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Yamato Pit-Stop

Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 12:44am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commodore Kaede Kayano

943 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Ready Room

The sleek lines of the Sovereign Class, USS Yamato was a sight to see. The huge ship dwarfed the Tokyo as it pulled up alongside. It matched its course and speed to the Tokyo and then flew alongside gracefully.

Taiga stood in the transporter room. The pad lit up and a few seconds later the dance of the blue and white dots ended to reveal a woman. She looked no older than twenty five, her hazel eyes had seen many battles. She flicked a strand of her green hair behind her ears and then stepped down off the pad with a smile.
"Commander Aisaka" She said holding out a hand to shake.
"Welcome aboard the Tokyo Captain Kayano" Taiga said politely as she took the womans hand and gave it a firm shake.

Kaede Kayano, the Commanding Officer of the Yamato smiled in response and then broke the handshake.
"We're not here for long" Kaede said as Taiga led her out of the room.
"Yes, from what I've been told you're dropping off some supplies for our next mission?" Taiga asked.
"Indeed" Kaede said. "We're also going to be assisting you, but not directly" she explained as they stepped into the turbolift doors.
"Not directly?" Taiga asked.
"We've been briefed thoroughly on the mission Commander" Kaede responded. "You are to seek out if the Romulans have dealing with the Borg and end them if necessary. However the Yamato will also be in the area providing support and drawing the Romulan Force's attention" she explained.
"So you're bait?" Taiga said simply.
"Thats another way to put it I guess. Intelligence has all this wrapped up in blankets somewhere, they don't want you to be detected but the Yamato is better armed for this type of mission"

The doors opened and both of them stepped out onto the bridge. Without a word Taiga led Kaede to her ready room.
"Something to drink Captain?" she offered.
"I'm good thanks" Kaede replied as both women sat down. "I'm only here to clear a few things with you" she said win a nice tone. "I don't want anyone to be hurt by this next mission" she looked down as if trying to avoid Taiga's eyes.
"I've also read the reports on your last mission. I'm sorry to hear what happened"
"What do you mean?" Taiga asked.
"About how you lost your baby" Kaede said simply turning a little red in the cheeks from embarrassment.

There was a couple of minutes of awkward silence.
"Thanks" Taiga said. "It wasn't your fault. I'm still recovering, emotionally" Taiga explained in a sorry for herself voice.
"I see" Kaede looked up at the woman. "For what its worth, you're a brave woman for admiting that. I've seen several women lose children, both before and after birth and its never nice. The Dominion didn't care if children were killed, they only saw the enemy".
"I wasn't aware you served in the Dominion War?" Taiga couldn't help but be curious. She didn't know much about Kaede only that she was a young captain and commanded the Yamato.
"Indeed I did" Kaede said. "I'm half El-Aurian, Forty Three next August. I was a medical officer assigned to the USS Challenger throughout the war" she explained. "I know I don't exactly look my age like, its nice to be able to fool people sometimes"
"Well that would explain it" Taiga said with a slight chuckle. "Have you never thought about having a family?" she asked curiously.

Kaede blushed at the question. "Well of course I have!" she said quickly. "But there's always time I guess... Anyways. Back on subject" she cut herself off and snapped back to buisness. "The Tokyo will be pulling away tomorrow, we're due to leave here in about two hours once we've offloaded supplies and some specialist crew"
"Specialist crew?" Taiga asked.
"Apparently they're experienced Pilots who are now going to be flying with your regular pilots" Kaede explained shrugging her shoulders. "They've been intching for the last three days to get into fighters, but we don't have them aboard the Yamato and I wasn't allowing them to take the shuttles out"
"Ah" Taiga said. "A lively lot then"
"Indeed. I imagine you'll have your hands full with them"
"What other supplies do you have for us?" Taiga asked. Kaede reached into a pocker and pulled out a PADD.
"Here we are" she said passing the PADD. "We're offloading several more Science crates and expanding the Tokyo's Scientific Abilities, as well as providing you with specialist anti-Borg equipment including special micro-chips for your hand phasers that keep the phaser rotating on random frequencies" she explained. "Also medical supplies including brand new drugs from Starfleet Medical that are supposed to slow down Borg Assimilation. I've seen the lab results myself, they're impressive to say the least"

Taiga looked over the PADD. "They're really giving all this to us?" she asked.
"Seems that way" Kaede said. "The Yamato will be around if you need backup, all you need to do is send an encrypted data burst our way with a Starfleet Distress Signal attached and we'll be back in a jiffy"
"Understood" Taiga said making a mental note of it.
"Well if thats all" Kaede pushed her chair back and stood up. "I'll be heading back to the Yamato. It was a pleasure meeting you Commander. Good luck out there, or should I say, ganbatte kudasai"
Taiga nodded. "Same to you" she replied as Kaede let herself out of the room on the way back to her ship.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Kaede Kayano
Commanding Officer
USS Yamato


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