something, to keep them from being caught by the Borg... that might be considered a combat skill?"

"Running away isn't usually considered an advanced tactic of war," Lily said sounding a bit dispirited. "B-but it would be better than trying to fight."

"But in combat they always get the Non-combatants to safety, you could be training to help with that?" He suggested. "Protecting the loved ones is a major part of fighting..." He grinned. "I can say that will all confidence."

She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around him. "I know," she said as she hugged him tightly. Protecting people was why Nicolas fought, and protecting HER always gave him that added incentive to do what had to be done and come home safe. "I- I suppose I could try to get on babysitting detail. Someone does need to organize and direct the defense of the children and others if- I we're boarded..." She shivered a little at that thought.

"Let them get through the fighters and shielding before you start worrying about that." Trigman assured. "I think we should get you to a safe training and then we worry about what, if anything; is worst case?" He nodded to her.

She nodded back and took a deep breath to steady herself. "Thank you for coming to get me, Carissimi. I'm sorry, I should have come home, then you wouldn't have worried about me."

"It only reminds me of what I put my Beloved through and not become complacent in my duty and forgetting that you love me more than I sometimes think I deserve." He kissed her for a moment. "But we should be heading home before dinner is cold?"

"Lead on, Carissimi," she said with a little smile and slipped her arm through his so he could lead her as if they were on the dance floor.


Lt.Commander Nicolas Trigman
Squadrons Commander


Lily Halden
Yeoman/ Communications Lead.


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