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Amu's 10 Weeks Check

Posted on Sat Nov 18th, 2023 @ 2:16pm by Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D. & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.

1,180 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard

Amu walked into the main sickbay. It was the fairly normal flow of people, medical officers, and personnel carrying out normal day to day tasks. She quietly made her way to Doctor's office. She spotted him through the glass windows that spanned both sides of the doors. She reached out and rang the bell.

"Morning doctor. I'm here for my ten week checkup..." she replied as she placed a single hand on her belly. To the untrained eye she looked normal, however to those that knew she was starting to show a little. It wouldn't be long until Amu's bump really started to show.

Eli looks up from his work, trying to get the bioreplicator control chip to work again.

"Good Morning, Doctor Hinamori."

Eli got up, pulling on his lab coat. He was wearing the skant uniform today due to the increase in the tempature.

"Let's go out to the biobed and let's see how you're doin. How are you feeling though?"

He asked as they both walked out of his office into the main sickbay.

Amu smiled weakly. "A little tired, but that's to be expected. We've had so much to do since the ship went down..."

"I understand completely. Get up onto the biobed, and I'll get started with the scan"

Eli smiles as he got his tricorder from his lab coat pocket.

Amu hopped up on the biobed and sat on the edge, her feet dangling off the floor. "It's starting to show a little now." She smiled.

“I can see that, that’s a good sign even if you’re only at Ten Weeks. Any other symptoms you’re experiencing? Morning Sickness and the like?”

Eli ran the Tricorder over Amu’s belly as he asked.

"The occasional visit to the bathroom suddenly on a morning..." Amu replied with a smile. "Andvthe sudden urge to..." she began to blush as she lowered her voice to a hush. "You know... do that... with Ikuto..."

Eli just smiles.

“All perfectly natural. It won’t become a concern until your due date. Though if the morning sickness becomes too much, I’ll give you a shot to help with that.”

Amu nodded. "Well, how does the baby look? Healthy?"

Eli closed the tricorder.

“I’m happy to report, the baby is quite healthy and growing strong. The baby is looking amazing.”

He beams with a smile.

"That's good to know," Amu replied. "You don't think being stranded on this planet will have any effect on the baby do you?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

“I doubt it. Aside from being mostly desert, the only real worry is dehydration. The planet seems to be capable of supporting life and I haven’t seen any indications of planetary hostility.”

Eli replied.

Amu nodded. "Yeah, that is a risk." She replied. "How are you settling into the chiefs role?"

“So far, so good. Though if we can’t get the environmental controls online soon, I’m goin to have to bust out the skirts and short sleeves again.”

He smiles.

“It was a bit of a shock to be recommended for the role but I love a good challenge and this’ll be the biggest one of my career.”

"Well, I recommended you for the job. I thought it was best as... well my current condition needs to come first." She explained. "Although, doctor Febin was great, I know you'll do well here too. Afterall, you're most qualified amongst the medical staff."

Eli beams at her.

“Then I thank you for the incredible vote of confidence. I just hope after all this, I don’t end up pregnant with the rest of ya. Though giving the likelihood of us being here long term, I should probably brush up more on my OB/GYN certifications.”

Anu couldn't help but smirk. "Well, with three babies on the way I guess you'll have plenty of experience in that matter soon," she told him. "I guess this Iis what happens when Captain Aisaka let's us have shoreleave on Risa."

“I only know of you and Talia, treated her earlier. Who’s the third person I need to check up on how their baby is?”

Eli asks curiously, pulling up a rolling chair to sit down

"Oh of course..." Amu said. "Only the senior staff know, but Captain Aisaka is currently at eight weeks. I gave her the once over the other day. She's had a... complicated time with conceiving," she explained as her eyes looked down at the floor.

Eli looked a bit gloomy as he heard that.

“I’ll go see the Captain once we’re done here. Tell me how you’re feeling outside of your pregnancy. I know the prospect of being here long term is on everyone’s mind”

"Well, to be honest I'm a little worried we'll be stuck here," Amu replied. "I've heard that no other ships have ever got off the surface. I really don't want to be having this baby in the middle of a desert."

“You’ll have your baby aboard this ship, not out in that sand sea they call a desert. I’d rather you deliver somewhere you felt most comfortable, which I’ll postulate is here in sickbay or possibly your quarters. Wherever you are most comfortable”

"Well, I know that." Amu said with a smile. "I just don't want my child to be raised on this planet. Its no place for children, fighting for survival from day one," Amu told him with a sigh. "How do you feel about the situation?"

“I’m not sure myself. I know my priorities are to get the medical replicators and equipment online, especially considering if we’re goin to be here for a while, we’ll need supplies. For me personally, it’s mainly personal concerns”

"Personal concerns?" Amu asked.

“Mainly related to my medical specialties. In case we’re out here long term, and/or I can’t get the bioreplicators online, I’ll have to start compounding certain medications by hand”

Amu smiled. "Well, I can help you if it comes to that. I have an MD too a d we are trained to do that if necessary. I'm sure it won't come to that though. Do you not like the old fashioned ways?"

“Not when your medical thesis was on the use of biotechnology in the aid of gender transition. That’s what my Doctorate Thesis was about.”

Amu chuckled. "Well, let's hope we get off this rock before that happens. Is there anything else you needed me for?"

“Not at the moment. Just let me know if you experience anything that seems odd”

Eli smiles as he got up to help Amu off the bed.

"Will do, thanks," Amu said as she made her way to the door. She looked back and gave him a brief smile, content he was going to shine in his new position.

Posting by

Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D.
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Flight Deck Chief Medic


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