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The quiet Yeoman

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 @ 4:39pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'

1,110 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Captain'sReady room.


Lily Halden straightened her jacket as she had separated from her husband the new Wing Commanding Officer; or whatever his new title was, she knew he would be flying and fighting to protect her and this ship so the title of his position did little to change how her nerves viewed things. She walked off teh bridge and towards the Ready Room. She had been warned not to disturb the Captain as she is in a foul temperament but as being the newest yeoman to the Captain she felt she had to report Directly. What kind of a first impression would hiding behind the Executive Officer would that make about Halden?

With the PADD clutched closer to her chest she approached the door to teh ready room; she had been a linguist before this and when Nicolas was transferred the only opening for her rank was the Captain's Yeoman. Lily did not mean to be promoted; or to get what most call a 'coveted' position yet here she was outside the Commanding Officer's Ready Room with orders in her hand.

She rang the chime and did her best to give that authoritive posture.

"Come in" Taiga called from inside the room.

Halden had her hands in front of her trying not to wring her hands whlie stepping forward into the Ready Room. It had been nearly a year and a half since she had to be under a new Commanding Officer, she kept her eyes straight as she went forward to stop within reach of the desk.

"Ensign-Lily-Halden-reporting-ma'am." She handed the PADD over to her new commanding Officer. "I- I -am -your-new-y-yoman Captain." She spoke in a recessive voice.

Taiga looked up from her desk at the woman. She seemed a little wet behind the ears with the way she talked.
"Erm... are you ok?" she asked simply. "Or are you going to stand there all day shaking like a Caitain on the Titanic?"

"The USS Titanic is not on the rosters or in the current Chatter of the Com channels of this sector in the last few months I-I have been translating in the Sector boardering the Romulan Empire so I am a bit out of the loop on your refernces Captain." She replied. "M-my last assignment was as a translator ma'am."

Taiga let out a sigh. "I meant the RMS Titanic" she said. "I suggest you look back on Earth history sometime" Taiga explained. She took the PADD up off the desk and quickly looked it over. "You were a translator, why are you assigned as Yeoman duties?" Taiga asked. She knew that the woman would be better serving as a communications officer, they were always needed on carrier style vessels.

"I-it was the only open poasition for my rank and duty slots as my husband was transferred as the Squadron Commander. SO I took it; I assure you that I am up for the jo as the Yeoman's job is mostly communications support for the Commanding Officer and I can make sure any reports or data is translated into federation standard along with my clearances to have Security Grade Translations ma'am. I used to do Translations of Romulan and Cardassian for my former Intel Officer."

Taiga stared at her for a few seconds. "I see" Taiga said. She pulled out a green PADD from her desk drawer, one she had picked up from the Commanders office on the Romulan Starbase. She slid it over the desk towards the young woman. "This is a Romulan PADD I picked up on the last mission, I've been trying to translate it. The PADD won't let our computers extract the information, but only display it in Romulan on the screen. Can you translate it, possibly into either English or Japanese"

Halden looked at the datum on the PADD she began to think of the translation and the fact that this was a very simple bit of data. She tilt her head as she verified the data she looked up at the Captain with an analyzing expression on her face.

"Are you trying to test me ma'am?" Halden glanced again at the PADD. "It is just a set of cooordinates that are in the Neutral Zone, My husband and I were on an Akira CLass patrolling that sector a year back or so." She handed her the PADD with astrological coordinates. "That was a simple numbers translation ma'am."

Taiga smiled at her as she took the PADD. "Thanks" she said as she stood up. "I need you to imput these co-ordinates into the computer. There is something there I know it" she explained. "Take that as a field test" Taiga explained. She walked around the desk and passed Lily. "From now on, you can be my yeoman, when not doing that role consider yourself in command of the Communications sub department under Operations" she said.

Lily started slightly. "C-Command, Ma'am? I'm n-not trained for command even of a sub-d-department," she said, starting to sound panicked.

"Well you'll soon learn" Taiga said. "Commander Takasu can help with anything you need to know, so can Lieutenant Mimi, she's your superior"

Lily opened her mouth but for a second nothing came out. Seven langauges. She knew seven languages and she couldn't think of a single thing to say. "M-ma'am, I- I'm not sure-" she tried to argue a little more but seemed to wilt and lose steam until she sputtered into silence.

"You'll learn" Taiga said. "You're qualifications are good enough to run communications, you speak how many languages?"

"Seven. Trill, Gaimon, Dominionese, Klingonese, Vulcan, Romulan, and Cardassian. I'm learning C-caitian, too. I should be considered fluent shortly," she said. "B-but knowing languages won't t-tell me how to command anyone."

"Think of it this way. You can swear and tell people off in different languages. Why do you think I enjoy yelling at junior officers in Japanese?" Taiga said with a slight smile.

"Y-you do realize t-that Japanese is in the Universal t-translator?" Lily pointed out.

"Yeah. But I've programmed it to stop translating Japanese" Taiga said with a grin. "It makes it more interesting" she explained. She could see that the young woman was nervous, but she hoped that a positive relationship between them was going to help her become a little more confident. "I would like you to talk to Lieutenant Mimi, she's Chief of Operations. Tell her that you'll be assisting in communications. I'm sure you'll propser there"

"O-okay ma'am." Lily agreed. "C-can I go n-now I have to t-talk with some people?"

"Yes" Taiga said "Dismissed"

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lily Halden
Yeoman/ Wife
PNPC of Trigman.


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