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Blast From The Past (Part 3)

Posted on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 6:15am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Kagami Izumi & Captain Minori Kushieda & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

1,513 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Christmas Time
Location: San Fracisco 2379

[February 13th 2379 - Starfleet Academy]

Tomorrow was the old Human holiday called Valentines Day. It was still loosely celebrated in some countries and areas on Earth. Taiga had never really been one to celebrate the tradition. However, she was still in the Academy and wanted to do something to thank the people who helped her get this far.

So there she was, standing in the dorm's kitchen wearing a light pink apron melting down chocolate she had picked up from town. She was going to pour out the melted chocolate into molds she had replciated. They would be in the shape of the Starfleet delta. She had three bags ready for the chocolates to be put into, one for each of her now close friends. Kagami, Minori and Ryuuji.

The glass bowl over the warm water melted the chocolate just right, and she stirred it gently to stop it from splitting or burning. She wasn't very good at cooking, she was a 'replicator girl' at heart. However this was her way of saying thankyou to all of them for their continued help and advice.

The first couple of batches came out really well, and she placed them into the refrifgerator to cool. She then placed the cooled chocolates into the bags and tied them up for Kagami and Minori. In Japan it was tradition to give out chocolates to not just lovers, but to friends too. She was hoping they would accept them.

Then it came to making the batch for Ryuuji. She found herself concentrating more on making sure they were perfect. She stirred the chocolate gently ensuring that it was perfect as she heated it through. She had learnt not to spill it from the other batches and soon had it in the molds.

The next morning she had stored the chocolates in her bag. She had given out the first bag to Kagami and Minori at breakfast. But she had yet to run into Ryuuji. He didn't show up at the common room either.

"Hey Minori..." Taiga said. "Do you know where Ryuuji is?"

Minori nodded. "Yeah, he came down with a cold. He's on bed rest until he recovers. I heard that the Academy Nurse has given him some medicine and he's better, but still insisted that he be on bed rest for the day." Minori said. Taiga immediately stood up.


"I'm going to make sure he's ok." She said as she grabbed her bag and strode out of the room heading towards the male dorms. Usually male and female cadets weren't allowed to mix in the Academy dorms. It made sense, the last thing that Starfleet wanted was for their cadets to end up doing things they shouldn't. However that didn't seem to bother Taiga as she walked right into the mens dorms.

She knew where Ryuuji's room was, she had never been in there before. But she knew because he had told her. She had also dropped off class notes under his door before when he had asked her to drop them by whilst she was out. She found her hand shaking as she reached for the door handle.

'Stop it Taiga!' she thought as she grabbed the handle and opened the door. The room was dark and she could make out Ryuuji laid in his bed, sound asleep. He seemed to stir as she walked in and then opened an eye just as Taiga entered.

"Taiga....?" he asked.

"Yeah." Taiga responded. "I heard you caught a cold..."

Ryuuji shuffled amongst the bedsheets. "Yeah... Why are you... here?" he asked. He sounded weak, even the magic of Starfleet and Federation medicine still had trouble curing the common cold at times, especially bad ones. Afterall, the common cold was caused by a continuing mutating virus that even their advances in medicine couldn't always combat.

"To check up on you," Taiga lied. She had actually come to deliver the chocolates and thats all. However deep down she wasn't sure why she had raced over so quickly, it was like she knew where she needed to be.

"Thanks..." Ryuuji said before he fell asleep again. Taiga moved a little closer as she ruffled in her bag and pulled out the chocolates.

"I brought you these..." she said as she held them out as she walked over slowly. However he was now back asleep. She lowered them as she looked on his sleeping face. She stared at him endearingly as she held the chocolates there next to him. She brushed a strand of her long hair out of her face as she began to crouch down towards him. He was right there, he looked so peaceful and so... beautiful. She could feel herself drawing close to him, her face getting closer to his. She could sense his breathing as she drew closer.

Suddenly she found herself only inches from his lips. She immediately drew back, shocked and surprised at what she was about to do! She shook her head scolding herself. She placed the chocolates down on his bedside table, and quickly wrote out a note. Then she hastily made her way out of the room, blushing like a tomato.

Once she had escaped the room, she leant against the door a hand over her chest as she breathed heavily. "What was I going to do?!" she asked herself. "What the hell was I thinking! He's meant to be with Minori! I can't have him! He's Minori's!" she said to herself. "But..." she shook her head and shook it out of her mind.

[March 14th 2379 - Starfleet Academy Common Room]

Taiga walked into the common room and took her usual seat at the table which had more or less become theirs. Minori looked up from her seat, it was obvious that something was wrong.

"Whats up with you?" Minori asked seeing the frustration from Taiga's face.

"Oh its nothing. I just can't seem to grasp the whole grandfather paradox that that useless professor keeps talking about in temporal mechanics!" Taiga said. "I mean, I get it sort of. Its just so confusing."

"When it comes to time travel, I often like to think its best to avoid it," Ryuuji said as he approached the table and slid down next to Taiga. "Don't worry, you're not the only one that struggles with it." he laughed. "Oh yeah!" he said as he reached into his bag and pulled out a small red bag.

"Taiga, this is for you." he said as he pushed it over to her. "Its a thankyou for coming and checking up on me last month when I had a cold. Today is White Day, so I thought I'd return the favour."

Taiga began to blush as she took the bag, she looked inside and it contained several roughly home made cookies, some of which were coated in chocolate. "Ryuuji..." Taiga said as she blushed. "You didn't have to..."

Ryuuji simply smiled.

"Well!" Minori said. "We've got our Academy Trip coming up soon!" she interjected. "We have several places we can request to go to do some extra training. I was thinking we should go somewhere nice and warm, hit some beaches and stuff."

"Beaches?!" Taiga said nervously. "Why beaches?"

"Well, we can try out some of that survival training. Plus, I don't feel like going up into mountains or anything. Give me a nice tropical resort anyday!" Minori said. "Also I have a cute swimsuit that I can show off!"

Taiga looked over at Ryuuji, this would be perfect. Even though she hated the idea of being near such a vast amount of water this could be the perfect way to get Minori and Ryuuji together. "Sounds like fun," Taiga said.

"Oh good. Oh, do you mind if a friend joins us?" Minori asked.

"Who?" Taiga asked.

Minori began to wave at another cadet across the room. Across came a cadet their age, he was tall and wore glasses. "This is Kitamura. I've known him for years now." she smiled.

Kitamura smiled as he sat down opposite the three. "Ah, so you must be Aisaka and Takasu that I've heard so much about?" He asked kindly. His voice was soft and soothing.

"About time you met the group man," Ryuuji said to Kitamura.

"You know him too?" Minori asked.

"Yeah, Kitamura and I share the same dorm floor." Ryuuji smiled. He fist bumped Kitamura.

"Well, its settled then. Its a group of five going to Hawaii!" Minori said. "I'm sure that Izumi wouldn't mind."

"I'm sure," Taiga said. "I'll let her know later. She's currently having a tutoring session with Chief O'Brien." she explained. Ryuuji couldn't help but smile, the Legendary Chief O'Brien was a legend at the Academy, he had come to the Academy after serving on Deep Space Nine and the USS Defiant during the Dominion War. It was almost impossible to get a tutoring one on one with the man. He however had been in a few of his lectures and he admired the man.

To be continued...


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