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Damaged both in an out

Posted on Sat Nov 18th, 2023 @ 2:32pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D. & Lieutenant JG Amari

1,191 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Several hours after the crash

Having hobbled back from the briefing with the Captain and the senior officers Amari had returned to engineering to help out where she could until the hypo Wilson had given her started wearing off and the pain and numbness in her leg began to return. Eventually she; with a lot of prompting from Lt Rea and Elizabeth decided she had to get some more help.

It took her some time to cross 10 decks with the only partially reliable turbolift system and by the time the double doors to sickbay opened she was regretting declining a helping hand and her blue skin was several shades paler than usual.

Eli came out of his office as he heard the double doors to the Main Sickbay slide open, looking up just in time to see the Pale Lesrai about near to collapse in his door.

He rushes over to her, putting one of her arms around his shoulders.

"Nurse Yoshika! Get me a gurney please, and a Hypospray with 20 CCs of Metorapan!"

He calls out to the duty nurse, Nurse Yoshika Miyafuji, before turning his head to his patient.

"You're goin be just fine, We're goin to take a look at you and get ya all patched up in no time, ok?"

He says calmly with a soft smile.

"It looks worse than it is." Amari said as she put some of her weight on the man. "At least that's what Ensign Wilson told me, otherwise he'd have sent me here earlier."

"Still let's get you on the biobed, and get some blood into you."

Eli walked them over to one of the still working biobeds and helped her to lay down.

He pulls out his medical tricorder, scanning her.

"Goin to have to infuse more blood into you, you've lost quite a bit it seems."

He looks at the leg wound.

"We may have to take another look at that wound on your leg there"

Yoshika emerged a few moments later with the gurney and a hyporspray loaded ready with the drugs he had requested. She was still a little dizzy from being knocked out in the crash, however she was still doing her job now she was back on her feet. "Here you go doctor." she said.

Eli takes the hypospray and presses it to Amari’s neck, letting the medicine inject into her to numb the pain she was feeling.

"Wilson pulled it out and used a regenerator on it" Amari said knowing that it was unlikely anyone from medical had time to log what treatments they'd done on the various injured people around the ship. "Said I could carry on but to take it easy, wasn't too bad for a few hours but it's started to hurt and feel weird again."

“He probably missed something while he was patching you up. Nurse, let’s get her into the Imaging Chamber, we may have to perform surgery if Mr. Wilson missed something.”

Eli spoke calmly.

Yoshika was a little hesitant. "Doctor, the imaging chamber uses a lot of power..." she reminded him.

Eli pauses for a moment, thinking to himself.

"Then let's start with infusion, 3 units of Blood, type and cross for her, and lets watch her closely."

He said to Yoshika.

"Doctor..." Yoshika replied again with a slightly nervous look. "I'm not sure if we have any compatible blood samples for Lieutenant Amari, she is a Lesrai, they're not yet part of the Federation." She felt a little akward telling the doctor this, but she wasn't even sure that the blood could be replicated.

Eli murmered, going around to scan her again, looking for compatable protiens to other races to see if he could use another species blood for her until they could get the bioreplicators online.

"I don't think I lost too much I never really felt faint or anything like that." Amari said, "There was a small pool of blood around me but most was soaked into my uniform. After Wilson patched me up everything felt fine."

"Still, I don't know the amount of blood loss you suffered, and since the bioreplicators are offline, I want to keep you hear for observation."

Eli was calm but stern.

"For now, you rest here, where I can keep a eye on ya."

"Alright." Amari said, she shuffled around on the bio bed making herself a little more comfortable. "There is another thing I could use help with, this hasn't happened before, at least to me."

Eli tilts his head.

"Elaborate for me please"

"My species use several technology implants that have various functions, since the crash they have not been functioning correctly." Amari was hoping Eli had read the information about her species that had been sent in advance of her posting.

“I did see that in your chart, though I have not had time to read about them in detail”

"I have implants in both hands, along with a vocal translator implant and an ocular translation one too." Amari motioned to the combadge affixed to her uniform. "Right now I don't need the vocal translator thanks to this but nothing else is working right, I've not tried my defense implant yet but I can't read anything I see, and my computer won't start."

Yoshika who was looking on was taking readings from her on her tricorder. "Maybe a software reboot?" she said nervously. She wasn't an engineer by far, but when something wasn't working in sickbay she always tried the old fashioned 'turn it off and back on again' technique.

“Possibly, but I want her on biosupport before we do that, in case they shut down parts of her”

Eli said as he went over to get the biosupport equipment

Yoshika placed a reassuring hand on Amari's shoulders. "I think he's being cautious, I would t worry Lieutenant."

“Overly cautious is more like it. I want to make sure that I don’t damage any of your cybernetics while I try to find the problem. I assure you though that biomedical technology is my primary specialty and I shouldn’t have an issue in diagnosing the problem with your implants.”

Eli smiles as he comes back with a tray of instruments

"None of these implants have anything to do with bodily functions." Amari told them both. "They're all utility. They normally switch off for a quick maintenance cycle every 12hrs or so, I tend to time it for when I'm asleep, it has been more than that already."

“Then lay back and I’ll sedate you so you can have a nice nap while I work on the implants then”

Eli says gently as he picks up a hypospray.

"Just be careful." Amari said, though she knew he was going to be as gentle as he could. "There's not much chance of me getting replacements from Lesra right now if you break them."

“That shouldn’t be an issue. My MD is in Biotechnology and Transition related care.”

Eli says confidently

"Alright." Amari took a deep breath. "Go ahead."


LTJg Amari

LT. Dr. Eli Ellis M.D.
Chief Medical Officer

Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji


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