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Touring The Flight Deck

Posted on Sat Dec 24th, 2022 @ 5:25am by Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Mikoto Roromiya & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’

1,934 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Deck 19 - Through Hangar Bay

Moklor and Talanna began searching for Chief Warrant Officer Roromiya soon after leaving the warmth of the Danube class runabout. “Have you seen photos of her in her file, sir?” Ensign Teela hadn’t and wasn’t sure who to look for.

“I am sure she is closer than we realize Ensign”, Lt. Cmdr. Moklor replied. “She said she would meet us here.”

Suddenly a small child came running around the corner. The young girl with short brown hair, Hazel eyes was no older than ten years. She seemed to be in a rush, occasionally looking back. It was during one of these 'looks' that she ran full pelt into the bigger Klingon, knocking her to the ground.

Moklor took a step back in an attempt to lessen the impact. Ensign Teela leaned down to quickly help the child up.

"I apologize, little one", Moklor said. He looked around the scene in confusion. Various shuttles flew in and out of the large through bay. Even more craft were being worked on by the typically color-coded staff. Sparks were flying as technicians completed structural repairs. Weapons were even be loaded onto Valkyrie fighters not far from where they stood.

"You must be more careful", the Klingon said through his attempt at a smile.. He felt worried that she could have gotten hurt.

"Sir, be nice", Ensign Teela interrupted. "We're sorry."

"And so should she" an emotionless voice said. Before the girl knew, she had been lifted up by the back of her collar and lifted into the air. There stood a Human looking woman, however her ears were Vulcan. It was obvious that she possessed a lot of strength too.

"Put me down!" The girl said whilst she wriggled helplessly.

"It is only logical for you to apologise to the Lieutenant Commander Mikoto. You have been told about running around the ship before" the woman said.

Mikoto seemed to sulk. "What if I don't?"

The woman turned her around, still holding her in the air. "If you do not. We will be having a 'conversation' again"

Mikoto shuddered. The woman turned her again to face the Klingon.

"Sorry Mister Klingon sir! I have been warned about running around the ship" she said with a bow of her head. She let out a little yelp as the woman released her grip and she fell, this time landing on her feet.

"I apologise for my daughters behaviour. She is more Human and fan be... challenging" the woman said. "I am Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya."

Moklor looked from Karuta, to Talanna, to Mikoto. "It is I who should apologize", he said to Mikoto. "I guess you startled me. I am sorry." His alien features softened into a natural smile. She had stepped into his blind spot in a way that subconsciously reminded him of space combat. The downside of having Klingon instincts was that he could be startled easily.

Ensign Teela spoke to Chief Warrant Officer Roromiya as Moklor apologized. "We're both very excited to be here." She spoke much faster than Moklor.

Moklor turned back to Karuta. "It is an honor to meet you, Chief." He understood that he outranked her, but she was experienced in this bay. "Please tell us more about this ship."

"I'm gather you are the new CAG?" Karuta asked.

“Indeed. I am Lieutenant Commander Moklor, son of K’raQ.” He continued about the ship in a more excited tone. “The Tokyo is one of the most advanced carriers in the fleet. Much different than something like the Lyon.”

Ensign Teela interjected, “he was going on and on about this ship throughout the entire trip”, she said to Karuta.

Karuta didn't respond to the Klingons enthusiasm. "Indeed" she responded plainly. "The Tokyo is a highly advanced vessel, which aspect are you curious about?" She asked him as she quickly grabbed Mikotos arm who had become distracted and showed signs of wandering off again.

“Like the engineering bays. You see. This ship is so much more than a carrier.” His eyes met hers for a moment as he studied her Vulcan mannerisms. Her half human nature had confused him at first.

“Tell me.. How large are they? Big enough to replicate fighter parts and construct them?” The USS Hiryu had also been a large ship with similar bays. His mind filled with a hundred questions.

"Indeed" Karuta replied. "The Tokyo has designated engineering and maintenance bays for our Starfighter compliment. Many of our systems are also automated" she explained as she began to lead them towards one of the bays. "If you have the time. I can show you all areas relating to the Flight Deck?"

“Please do”, Moklor replied. It took him a few moments to relate to the Vulcan’s mentality. “I’ve also heard there is a complex lift system.” The Hiryu had elevators, but they were much more rudimentary in design.

Karuta nodded. She let go of her daughters arm. "Return to our quarters. Stay there." she ordered her simply. Mikoto nodded and trotted off.

"You will have to forgive my daughter being around the flight deck. She knows the rules, and does obey them; most of the time. However being three quarters Human, she is more emotional than my other children" Karuta explained. "Regardless..."

"The flight deck has entrance at both ends. We launch craft forward and land them aft." she told them indicating to the two large space doors. "For quick deployment we can either catapult them out through the doors, or we can also use the tractor beams to iniate a burst to propel the craft forward" she pointed out the catapults built into the flight decks floor and the tractor emitters which could be raised out of the deck.

"Upon entry, pilots can land manually or be guided in via tractor beams. We can land two Starfighters side by side using the beams. A full squadron of twelve Starfighters can be placed upon the flight deck at any one time"

Karuta indicated to the ceiling of the bay where a haxaganol protrusion hung from. "That is the Tactical Information Center. It is positioned in the very center and all systems and flight deck operations, as well as surrounding space can be managed from there. That is where I will land and park fighters"

Moklor's eyes were wide as they followed the guidance of CWO Roromiya. "I feel more acquainted already." It had been nearly ten years since he'd been on such a flight deck. The Tokyo made the Lyon look like a Ferengi Marauder.

"I've never been on any ship like this", Ensign Teela said. "Not even close."

"The Armitage Class are unique, there are only four... I mean three. The Starship Oceania was destroyed in our previous encounter with the Tal Shiar and Elachi" Karuta told them. She quickly changed the subject. "Each pilot has their own personal Starfighter, allowing for personalisation. Would you like to examine the ones assigned to you?"

Moklor lowered his head and held his hand to his heart out of respect for a moment. As the thought of examining the new fighter was brought up, Moklor snapped attentively. "Please show us our fighters. Ensign Teela will be joining me in Squadron A. Also Chief.. Please let me know if there is any way I can be of help to you in your role."

"I shall" Karuta said. "Our Starfighters are stored in wracke which slot into storage hangers". Slowly she approached a reinforced door to the side of the flight deck with a large 'A' Painted on it.

"Your command codes should be already installed. You can request your Starfighter to be put on the deck. The Computer will activate the deployment machiery, your Starfighter will be brought from the storage wracks and placed in the yellow square you see before you. It can then be prepared for launch" she explained to him, indicating with her hand for him to try it.

The Klingon stepped closer to a terminal near the door and said. "Computer.." It beeped in acknowledgment. "Retrieve fighter.. Commander Moklor.. Authorization Gamma Alpha Six Four."

A sudden flash of movement opened a large bay door. Large wracks carrying individual fighters spun under a whir of energy. One row of fighters traveled quickly along the horizontal plane. A single ship was pushed towards through the middle and out of the central hangar's door.

A valkyrie fighter now sat in front of the group, bright lights reflecting off the polished windscreen.

"This system must save so much time", he said to the group. Getting a fighter to its final storage place aboard starbases could be much more tedious. Moklor approached the fighter and ran his large hand along the side of it.

"You know? I think I will take the ship out for a flight." Moklor turned to Ensign Teela. "And you shall be at my side. Stand by to ready your fighter as well."

Talanna looked to CWO Roromiya. "Should I just... Walk up to it and say my code?" Ensign Teela was less confident about using the interface. She wasn't sure if she'd already been assigned to Squadron A's fighter.

"Yes, your codes should work" Karuta replied. "As for the deployment system, we can deploy four fighters at the same time" she told them indicating to other doors with 'B,C & D' painted on them. "The wracks can also be accessed from the maintenance and armament bays"

"Excellent", Moklor replied. Ensign Teela replaced him at the interface and spoke next.

"Computer. Retrieve fighter, Authorization Beta Omega Nine Three." Talanna spoke and watched with delight.

Moklor's fighter slid forward as the door opened. Most columns of ships were tilted vertically. As they spun, one row fell along the horizontal plane. The fourth ship on was pushed out of the hangar to line up behind the first.

Moklor turned from admiring the ships back to the air boss. "Inform the ground crew to ready these ships for flight within the hour", Moklor said. "And Chief Roromiya.. Thank you for this most helpful welcome."

Karuta simply nodded. "Welcome aboard the Tokyo Commander, Ensign. I shall ensure your fighters will be equipped for launch. However I will need a flight plan from you both. Beta Antares fleet yards will request one".

"The flight plan will be fully prepared before launch", replied Moklor. "I forsee a course towards Emila II. I noticed an old station on scanners along our flight. It will make an interesting waypoint." The planet was not the destination, but rather the mining depot roughly along the course towards it. The planet was fairly close to Risa within the Cabral sector, though still far for a fighter.

Talanna had wondered what the old Klingon had been scanning for throughout the trip.

"Very well" Karuta said in response. "I shall co-ordinate your launch from the TIC". With that she gave them both a nod of her head before striding off towards one of the access doors.

The two officers quickly returned farewell glances to the Air Boss. Moklor turned to Talanna next. "Ensign. Drop off your bags and return immediately for flight."

"Yes sir", she replied. The pair soon left for the nearest turbo lift. Talanna had to pause and dig out a PADD from her bag to double check her room's location. The officers were sent housing information prior to their transfer.

"Deck 17", Moklor reminded her as they exited a nearby access door.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Commander Air Group

Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya
Air Boss

Ensign Talanna Teela
Fighter Pilot

Mikoto Roromiya


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