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Intel Reporting

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 @ 4:40pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Kalmar Okinami Sci.D.

758 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Captains Ready Room

The tall, masked Xelatian stood outside the ready room, poking the door chime button with one of his four arm tentacles. Kalmar's Intel gray overcoat covered his body from neck to the end of his leg tentacles. He planned on reporting to the commanding officer of the Tokyo, who from her service record seemed a bit feisty, to say the least.

Taiga looked up at the door. She had just finished her personal log reviewing the mission which involved a mention of the new Intelligence Chief.
"Come in" she called simply as she saved the log file into the ships auxiliary computer core.

Stepping in, making sure to duck before his head hit the lintel. Lazily raising one of his tentacles in a salute, the towering officer replied in a synthetic baritone, "Good afternoon, Commander. I am Lieutenant Okinami, your new Chief of Intelligence." The single, probing eye that peered out from behind his mask seemed to be sizing her up, trying to decipher who this woman was, and what made her tick.

Taiga had never seen a Xelatian before so it was safe to say she was a little taken aback by his size and appearance. She knew they were a race that lived in deep seas but she wasn't execting this at all. But regardless she looked him over quickly.
"Erm, Well. Welcome to the Tokyo Lieutenant. I'm sorry, but I've never met someone from your species before" she explained. "You can sit down if you like?" she asked. She actually wasn't sure if he did sit down, or what the appropriate gesture was.

"Why thank you, Commander." It was a bit awkward to sit down, and Kalmar had to adjust his respiratory piping, but he had gotten used to chairs over the years. Making himself comfortable, Kalmar asked innocently "So, what have you been up to lately?" As if he hadn't already read a full report of the Tokyo's last mission.

"Well, you're intelligence aren't you. You probably already know" Taiga explained. "But if you want me to recite why the Tokyo, a brand new starship is as damaged as she is, then we ran into some trouble inside Romulan space with the Tal Shiar". Taiga had been told that this officer was essential for their next mission, no doubt he knew things she didn't about where the Tokyo was going next, especially since they were now holding position on the Romulan border.

Kalmar nodded his head. "Well, we at Starfleet Intelligence are very grateful to you for proving our suspicions of a Romulan station in this sector correct. I take it you have been contacted by your superiors about the mission? I can't tell you myself, I'm not allowed to."

"Not yet" Taiga said. "I'm expecting a call sometime soon" she explained. It felt like she was explaining herself to a superior officer. "So, anyways" she said changing the topic of conversation. "The Tokyo has a small intelligence suite, as far as I know you're the only Intelligence officer aboard at this moment" Taiga explained. "I was also wondering, do your quarters need special modifications to accomodate for your needs?" she asked hoping that it was polite enough to ask.

Kalmar nodded again in verification. "Ops will need to convert my quarters into a Class-O environment. They'll know what I'm talking about, Commander." Pausing for a moment, he asked "Did you happen to retreive any computer records from that Romulan station?"

"I see. Lieutenant Mimi is head of Operations so she can assist with the modifications" Taiga explained. "As for the computer information yes we did" she said. She pulled open a drawer in her ready room and pulled out a Romulan PaDD. "We picked this up from their intelligence center. I've already had it translated and it is a set of co-ordinates not far from the Romulan Station. This information has already been passed on to Intelligence" she explained as she pushed the PaDD across the desk.

"This will have to be investigated further," replied Kalmar, snagging the PADD and placing it under his coat. "Is that all, Commander?"

"Yes Lieutenant" Taiga said. "Unless there is anything else you wish to discuss, then by all means dimissed".

Kalmar shook his head. "I shall see you around, Commander." Jerkily getting up from his chair, Kalmar proceeded towards the door. Waving a tentacle in a good bye gesture, he strolled out into the hallway, letting the door shut behind him.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Kalmar Okinami Sci.D
Chief Intelligence Officer


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