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Flight Of The Phoenix [Part 5]

Posted on Tue Nov 21st, 2023 @ 10:00am by Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Ensign Hanna-Justina Marseille 'Desert Eagle' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse' & Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2'
Edited on on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 9:07pm

1,884 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Endeavour (NX-05)- Main Battery Room, Deck E

Previously On Star Trek: Tokyo...

"I think our best shot is to find the Engineering Room. Maybe this old ship still has some power cells intact?" Fubuki suggested.

"Engineering... that's going to be on Deck D, right?" Masamune pointed out. "But if this is supposed to be Deck E... how exactly are we supposed to get up there without the turbolifts?"

"Precisely the reaction I would've expected from a man of your obvious limitations," Hanna dismissed. "If you'd known anything about the layout of an NX-Class, you'd realize that attempting to access Engineering would be a wasteful endeavor when this deck already has access to the Main Battery array. Quite simply, we would take a right at that fork up there, then a left, which would then lead us to a T junction where we'd take a left; we follow that to the end of the hall, swing a right, and the Main Battery Array will be the fourth door on the right."

"Limitations?" Masamune huffed. "I'll have you know that I outrank you, sugartits!"

Fubuki and Rin blinked a few times. "How do you know so much about the NX Class Hanna?" Fubuki asked curiously.

"Yeah, like have you been on one of these before?" Rin asked immediately after. "There's on in the fleet museum is there not?"

"Never visited it," Fubuki smiled. "Old ships were never my thing. I prefer fast ships, like Starfighters"

"You could say that I'm a bit of a... perfectionist when it comes to subjects that I'm passionate about," Hanna explained with a dismissive wave of the hand. "It's hardly a rocket science; I simply strive for attention to detail."

"What a crock of shit..." Saeko grumbled as the six of them started making their way towards the Main Battery Array.

And Now... The Continuation!

The door to the battery room was stiff to open. However the pilots managed to make it in. The room was very dark, large battery banks faced them.

"Over here!" Fubuki called as she located the master switch. A large red handle covered by a flap. Unusually it had been set to 'OFF'. "Someone turned the batteries off after the ship crashed. That's unusual..." she said. She lifted the see through flap and forced the handle up.

There was a loud click as suddenly the room was bathed in light. A soft hum started to fill the room as the huge battery packs powered up. All across the Endeavour the lights began to flicker back on and screens fame hack to life.

One screen mounted on the wall flickered back into life. Run was drawn to it, she began to look over its display. "Twenty per cent battery power," she said. "According to the readouts here, the old warp reactor helps recharge the power. And it looks like the reactor us now ready to bring back online..." she couldn't help but smile.

"Whoo!" Nozomi proclaimed excitedly. "We got power, baby!"

"So we've got power, then," Masamune remarked, evidently a bit more skeptical about this latest development than his colleagues. "What exactly are we supposed to do with it?"

"It would appear that not paying attention is something of a forte for you, Lieutenant?" Hanna sneered. "If you had bothered to listen, you would've heard that the reactor is ready to bring back online; the obvious course of action from there would be to determine if the engines are serviceable."

"Well, then, I guess we're just going to have to make a trip up to Deck D to find out, aren't we?" Masamune retorted.

Hanna frowned.

"We should split up," Fubuki said. "Some of us should try to get the reactor online. And we should co-ordinate from the bridge too. All systems on these old ships should be managed by the bridge, so we need to assess its state," Fubuki suggested.

"I wouldn't mind stopping by one of the crew quarters..." Fubuki also said. "Hopefully they have a uniform I can 'borrow'," she said indicating to her bare midriff where she had ripped away the fabric to make a hood.

"Well, let's see," Nozomi pondered, deciding what would be the best way to split the six of them up. "Anyone here handy with a hyperspanner?"

Masamune's hand shot up.

"I took an Engineering course back when I was in the Academy," he explained. "I mean, granted, it was primarily for the credit, but I'd like to believe I took a few things away from it."

"I worked in Engineering for about a year aboard the Kantai," Saeko added. "Wasn't necessarily my cup of tea, but at least I've got some preliminary knowledge in the field."

"Right, then," Nozomi deliberated. "Well, it's hardly an ideal setup, but seeing as you two have a modicum of Engineering knowledge, perhaps it might be best for you to accompany Hanna up to Deck D; that would leave Fubuki, Rin and I to be making our way up to the bridge on Deck A- though, we might possibly see about joining you on Deck D to pillage the crew quarters for a spare uniform."

Masamune glanced over at Hanna, then back at Nozomi, and then back at Hanna.

"Oh, hell no," he grumbled. "You're lumping me in with this bitch?"

Fubuki just rolled her eyes. "You know, technically I'm considered ranking officer right. I could order you to do it... but, since we're all in the same boat it would be best to cooperate to ensure the best possible chance of survival..."

"I guess so," Masamune sighed as Hanna helped him to his feet. "Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it, though."

Nozomi turned her attention over to Rin. "Any idea if we've got enough power to use the Turbolifts?"

Rin tapped at the screen. "Well we could, but I wouldn't recommend it. We don't know if they sustained damage when the ship went down. Last thing we need is to plummet down a turbolift shaft..."

"Wonderful; looks as if we're going to have to wriggle our way through the Jefferies Tubes," Masamune grumbled.

"First stop, crew quarters. I hope they have something in my size. As much as I rock a cute looking crop top, I'd prefer something more practical at the moment," she said with a wink and a smile.

Masmune glanced over at Saeko. "Is it just the heat getting to me, or did she just try to... Flirt with us?"

Saeko frowned. "Get your head out of the gutter, Lieutenant."

"Wha- no! I didn't mean anything vulgar by that!" Masamune insisted, putting his free hand up defensively. "I was just commenting, was all!"

"Doesn't mean you weren't thinking about it."

Masamune blushed. "I mean, maybe a little, but in my honest opinion, I think the chick they've got in charge of my squadron is a little cuter-!"

Saeko reached over and flicked Masamune on the back of the head.


Overhearing the comment, Fubuki turned to Masamune. She placed one hand on her hip and the other behind her head and struck a pose. "Oh. You don't think I'm cute enough..." she said with a mischeavous smirk. "Even though you're getting a good view." She added.

"N-no, it's not like I meant it in a bad way, or anything like that!" Masamune objected. "It's just... I have my type, you know?"

Saeko flicked him on the back of the head again.

"God Dammit, would you stop that?!" Masamune scowled. "Christ, it's bad enough I have to put up with Ensign Know-It-All, here..."

"Ufufu, this is juuust what we needed," Nozomi chuckled to herself.

"Shut up and don't feed their egos!" Masamune hissed.

Rin was trying not to laugh as she watched Fubuki play around with Masamune. Plus, a little bit of fun was always good to raise their spirits right now.

Fubuki continued to smirk at Masamune. "Oh; so you have a type huh." She replied her smirk becoming wider. "So you don't like cute girls who sometimes show off their belly button," she joked, "Even if it was to use the fabric to avoid sunstroke." She couldn't help but start giggling, she was clearly loving playing around with him and winding him up. "Don't pretend like you didn't look," she winked to add the cherry on the top.

Masamune's face turned as red as a bussard collector. "N-no, I'm not saying that you aren't cute, all I was saying was- I mean, look, I'm sure there's some guy out there who'd find you right up his alley, I'm just saying I just tend to find brunettes more attractive-!"

He looked up and it suddenly dawned on him that Fubuki was, indeed, a brunette.

"Wait... shit..."

"You're hopeless," Hanna sighed, flicking Masamune on the back of the head.


That pretty much did it; the five women were practically roaring with laughter as Masamune struggled to hide his embarrassment.

"Brunettes you say..." Fubuki said continuing to smirk. "Have you not noticed the colour of my hair, or were you too busy looking at my belly button?" She asked in a flirty tone, then she began to giggle which turned into a fit of laughter. She waved her hand up and down whilst laughing.

"I will neither confirm nor deny where my eyes were," Masamune muttered, averting his gaze.

"We're just playing with you Masamune, you're just far too easy!" Fubuki laughed. She then suddenly stopped and moved in very close to him, getting nearly nose to nose with him. "Or we could be serious, afterall we could be here a long long time..." she said to him in a dead serious tone. "Making this ship go might take a few generations... You might have to put a few babies in us..."

Masamune's complexion visibly paled. "No- nonononono! I will not be consigning myself to be your personal concubine for the rest of my days!"

She couldn't keep her face straight any longer as she broke away and burst out into laughter. She was holding her stomach as she leant over laughing. "Way too easy!" She laughed "Oh wow! I really had you going!"

"Dammit," Masamune blushed. "You wanna just go ahead and hit me, Saeko? I figure I have this one coming..."

"Your wish is my command," Saeko replied, practically smacking Masamune upside the head.

"OW! Were you trying to break my neck, there?! Jesus!"

Still laughing Fubuki left the battery room followed shortly thereafter by Rin, and with Nozomi taking up the rear. "Have fun in the engine room!" She called.

"Looking forward to it!" Saeko called back before shifting her gaze back to Masamune and cracking a wry smirk. "Aren't we, Lieutenant?"

"Whoop-dee-f**king-doo," Masamune sighed.

To be continued...


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