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Caught with our pants down!

Posted on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 8:29am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Amari

1,353 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: USS Tokyo

The Tokyo shook violently, the Red Alert Klaxons wailed out as sparks erupted from consoles around the bridge. Taiga was nearly thrown out of her chair as the ship's inertial dampness finally kicked it.

"Report!" Taiga called out.

"Captain, an Elachi ship just appeared, almost right on top of us. They've opened fire on us and somehow disabled our shields!" He reported quickly. The Tokyo shook again, this time more violently as the Elachi ship continued its barrage against the Starships armored hull.

"Internal sensors are registering transporter signatures on decks, four, five, nine and fifteen. We're being boarded!" He quickly added.

Taiga instantly jumped out of her chair. They seemed to be beaming into decks where the majority of the crew and the evacuees were located. "Captain to all hands. Intruder Alert. We have Elachi on board, arm yourselves and defend your positions!"

She quickly moved over to the weapons locker on the bridge and opened it with her command codes. "Everyone grab a phaser!" She ordered as she took a type two and clipped ot to her belt.

Lt. Jasad Yuvek gripped the console as he was thrusted forward into it. Short range sensors detected the immediate arrival of the Elachi attacker. He saw that all of the dispatched fighters were out of range to immediately engage the Elachi vessel.

"Recall our fighters, tell them we're under attack and need their firepower!" She ordered.

"Understood!" Lt. Yuvek shouted over the blaring Klaxon.

"Tokyo to all Fighters, we are under attack. I say again, we are under attack. Break off all current engagements and target the Elachi vessel." The Cardassian dispatched.

The gruff Klingon's voice could be called directing airpower over anyone listening to the network. =/\="This is Shell-Squid to Harley Squadron, Scramble, launch and intercept Elachi vessel. Triumph, Ducati and Yamaha Squadrons move to converge on and intercept Elachi vessel. Fire at will."=/\=

Taiga swiftly moved to the tactical station on the bridge. She relieved the young Ensign there. "I'll take it from here," she said simply as her fingers ran across the smooth surface of the controls.

"You are NOT doing this to me again!" The Captain growled angrily as she took control of the Tokyo's weapons. "Take this!"

Bright orange beams erupted from the Tokyo's phaser banks, laying down continous fire one by one on the Elachi vessel. Along with the quick phaser fire the Tokyo unleashed spreads of Quantum Torpedoes that struck the alien ships hull.

The Elachi ship started to pull away, trying to cross the Tokyo's bow. "Oh no you don't!" Taiga said angrily. "Lieutenant, screw this. Chase them down! They're not getting away this time!"

Lt. Yuvek shared the Captain's anger. He was not going to be a helpless victim for another invading enemy. If the ship went down, then that Elachi vessel was going to go down with them in the same ball of flames.

He watched the power distribution shift significantly to offensive systems. He saw that the Captain had also diverted additional power to a particular weapons system. Whatever it was, he was almost certain that Captain Taiga wanted to ram it down the Elachi's throat.

Lt. Yuvek knew that to get optimal firing solution the ship would have to maneuver above the Elachi vessel in a slight diagonal pattern to allow the ship to maintain a lock on the vessel while firing continuously. He decreased the speed of the Tokyo to allow a wide gap to form behind and above the Elachi vessel.

"I've always wanted to fire these..." Taiga said as a mischievous almost evil smile spread across her face. As the Tokyo stuck behind the Elachi vessel it unleashed its most formidable weapons, the Type 13 Quad Phaser Cannons that were mounted just above the ship's main deflector.

The burst or orange phaser cannon fire ripped through the Elachis shields causing them to collapse. Any normal Starfleet Commander would probably have ended it there. But not Taiga Aisaka, no, they had cost her too much and had already caused too much damage to get ship and her crew. The Elachi vessel finally exploded after a spread of well aimed Quantum Torpedoes along with more phaser cannons fire ripped through their hull.

Moklor and Teela's fighters sped faster to cut off the Tokyo as it made its approach. Bright amber flashes from their microphasers could been seen pelting the hull of the ship as the fighters sped to get out of the carrier's way.

The massive carrier and the diminutive fighters flew off in opposite directions as the enemy ship exploded behind them.

"Nice flying Lieutenant," Taiga said to Yuvek as she handed the tactical console back to the Ensign. "Have our fighters regroup and begin escorting the evacuation shuttles and securing the system. There might be more Elachi out there..." she said as she walked over to the weapons locker and pulled out a phaser rifle.

Lt. Yuvek smiled proudly as he saw the multiple explosions rip through the various sections of the vessel. It was obvious that the vessel did not anticipate the Starfleet vessel to have such a powerful weapon as there were no signs of any lifepods or escape crafts being launched before the vessel was destroyed.

Moklor laughed as Teela and his fighter formed up with the rest of Yamaha squadron and circled back to watch the explosion. Moklor laughed to himself, thinking of how angry the Cardassian had been when had had sung earlier. Now he could share the memory of singing with the bridge crew not long before this glorious moment.

Perhaps one day Moklor would create a verse praising the Cardassian helmsman of the Tokyo.. The more it annoyed Jasad, the better. "Qapla!" Moklor shouted to himself in his cockpit.

"I'm getting every last one of those bastards off my ship!" Taiga said as she pointed at three security officers to join her.

"Ma'am!" Lt. Yuvek shouted as he stood from his console. "You are the Commander of this ship. Your place is here on the bridge. Not in a shoot-out in the lower decks." The Helmsman said.

"The mission and ship can afford to lose any of us." He said, pointing to the crew on the bridge. "But we can't afford to have you captured. . .not like before. I suggest you seal off the bridge and monitor from here." He implored.

"Yeah, I'm not taking that," Taiga said as she stepped into the turbolift. "Plus, I have a score to settle with them. The bridge is yours!". With that said the turbolift doors swished closed.

"skrăgh" The Cardassian swore in his native language as he punched the back of his console chair. He made his way across the bridge silently and took the Captain's chair and slowly sank into it.

There was a dead pause throughout the bridge for several moments before Lt. Yuvek looked at the remaining bridge crewman who were awaiting further orders. "Well. . .don't just stand there get me our team on the station. We need to coordinate a proper response while still evacuating the survivors." He said as he leaned back into the chair.

"Reinforce the deck forcefields on decks 4, 5, 9, and 15. I want to make sure that whatever invaders were able to get on board stay confined to whatever deck they've landed on." Lt. Yuvek said.

"Aye sir" The ensign who had returned back to Tactical replied.


"Commander Johnson to Tokyo, what is your situation." Thomas inquired ducking behind a console once again. He figured if this is the situation here, they were more than likely in the same boat.

"We've been boarded by Elachi," Taiga replied. It seemed evident from her voice that the Captain was moving, possibly walking or rushing somewhere. "We're repelling boarding teams Commander, however we've managed to destroy their ship. Make sure to drive them off the station and continue the evacuation." Taiga replied.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Comanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer


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