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Posted on Wed Nov 15th, 2023 @ 8:39pm by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Captain Taiga Aisaka

963 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Sickbay

Sitting resting feeling somewhat better than she had when she arrived in Sickbay, Talia tapped her comm badge. “Johnson to Captain Aisaka, can I see you in Sickbay please?”

Taiga tapped her comm badge as soon as she heard the counsellors message. "I'll be right there," she replied simply.

It didn't take that long for the captain to make it down to the primary sickbay. She walked in and spotted the counsellor on biobed two. She wasn't expecting her to be laid up after their last meeting. Her face grew to instant concern as she approached. "Talia?"

“Captain, thank you for coming” Talia offered a warm smile. “I apologise for calling you here, you did say to keep you updated. Doctor Ellis is keeping me here for observation for a few hours, I passed out when I got here so he’s keeping me on fluids and wants to see how it goes.”

Taiga stood by the bedside. "Why didn't you tell me it was so bad?" she asked softly.

“To be honest I haven’t had a point of reference to go by for just How morning sickness should be.” Talia smiled. “It looks like I maybe receiving some medication once the doctor has a chance to work out what I need.”

The Captain placed a reassuring hand on the Betazoid's shoulder. "How long do you need?"

“Maybe a day or two, I don’t intend to sit around and do nothing Captain” Talia sighed. “You need every hand you can get right now, if needs be I’ll drop back on my hours until the morning sickness past.”

You could almost see the thoughts running through Taiga's mind as she listened to the counsellor. "I want you off duty for at least a week. This is no time to be pushing yourself too hard. I have no intention of losing anyone or putting a single member of this crew into unnecessary risk."

“A week! Seriously Captain I don’t need...” Talia stopped protesting as she looked at Taiga, seeing the serious look Taiga was giving her. “Very well Captain, I’m not sure what I’m going to do for a week but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.”

"Well, the holodecks are out of action." Taiga smiled weakly. She leant a little closer to whisper into her ear. "If I were you, I'd get your husband to clean your quarters, bring you anything you want to eat, massage your feet and shoulders, bring you anything you want to read or put on anything you want to watch on the viewscreen. Basically, make him fuss over you as much as you can. After all, you can use the excuse of being pregnant..."

Talia couldn’t help but grin. “To be honest I don’t want Tom to feel he has to take care of me, we’re fresh from getting married and now this. I don’t want to put unnecessary strain on our fledgling relationship.”

Taiga smiled in response. "If I know Thomas, he'll insist on taking care of you regardless," she replied. "Is there anything you need from me?"

Talia shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. I just wanted to keep you updated.”

The Captain nodded, she could distract her with some conversation at least. "So, between me and you. How do you feel about having a baby on this ship?"

“On the ship I’m happy, this is my home now here with Tom.” Talia paused. “I’m just worried what’ll happen if we’re still stuck here, what if something goes wrong? It’s not like we’re anywhere near Starfleet medical.”

"I've had the same thought. But we have some of the best doctors and nurses on board," Taiga assured her. She let out a long drawn out sigh. "Although I'm still coming to the reality that our children will be born whilst we're still on this planet. I'm hoping that we're back into space by then though."

Talia nodded. “As long as we’re all together we’ll cope, we draw strength from one another and right now Thomas is mine.”

"I also have Ryuuji, I suppose we shouldn't give up on hope." Taiga replied. She lowered her voice slightly. "I hate to ask, but be honest with me. What emotions are going around? I envy your senses sometimes."

Talia offered a smile. “The crew are naturally afraid, worried, they’re looking to you and us as senior staff for reassurance. They trust you, and there’s still hope amongst them.”

Taiga smiled weakly. "I just hope I can lead them out of this." She said. "I'm still hoping to get back to the Federation. But I'm not going to lie, the odds are stacked against us."

Talia nodded. “One way or another we’ll survive, hopefully we’ll find a way off this rock in time.”

"I hope so, I really do. I was also thinking of meeting with you and Doctor Hinamori in the next few days. Kind of like an 'New mums' group?" Taiga suggested. "What do you think?"

Talia nodded enthusiastically. “I think that’s a great idea! I’ll definitely be there.”

Taiga smiled. "I'll get something arranged," she said. She placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Get some rest now, of you need anything give me a call."

“I will thank you Taiga.” Talia smiled warmly. “I’ll look forward to that get together.”

The Captain gave her a smile, released her shoulder a d proceeded to walk out of the sickbay. She couldn't help but smile as she walked, she no longer felt as alone as she did before.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor


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