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This is Home for a while (Part 3)

Posted on Mon Oct 23rd, 2023 @ 8:41pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Edited on on Mon Oct 23rd, 2023 @ 8:46pm

1,994 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Briefing Room

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Your mission will be simple. I want you to take one of our functional shuttlecraft. Investigate some of the old wrecks and salvage any equipment that might be useful to bolster our power reserves, or anything we can use to repair the Tokyo," she told them. "Major Shimada, Commander Nishikigi, Lieutenant Nezuko and Lieutenant Yuvek. I want you on that team. You're expertise will come in useful."

"Happily, Captain." Chiyo smiled, turning to Tatsuo. "You're going to be quite surprised at how far I've come over the past 14 years..." She said, teasingly smacking Tatsuo in the upper arm.

"I'll speak with Mister Shimada and his team, see if they can offer us some further insight into some of the derelicts that they've visited," Chisato offered. "We can cross-reference their accounts with archived schematics, determine if they have still have the vital components that we need."

Nezuko simply nodded and gave the Captain a thumbs-up.

And now the continuation...

Cardassian had ridges all over their body. The thickest were the set of ridges around their faces which gave their eyes a sunken appearance. Jasad was grateful for that physical trait otherwise the crew would have seen his eye bulging in shock and extreme displeasure at the order to assist Tatsuo in picking for scraps.

Taiga then turned her attention to the Engineer, Lieutenant Amari. "I understand why Lieutenant Rea chose to focus on repairs," she stated simply. "I gather you have a report from engineering?"

Amari had remained relatively quiet during the briefing so far, mostly to allow the senior officers to discuss matters and partly because she was still a little drained. "Yes Sir." She pulled a Padd from her pocket and looked through her notes she had written by hand in her own language, her ocular implant still acting up. "The warp core is offline, we're investigating a problem in the cooling system we found as we were entering the atmosphere, the fusion generators are keeping the basic systems online but I would not stress them by trying to use any primary systems."

Taiga nodded. "How's the hull looking?" She asked simply. "I guess the big question is, will she y again?" She asked referring to the Tokyo.

"We're not certain yet." Amari replied. "We are still waiting on a few more reports from teams looking over the hull, the dorsal hull looks to be in good condition, we can't get to several sections of the ventral hull yet and the warp nacelles are quite well buried in the sand, we'll need to remove a lot of it before we can asses how damaged they are." She knew the warp nacelles would have taken damage, sticking down as they were below the ship they'd have taken the brunt of the crash landing.

"Utilise who you can to prioritise repairs. If we're going to get off this planet its best we try earlier than later." Taiga said. "Top priority is to get the Tokyo back into a condition where we can fly again. Ideally I don't want to be here any minute longer than we have to be."

"We will do our best Sir." Amari replied, it was going to be a lot of work though and she needed to fully fix herself before she could do much more to help the ship.

Next Taiga looked over towards their acting chief medical officer, Amu. She had taken the role once again, now that Commander Febin was in a critical condition. She was next in line and most qualified to take on the role. "Doctor..." is all Taiga said.

Amu let out a sigh in response, that was never good coming from anyone. But this table had been far from good news recently. "Most of the crew are accounted for. We've still got thirty six people, all from the flight deck unaccounted for. We believe they are buried under the sand that now covers the area."

Thats where Ryuuji peaked in. "I have crews attempting to dig away the sand. But with only basic tools, its going to take a while. We're moving a desert in there. Not to mention, we don't have access to the flight deck doors. So its not exactly like we can throw it out, we're just moving it around."

Taiga sighed. "I have to accept that we're always going to lose people, its one of the risks of wearing this uniform." She explained to them all, taking a moment to look at them each in turn. "However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. If Mister Shimada can stay alive here for fourteen years, on a Starship that has not even one fifteenth of supplies of ours, then we can do this. I want you all to make sure that everyone on this ship knows and understands. We will get out of this, alive and if not. We will find a way to contact Starfleet and we will not abandon our morals." She gave a quick glance over to Tatsuo before she turned back to the rest of the crew.

"Yes, maintaining our morals is of the utmost importance." Lt. Yuvek said purposely louder than normal as he shifted his gaze from the Captain to Mr. Shimada.

"Oh, before we do end this meeting..." Taiga said. She glanced over at Ryuuji, her voice was a little softer and more casual than normal. "I do have a small announcement that I need to tell you all. Under normal circumstances I would have waited a little longer, but I believe its important that you know this now."

Taiga looked down at the table before looking back up at her staff. "I have been made aware that we have a couple of officers who are currently expecting children," her eyes looked straight at Talia, and then at Amu. "So, first of all, congratulations to you two. I want you to know that this is going to be difficult in our current condition. So everyone should be supportive of them and assist when they can." She then took a larger breath. "On the same subject, I am also expecting a child." She lowered a hand down and placed it on her belly under the table. "That however does not mean I am incapable of running this ship, and getting us out of this. I don't want any special treatment in my daily tasks. I am making you all aware of this as it may be something we have to take into account one day."

More babies! Nezuko clapped excitedly, her lips curling up behind her respirator. The ship would soon have so much more love in it!

Lieutenant Yuvek sighed inwardly and shook his head gently. The revelation that the Captain was with child made this situation go from bad to dramatically worse.

"You're pregnant?!" Chisato gasped, practically springing out of her chair with uncontrollable excitement. "Captain, that's... ohmigoshohmigosh, this is amazing! And Counselor Johnson and Doctor Hinamori, too?! I'm going to have to start sewing up some baby blankets! Oh, and then we can have a baby shower, or a gender reveal party, or-!"

"Commander..." Taiga said calmly. "Maybe we should focus on the bigger picture here. We're currently still crash landed on this desert planet. There will be time for celebrations later. Right now we have bigger fish to fry."

Chiyo and Tatsuo both smiled at the captain's revelation. Tatsuo could only imagine similar merriment between the marines of the Redemption's successor vessel. However, when Tatsuo turned to his betrothed, he noticed a certain sadness betraying Chiyo's smile, suggesting that perhaps her pregnancy reveal had been less glamorous than this. Though Tatsuo ultimately didn't decide to read too deeply into it.

"Is there anything else anyone else wants to bring up?" Taiga asked quickly as she looked around the room.

"Ah, yes; my department report:" Chiyo said. "Captain Beurling reports all marines are accounted for. Unfortunately, it seems some of our equipment was damaged in the crash. Most notably our escort fighters. As such, when it comes to auxiliary craft, we're going to have to make do with whatever shuttles survived the crash landing. As for the rest of the damaged goods, we're still taking stock, which unfortunately will take some time, especially if there was any marine ordinance that was damaged; as that will require great care to ensure the damaged ordinance is diffused safely."

"Flight Control is. . .incapacited to put it mildly." Lieutenant Yuvek reported from where he sat in the room.

"Shuttlebay 2 is completely buried in sand. There were at least 6 crewman either working in or around that area prior to the crash. They have not been accounted for, so I'm assuming they were killed in the crash or buried within the sand." The Cardassian reported grimly.

"Shuttlebay 1 is still accesible; however, it did sustain damage. We still have access to 2 Delta Flyers, 1 Argo Transport, and both Marine Landing Crafts." He said. "The damage to the Type IX, VI, & VIII shuttles was minor enough that they can be repaired and made serviceable." He stated.

"However, the Danube Runabouts are significantly damaged and I doubt we will the necessary power to replicate the tools and parts necessary to repair them." He continued.

"Salvage parts from where you can to get as many of our auxiliary craft back up and running. We'll be needing them to run salvage operations and assist in external repairs," Taiga said. "For the mission I have you assigned to, use one of the delta flyers. They're a reliable strong design and should provide reliable in this situation."

"Yes ma'am, we'll get started on getting things ready." The Helmsman replied.

After everyone had finished Taiga looked around for a brief few moments. "We will get out of this. It might take some time; we might even have some additional crew. But, we will make it back to Federation space. You all have your orders. Dismissed".

With the briefing dismissed Talia got to her feet, if this was going to be home for a while she’d no doubt be kept busy with Counselling appointments. She’d do everything she could to put people’s minds at rest.

Before the room had emptied out, Amu's comm badge chirpped and the voice of nurse Miyafuji echoed out across the room. "Miyafuji to doctor Hinamori..."

Amu tapped her comm badge. "Yes Yoshika? Is everything ok?"

"Doctor..." it was noticable that the warrant officer was upset, and her sniffled showed she was fighting back tears. "Amu, its Febin. We had him on intensive care as you ordered... however..."

A moment of deathly silence fell upon the room. Taiga froze looking directly at one of the bulkheads. Yoshika didn't even need to say it, everyone in the room already knew. It seemed to last forever, the deathly silence that hung in the air, the sudden drop in mood and the instant feeling of grief that hit every single one of them in the room. It was awful, it was a feeling that no one every enjoyed. But one no one could ever forget.

"Understood Yoshika. I'll be down there shortly..." Amu replied her gaze lowered to the floor as she tapped her comm badge. "Captain..."

Taiga nodded. "Go do what needs to be done. I'll not it in the ships logs..." with that said she briskly walked towards the door and left the room, leaving the rest of the senior staff in silence.

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Acting Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Amari
Engineering Officer

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
USS Redemption Security Officer

Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji


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