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Blast From The Past (Part 4)

Posted on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 6:16am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Kagami Izumi & Captain Minori Kushieda & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Edited on on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 6:18am

1,028 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Christmas Time
Location: Hawaii 2379

[June 2379 - Hawaii]

The tropical volcanic islands of Hawaii had always been a resort for Humans. Back in the twentieth and twenty first century it had also been a huge military base for the United States of America, the home of the Pacific Naval Fleet. However now like much of Earth it was a paradise and was also the place where Starfleet Cadets took trips to to learn how to perfect their survival training.

However, after completing that they were free to have a few days of fun. There on one of the sandy beaches stood the five cadets. Minori was sporting a red and white striped crop top and tan shorts. She was carrying a large beach umbrella whilst Taiga, in a one piece swimsuit decorated with flowers caried a picnic basket. Kagami followed suit with a cool bag with drinks and chilled food in. Her outfit comprised of a purple bikini top and shorts.

"Where are the guys?" Minori asked as she set the umbrella down into the sand and pushed up it up to cast some shade. The sun shone down brightly casting warmth over the sandy beach.

"They'd say they would be here shortly," Taiga replied as she set down the picnic basket.

"Well, we can get some swimming in while we wait!" Minori suggested as she started jogging off towards the crystal blue ocean. Taiga hesitated.

"Whats up Taiga?" Kagami asked.

"I... I can't..."

"Wait..." Kagami said. "Are you trying to say that you can't swim?!"

Taiga nodded. She didn't want to admit that she couldn't swim, but she had avoided it for years. "I'll just sit here and enjoy the view." She said softly as she took a seat on the sand. She watched as Minori dived into the deeper water and began to swim in the cool ocean. "Don't wait for me, I'll wait for the guys here." Taiga said.

Kagami smiled as she placed the cool bag down and went off to join Minori in the water. Taiga laid down on the sand basking in the warmth like a lizard as she relaxed. It was nice to get away from the stress and the frustration of the Academy at times. She felt like this was the first time she could finally feel like she was wanted and needed within a group of people she actually cared about. It wasn't long until she had finally drifted off and fallen asleep, snoozing on the soft sand.

Eventually she woke up and found that Ryuuji was sitting next to her, watching the others splashing and playing in the water.
"Ryuuji!" she said as she sat up. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Keeping an eye on you," he said with a smile. "You seemed all lonely laid here, plus Kitamura is out there playing with those two. I thought I'd keep you company." he told her. She looked away from him blushing as she avoided his gaze.

"But... shouldn't you be out there with Minori?" she asked.

"Maybe I should." Ryuuji said. "But she seems content at the moment." he said with a smile as he continued to watch the others have fun down in the water. "You looked cute when you were sleeping..." he said blushing.

"What?!" Taiga said. "You should be calling Minori cute not me!"

[Later that day]

Minori had come up with a 'fun' idea. The plan was to go exploring along the coast to look into the diferent rock pools for different types of wildlife and sealife. They had all decided that this was a good way to see some local wildlife. Plus it could be counted as part of the survival training. Minori had split them up into groups, she Ryuuji and Kagami were tasked with going together. Taiga had insisted that Kitamura was going to come with her, she had wanted Kagami as well. The plan was to get Minori and Ryuuji together along, but Kagami had gone with them too.

"I failed..." Taiga muttered as she climbed along some of the volcanic rocks. She looked down to see the crabs and some of the sealife that were living in a rock pool. They were beautiful to watch and she enjoyed how they had no care in the world, no worries or stresses. They just lived in the moment and seemed to be living a more simple life.

"Be careful on those rocks Aisaka," Kitamura said.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" Taiga called back. However just as she was saying that she felt one of her foot lose its grip. It all seemed like slow motion as she began to fall, the ledge was slippery and it seemed like a long time for her to fall. She came down with a crash, the last thing she saw was Kitamura rushing over as fast as he could towards her, right before her head impacted with one of the rocks. It all went dark.

[Sometime later]

Taiga stirred as she was being carried on someone's back. She felt lightheaded and dizzy, she didn't know where she was. 'Oh yeah... I slipped...' she thought. "Kita... Mura?" she asked.

"Uh huh..." The person carrying her replied.

"Kitamura..." she said softly. "You're carrying me..." she said.

Kitamura simply nodded. She gripped him tightly. "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid..." she said. "I wanted Minori and Ryuuji to be alone and here I am going and getting hurt..." she said. It was like she was in a daze, and she seemed a little 'out of it'. "It hurts though. I know that he likes Minori..."

Kitamura kept carrying Taiga on her back as the sun began to set, casting long shadows along the floor. "But... I can't stop it. I can't stop how I feel..." Taiga said. "I can't help stop loving... Ryuuji!"

It was at that moment that she blacked out. Ryuuji sighed as he carried Taiga on his back. He kept his gaze facing forward as he carried the unconscious Taiga back towards the resort. 'I thought as much...' he thought to himself as he carried her.

To be continued...


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